
Ain Soph Aur: The Holy Maiden's wish (DxD X Fate Fic)

Everyone is aware of the three-way war between angels, devils, and fallen angels but what sparked such bloodbath that leads devils’ annihilation. Read the story of a mysterious boy and his journey with Jeanne d’Arc, the holy maiden whose selfish wish became a disaster for the supernatural of the DxD world. ---- Now then here is my other work. I will try to write and make this story as much good as my previous one so please remain positive. I have no idea if I could even add a harem of DxD standard but I will try. Please note that most of the story will follow a timeline before 500 years old war. MC will be weak but soon become incredibly strong so don’t even try to complain about it. --- English is not my first language. Nothing in the story belongs to me. Even I don’t belong to society. Important!: Various mythologies will be discussed that include some religious figures so if you find anything inappropriate or offending, please let me know. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Chapter 33: You have to get naked

(Mael's POV)

"First, let's start with the basics of my magic system…"

At the top of the floor, Merlin and I were sitting face to face when she started explaining.

First, the magic system she created is complex but can be used by any human being, even a 5 years old kid as long as he possesses sufficient mana.

Mana, Ki, or Qi is an intangible unique energy that is present to all residents of this world. It is the combination of one's 'will to live' and 'life force' in possession.

It was all basic that I had already learned from Gabriel but what next is more important.

The magic spells to turn such unique emery into visible phenomenon akin to science.

Every pantheon in this world uses a different type of spell. For example, magic spells of Norse mythology are called Runes, a language of ancient Norse Gods.

However, this is where power difference clashes. Although Merlin's power system is very versatile, it is not made for pure combat.

Anyway, the next thing that is essential for incantations of said spells is a calm and clear mind. Just like how the devil uses the Power of Imagination to convert said demonic power into other forms of an element, the human mind also needs to remain calm.

The spells are words that enforce mana in the body, turning it into visible form.

For example, 'mana' is your pet and as an owner, you have to teach your pet certain actions through words called 'spells.'

However, if your mind is not calm then it could only lead to certain failure.

"Now, I am going to show you a certain magic spell."

She just smiled and raised her index finger. A small fireball was formed on the top of her finger just like my Cruel Sun, however; it could never reach the raw power that my [Sunshine] causes.

"You see it is a 10 words spell but I am efficient to use these kinds of small spells without chant. How about you try it out?"

She then taught me the chanting words for the spell for me to try.

I nodded and then chant those words but…

"Why is this not happening?"

It was a failure.

"Mael, let's get straight to the point. Your mental condition is in mess. Even as being an angel, you can't even perform simple low-level spells that could be learned by mere 12 years old human child." Merlin spoke dryly.

I could also see the coldness in her eyes when she said that.

"Sigh* I know and I am well aware of it."

Even Gabriel said the same thing.

My mental condition is terrible. I used to lose control whenever I hear or see the devil just like how I went berserk when Merlin created a devil-looking puppet.

Why wouldn't it be? Every time I closed my eyes, I saw pictures of my dead family. Eliza's and Jeanne's death was still fresh in my mind not to mention the horror I faced when I saw the dead bodies of Ivan and Sona.

Every second I spend for the sake of training, my mind only considers it 'waste' as every second a devil might be killing a fellow angel or humans.

"I think you are still unaware that you are heading to death's door with such negligence." Merlin stood up while looking at the garden outside the tower.

"What do you mean?" I also followed.

"Despite being an ultimate level angel, you could, no, you will certainly die." She turned her head around and smirked.

"Not necessarily. I only lack experience."

"Then let's test your overall combat." She smiled and one gained teleported the reality beneath our feet.

I wanted to learn to make Reality Marble but I was just not suited for it!

This time it was a normal-looking room with hard ground and walls. Several swords were placed on a shelf while armors holding weapons could also be seen standing with walls. It was like a training ground from the Medieval Era.

"Let's put some conditions on your fighting style. When I announce commence of battle, switch your grace to [flash]. You also have to avoid any damage from me at all cost."

I nodded.

We then took our positions and she began chanting some buffs with such speed that it was impossible to read the moments of her lips.

It was High-Speed Incantation, a skill that could even rival the language of Gods.

Anyway, after few seconds, she suddenly announced the start of the battle.

'Switch to [Flash]'

I went to change my grace from my standard grace [sunshine] to [flash].

However, it contains one major weakness, a one-minute delay leaving me vulnerable.

"You are slow!"

Just when I heard Merlin, I found two giant fireballs marching towards me.

I smirked and formed a light barrier to defend myself. I could also endure such attacks without much damage but I shouldn't be arrogant to take the risk.

Then I ducked and dodged a horizontal cut from behind.

Merlin was holding a short knife while floating in the air.

"New rule, you will fail if you do not manage to land a single attack." Merlin smiled and then two more fireballs landed above me.

She was all over the place!

I flipped and dodged both of them before blocking another cut from Merlin.

This time I materialized a sword made out of my holy element called Ark.

"Pretty good holy element. It is certainly different from regular holy power that regular angels possess." She smiled.

I didn't respond and threw a vertical strike but the light sword went right through Merlin as if she was not there.


Her trademark magic could even deceive gods. The main reason why I want to learn from Merlin.

