
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Anime e quadrinhos
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47 Chs

Chapter 43: A kiss to trick

(Mael's POV)

After the banishment from Takamagahara (Japanese heaven), one of the three noble children of Chief God of Japanese Pantheon Izanagi, Susanoo was descended on Earth to amend for his mischiefs.

There he found a beautiful maiden and two elderly couples with a sad look. Upon asking about the reason for their dismay, he found out that a serpent with eight heads and tails was taking the daughters of the couple known as Yamata-no-Orochi of Mount Ibuki.

It was a fierce creature said to have wreak havoc on Japan and resided in Mount Ibuki. He ruled with fear and intimidation cursing anyone's whole bloodline. The victim won't die but will live in agony and dismay that will pass through his generations.

Not wanting to face such a fierce beast head-on, Susanoo made a plan. He first prepared eight barrels of sake, Japanese rice wine, and offered it to the serpent.

After becoming drunk, Susanoo, who was in disguise as a peasant, uncovered his identity and then slain the eight-headed serpent. After cutting off the tails of the serpent, he found a beautiful sword inside it.

He named it 'Kusanagi no Tsurugi'. Later was also known as 'Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi', 'Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi' and reality cutting blade 'Tsumukari-no-Tachi'.

He then married 'Kushinadahime', the beautiful maiden, and offered the sword to Amaterasu to amend for his mistakes. The sword then becomes one of three great treasures of Japan along with the mirror 'Yata no Kagami' and the jewel 'Yasakani no Magatama'.

As a Naruto fan, I naturally read about the tale of Japanese Gods in my previous life. Although Heaven didn't have complete information about other mythologies, a book listed the main treasures of Gods was present. I was lucky that I had a glimpse of them.

But the real question was how the hell such a legendary sword ended up in the hand of a demon king?

God didn't ally with any pantheon for the war since he didn't want to own some favors but the question was still there if Takamagahara was involved.

I immediately switched my Grace to [flash] and dodged a demonic light produced from the blade of Leviathan.

"Oi, you weak angel, where is your focus?! Don't mind your bit*h angel, she will soon join my bed, Keke!!"

My eyes glittered rage and I wanted to jump at him and crush his whole existence but I knew that I can't display my strength here.

My only weapon is their own arrogance and pride which I have to cash in this fight.

All seraphs used to have a device that could teleport us to the nearest camp of angels or directly to heaven but the problem was Demon Kings who came prepared.

The alternate reality was stopping the use of the device.

Another challenge was that I have to do something about Gabriel. Even if she could handle two demon kings at once, I knew that she had sustained internal injury and wouldn't last long.

'Think Mael!!! There must be a loophole!'

Except for God of the Bible, there wasn't any being who could replicate a perfect reality marble. According to Merlin, there must always be a space loophole.

While defending against Leviathan's attacks I cast a spatial spell to locate any loophole sufficient enough for the transportation device to activate.

Thanks to my luck, I sensed a tiny hole where magic was leaking to outside just behind where Gabriel was fighting.

"Oi, where the hell does you think you are looking!?" Leviathan rushed towards me and banged his sword to the ground.

A poisonous mist burst out from the earth where he thrust his sword but I luckily dodged.

But now it was time for some attack.

"You fifthly devil! I know it might be new to your dirty race but it's called care!" I placed both my hands on the ground, raised both of my legs, channeled Ark all around the body, and jammed solid dropkick to his face using [Flash] on my feet.


With the crack of his jaws, he was shot like a bullet and disappeared from my sight.

Lucifer also looked shocked but not much since Leviathan was all about strength and endurance. He won't die from this kind of attack.

But my attack never meant to kill the demon king in the first place.

I used that chance and flew between Gabriel and demon kings, raised both of my arms facing demon kings, and delivered an air pack impact using [Tornado] sending shooting them from my sight.

Then I turned around and looked at her face.


She looked confused but I didn't pay any attention, grabbed her face gently, and closed her lips with mine.


She was shocked so do other demon kings. Neither of them expected the angels of all species would perform public romance.

After a couple of seconds of a deep kiss, I pulled back my lips with a silver string hanging between connecting our pink lips.

She was still confused until she realized what I just really did.

"M-Mael! This is not the time-"

"Lady Gabriel, no, Gabriel, I am sorry but this is all my fault. I will take it from here." I smiled and touched her tummy.

Confused with why I said that, she turned her head down and noticed a device that I just placed on her tummy.

It was the teleportation device, activated.

