
Ainz Having fun in the New World

Momong gets transported to a new world alone with Shalltear and Albedo ,no Nazzarick but he does have the staff of Ainz Ool Gown with him, what could this mean? ........ Ainz X Albedo X Shalltear Ainz has a non-undead body Ainz didn't alter Albedo’s settings to love him so none of that remorse he has about it in canon bur he did removed that part about her being a slut Ainz becomes daddy Ainz in the future. I will try to write a good story that isn't ridiculous, the will he divergence from Canon not alot but enough

Xinum_Sensational · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


I'm sorry sir but there's no exception to that rule, all new adventurers must begin at copper plate"

"Why, I can prove that I'm far more powerful that any copper so why?"

The young woman started to panic a little when Momon asked the question , she didn't know the answer to that a that requirement for the job was being able to read and write  and she was simply told the rules and has never asked plus she has never met  a person that did not want to start from Copper plate, that's because already the veterans were already adventurers or knights or working as guard for noble so only newbies came to register or rather nobody questioned the rule and accepted it as is.

"I'm sorry sir that's just the rule"

"this is why I asked for the guild master, please go get him this is becoming a waste of time."

Momon didn't like being unreasonable and  make things difficult for people simply doing their Jobs but he can't really compromise, he needed to gain money fast and stop being dependent on the king for support, plus he found himself feeling responsible for Albedo and Shalltear so as the leader he had to provide to a certain extent or perhaps it's his instinct as men to provide.

The receptionist woman decided it best to do as he said and  left for the guild master, once she left Ainz turned around to get a look of the guild and see what kind of people adventurers are and maybe find an ally to do quests with. Ainz's eyes swept the guild and everywhere he looked there were eyes already staring at him, he figured it was because of his armor  and a nod to himself for making the right call. He was hoping that there would be a few that want to rob him once he exits the guild so that he can turn the tables on them and  get some information from them, adventurers hold a lot of information.

After  a few minutes of Ainz getting stared down  by the adventurers in the guild the receptionist girl came back with a tall Blonde man wearing civilian like clothing, the man had a scar on the side if his face that ran down from beneath his right eye Down to his chin.

"Excuse Me sir I've brought the guild master."

Ainz was quite shocked, he had expected to be called to the office of the guild master not for the master to come to him.

"guild master I am honored that you would come yourself"

"I heard you say you don't want to begin as a copper plate, why is that"

The guild master asked, he quite curious  about this individual who deems himself above the rules, even the nobles brats that come here to register never complain about starting from a copper plate so this was interesting scenario for him.

"I believe my skills are far superior to a copper plate that is why I refuse to begin as a copper plate"

Ainz stated, he was aware he sounded arrogant at this moment but he said what he said and wasn't going to back down.

"I see but I'm afraid we can't do that, if your skill exceed copper plate then you should be able to rank up quite easily"

"true but even if I showed skill that was around  platinum level you would still not rank me up until I have been an adventurer "long enough" to earn it wouldn't you?"

"Well we can't simply a give you a rank like that, other adventurers have been stuck on the same rank we—"

"Exactly my point, why is it you cater to weaklings who can't bring the results needed to rank up, if a person is strong enough and can show it then they should be given the proper rank,  purposely hindering those with skill because they're new just to preserve the sense of superiority of lesser skilled  adventurers is disingenuous, an organization like the adventurers guild should promote strength above all else"

Ainz explained, his words causing a few adventurers to be insulted  while a at the same time a few others are nodding their heads. The guild master lacked a response to Ainz's words, what he said wasn't wrong , the main purpose of  making everyone begin at copper plate was to keep the playing field fair so that there won't  any who are disheartened and quit due to unfairness.

"Let me present you with a scenario"

Ainz's began once more gaining the attention of the guild master as he pulled him  from his thoughts.

"Say there's a  knight on the same level as Gazeff stronoff and due to complications he ends up with massive debt and the debt collectors give him a month to settle the debt. being a knight didn't pay well  so he chooses to be an adventurer in hopes that his skill will help him get higher pay quests but once he becomes an adventurer he is forced to do copper plate quest that pay very little  would he able to pay his debt"

"Personal matters are not the guilds responsibility"

"oh okay  another scenario then, there's an emergency quest that pays really well but there aren't any high level adventurers all of them are on a quest or too far away, now there's a the same knight from out previous scenario he is present and has the skill to handle the quest, would you able to allow him? if you do he can save lives but because  he is a copper plate he isn't allowed to take the quest resulting in casualties.  So would you willingly prevent him from saving lives just because he I a copper plate?"

The guild master couldn't argue back against Ainz  all he could do is contemplate in Silence he wasn't able to come up with a counter argument but at the same time did not want to concede.

"if you can prove that you are worth more than a copper plate then fine we'll give you the appropriate rank"

"that's an easy matter to prove if there are any adventurers here that are Gold to adamantine class  I'll duel any of those and prove my rank is above copper plate"

A Bold declaration that didn't go unnoticed by the adventurers as majority of them suddenly sat up straight to listen.

"The hell he say?"

"is he underestimating us"

"Damn  noble needs to be taught a lesson"

Various responses from the adventurers came, most were responses that were quite pissed at the idea that a newbie adventurer could best them in combat  with a few who smiled approving of the boldness from Ainz.

Eondor took a swig from his cup and  slammed it down creating a loud noise and gaining the attention of everyone present, he exhaled a breath before starring up and looked straight at Ainz.

"You got some nerve coming in here and making a declaration like that"

He spoke before slowly  rising from his seat, he took a step forward and walked towards The black armored  individual. His face was sour in mood and he had a scowl that looked at Ainz with annoyance.

As he made hid way towards the Armored Momon, whispers began to go around the adventurers guild as multiple adventurers recognized him.

"I didn't  think he was here in the capital"

"is the really him? The Gold rank: nut cracker?

"He looks shorter than I thought:

The adventurers whispered, Eondor was quite famous in the guild, he wasn't on the same level as Blue rose famous but he was quite well known, he even had his own moniker

"You think it's easy being an adventurer  huh,  you think you can just walk in here and demanded to be a higher rank. You think you don't deserve to start from the bottom, you're somehow special is that it?"

He closed the gap and was now within Inches away from Ainz, though he wished to be intimidating  due to Ainz's height that seemed  to be difficult so Eondor had to stare up at Ainz rather than down.

"I do not think I'm special in any way, I was simply pointing out a flaw within the system, however  I am sure I possess the strength to defeat anyone in this room and that's a fact."

Those words from Ainz's caused the adventurers to lose it, they weren't going to take this from a newbie.

"What!! you little punk"

"I'll throw down with you any day"

"come on you bastard I'll show you what an adventurer is"

"You're going to regret those words newbie"

Many adventurers had stood up ready to brawl  many were already cracking their fists and others had placed their hands on their weapons, Ainz had successfully managed to earn the ire of the adventurers.


A/N:power stones? If you don't have them a comment will do