"It is strong but it is useless if you can't even land a hit on the enemy." I heard her voice but I failed to detect her pinpoint.

It is another one of my weaknesses since even if I can sense her presence; I didn't have any means to break her spells and bring her out in reality.

In short, I could only deal with raw power and these tricks were my weakness.

"If you can't pinpoint enemy then blast the whole thing!"

I then decided to go all out.

I first mentally switch off a blessing of hiding that revealed my horn and halo on my head.

It is an invisible item that could hide something on your body. For example, some angels have trouble hiding retract their wings so they use tools to hide their wings. In a similar case, I also hid my horn but since it is on my head, it automatically hides my halo too.

The reason I decided to reveal it is because it sometimes felt like a burden maintaining it since it requires some attention to constantly channel the mana.

"Oh my~, I didn't know Mr. Handsome has these kinds of unique features."

I heard Merlin behind me as she saw my horn and halo first time.

I raised my palm and several dazzling light particles started glimmering.


I raised my hand behind my back and shot several beams of light.

Boom* Boom* Boom*

Each shot was so devastating that it ruined the wall behind me in a second.

"Hey! Hey! The new rule, no destroying my property!!!"

I then heard another Merlin's rule. I remember I destroyed her green plains before and she looked quite annoyed since she has to put all of her focus to create such Reality Marbles.

"Then how I am going to find you?"

"It is up to you!"

I formed a shield and blocked another one of her attacks.

I was a little furious since she was imposing rules randomly but I have to figure out how to counteract this.

I sighed and then calmed my mind. There were still 20 seconds left and with each second, Merlin attacked with different tactics leading it more and more difficult for me to defend.

I can't manipulate Ark like Elizabeth or other Archangels like in the show neither do my Arc was that strong but I had created some of my own attacks.

Ark in general is lethal against beings with demonic energy like devils or similar race uses demonic energy and is neutral yet strong against other races.

However, a single property that separates Ark from Holy Power is its property to drain all of its magical energy, before shattering its bodies.

I first formed a thick barrier around me and then slowly started to expand.

Slowly it covered while room till it touched the walls and started to crack it.

I was confident that Merlin won't be able to attack me but I was wrong.

Just a second before I switched to [flash], I felt a sharp knife slicing the right side of my neck.

"You lost." Merlin was standing with the staff but I could see that she was exhausted.

I smiled and nodded and dispersed the Arc barrier in the room. The wound barely cut my skin but I admit defeat since she was able to land a hit against me.

"But you certainly passed the test. Mr. Handsome angel has better control over power than I thought." Merlin spoke.


"Then how about a trade?"


She didn't reply instead summoned a sword.

I widened my eyes when I witnessed one of the strongest Divine Constructs of this world, Excalibur.

Blue hilt, silver ages, and diamond prints on the sword, it was none other than the divine sword used by King Arthur.

(AN: Excalibur Proto of Fate Frachice.)

It was not hard for me to recognize since I had seen its photo in heaven. Bestowed brilliance by ONE and combined with the hope of humanity, it was crafted by ancient fairies of the times.

It was similar to Excalibur Artoria used in the Fate franchise with similar colors.

"How about you let me study your abilities in exchange for you to use this sword?" Merlin smirked.

"Deal." I immediately agreed.

There was no need to be wary of her. I wanted to use this sword at all costs. It was a great weapon to use during the delay between switching my graces.

"Okay then~, here take this."

When the sword was handed over, it beamed a dense light before fading away.

"My guess was correct. You could use it for having human traits. That God certainly is one unpredictable being." Merlin smiled and nodded. "Congrats for becoming the first angel to wield Excalibur."

I nodded and felt a certain relief that I finally got a weapon.

Normally, angels could manipulate holy power and make any light weapons but as a greenhorn angel with the raw power of Ultimate Angel, I was a little feeble when the duration of cooldown of my graces was on.

Now with Excalibur in my hand, it will be easy to clean those insects out.

"By the way… catch me…" Merlin spoke and fell lifelessly but I caught her in my arm.

I didn't know what method she used but she didn't come out unscathed since Ark does drain magic energy.

I then placed her head on my lap while I also sat on the ground to take a little rest.

"Oh my~, your lap is so cozy~." Merlin smiled tried to nestle her head but I stopped her.

"Stop it at one or you will be licking dust next." I coldly smiled while softly pinching her cheek.

D-A-M-M-I-T She looks so CUTE!

She is bad news if you are human and have a wife. Even though Jeanne allowed me to make a harem, I didn't want to start a relationship.

Besides, Merlin is a succubus, infamous to turn down anyone who approaches her.

"Hehe, then you should start calling me Big Sister~. I will be happy to treat you as a little brother, how is that?"

Another Big Sister after Jeanne.

"No thanks. I will call you Merlin and if we are speaking about age-"

"What *about* age?"

"I will call you Merlin."

I chucked then unconsciously started caressing her cheek. It was then Jeanne came to my mind when she used to rest on my lap.

Those were happy days…

"Does that mean you have fallen for me?" I looked at Merlin whose soft cheeks I was caressing for a while.

"No. It is always girls who fall for me first." I smirked.

"Hehe~ I am well confident in my charm." She chuckled cutely then exploded a bomb, "By the way, for me to examine your graces, you have to get naked."



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