Before she could take any action, I raised my hand and delivered a powerful tornado sending her away with incredible speed.

"MAEL!!" She yelled my name with tears in her eyes before she disappeared from the view.

The first target has been achieved.

"What the hell?!" Yelled all Demon Kings.

They were so relaxed that they didn't even notice the plan of the angel.

Seriously, the cunningness of a human brain can sometimes exceed that of the devil.

I knew that Gabriel was their real target since she was an Archangel, and taking her down would tremendously turn the power balance in Demon Kings' favor.

(AN: I will use Archangel for all Four Great Seraphs.)

Even if I suffer here, at least I won't have to regret watching out for a sacrifice for my mistake.

"Oh boy, looks like I even tricked demon kings. Much to your irony, I think you guys should know why your species will be wiped out soon!" I smirked.

All of their confidence vanished in thin air when their main target escaped from their clutches.

Lucifer who was just watching like a bystander a couple of moments ago, fly towards me.

I could see his dark 12 wings on his back as a symbol of a true demon king.

He stopped with his other three partners. Leviathan also seemed completely fine after drinking Phoenix Tears.

"I agree that we had underestimated you greatly. Well, we are at war so these kinds of things happen. But on other hand, you have greatly amused me. Say, why do you seek revenge? What kind of deal did you make with God allowing you to act so roughly?"

At his statement, I wanted to laugh so much but I didn't want to provoke them more.

Every time, they called me rouge, barbaric or cruel, I want to show their pathetic and ugly selves in a mirror.

"Humans… Just how many human souls will it take to calm your hunger? Why torturing live humans?"

I asked but also kept an eye on Leviathan because that guy seemed to plunge the moment I take my eyes and attention off from him.

"Oh ho ho, are you referring to them?" Lucifer laughed and then took out something that boiled my soul in rage.

A human girl around six was in his hand, live with all of her limbs cut! I could also see some maggots eating her from inside and she was mumbling! I swear I saw her soul begging for help.

I wanted to go berserk and beat the shit out of every single one of them!

But unfortunately, I wasn't their match and didn't lose my guard.

I have seen the cruelty many times when I was searching their camps for victims.

Lucifer laughed and crushed the head of the little girl. He then pulled a blue orb from her mouth, her soul, and ate it like a snack.

Arggg! I wanted to castrate him and torture him like this a million times but I was weak at the moment.

"You know, it is not bad as you think~. How about this, if you come and join forces with us, you will not only get a major rank in my army but for any number of beauties you so desire even better than that gigolo Gabriel?"

Ah, I saw that coming.

He thought that I was interested in women when he saw me kissing Gabriel.

Most didn't know but I could see the rage in his eyes. Why wouldn't be? After all, Gabriel is the most beautiful woman in heaven. And as someone who had fallen from heaven, he must be extremely jealous.

I knew that I was in a tough spot but I can't act recklessly.

"Haha, I would like to get kicked on my dick a *thousand* more times than to think about erecting my dick for an infestation like your devil species!"

I chuckled and it was at that moment when the smile on his face vanished.

All of them prepared their weapons ready to attack me.

"For an angel, you are an awful racist." It was Asmodeus talking to me first time.

"Spoilers! I can't be racist against a race that won't exist soon."

Oh boy, I enjoyed poking their nerves even though I was pinching the tail of death with my every comment.

They raised their demonic aura so stronger that my hands and legs started to shake little. I was also using my Heavenly Eyes to see any possible attack coming for my end.

"Get ready boy because you will soon meet a tragic end just like your lover Jeanne d'Arc and those children." It was Beelzebub, the copy of Demiurge from Overlord.

I smirked, prayed for forgiveness for my upcoming sin, and raised the middle figure of my hand.

"Do you know what middle finger means? It means FU*K YOU!"

"King Lucifer, this bird is my pray!!" Leviathan roared and launched himself forward.

My intuition screamed as I blocked another one of Leviathan's crazily devastating blows with my Excalibur.

Thanks to [Flash] my reflexes, I didn't sustain any major injury blocking his blunt sword but in the next moment, I saw Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi in his other hand.

Slash* Splash*

Blood flung in the air just as he cleaved open my chest with his sword.

"…What the…?" To my horror, I feel any pain but the blood didn't stop flowing.

It was at that moment when my healing ability was rendered useless no matter how much I try to heal myself.

'Am I going to die this way….?'

In the words of Jojo, my luck just run out.


Just throw all the stones on my face and help me write exciting content.

Lets set a goal: 1k for the end of this week.


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