
Aim to be a Star with my System

Camilla Ramirez was a Z-list actress with big aspirations to become a famous actress. Every role and movie she took was doomed to fail and with her last chance, she managed to secure a role as a lead role in a movie. Unfortunately, her life is cut short when her plane crashes out of the sky. As her consciousness slowly faded away, she was filled with nothing but regrets about her career, relationships, and aspirations. She didn't want to die before she finally proved her acting chops. Luckily for Camilla, she found herself back in time to 12 years ago when she had just debuted as an actress. With her future knowledge and with the Stardom System that would allow her to trade Fame Points to acquire skills books that could improve her acting, she could finally live out her dreams of being the best actress the world has ever seen. Follow Camilla as she navigates the entertainment industry, making friends, foes, and a deep love unlike anything Camilla had ever known, in her rise to the top.

Sable_Sparrow · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Camilla hadn't been slacking off during the while she waited for the response from the audition. She had ramped up her practicing, practicing 30 hours a day (or 6 hours of napping). She had made considerable progress and was only 35% away from completing her first Skill Book. Her mother who was still apprehensive was more or less tamed by her daughter's dedication and devotion.

Two weeks after she auditioned Camilla finally got a call. Her heart was beating incredibly fast and hard, she passed and she would be part of the film. This was her first step forward towards success. 

As soon as the other person on the line hung up Camilla jumped up and down excitedly, screaming, crying, and cheering. Camila's mother was concerned by all the noise her daughter was making so she scrambled up the stairs before knocking politely on her daughter's door.

"Mijita is something the matter. Why are you jumping around so much? Did something good happen?" She asked tentatively.

"Mama I passed the audition! I'm going to be in a film!" Camilla beamed launching herself into her mother's arms for a hug. Her mother returned the hug and peppered her face in kisses.

"I'm so proud of you baby. We need to celebrate! I need to go to the store and buy food to make Cazuela and your favorite dishes. Ay, I need to call everyone and tell them to come celebrate!" Camilla's mother rambled excitedly walking away and back into the kitchen.

Camilla chuckled as she watched her mom walk away, it was just a small role in hopefully one of many films she would be in, but her mother treated it like was her crowning achievement. She was so foolish to cut her mother out of her life. For years as she struggled to become famous she yearned to receive that level of excitement and congratulations from anyone. How tragic that the very person who could fulfill that feeling was by her side the entire time but she had stubbornly treated like the devil. She could relax knowing that she would never treat her mother like that again, that she would always have her mother there to support and love her.

Camilla was brought out of her thoughts and regrets by her phone being blown up from texts from family friends, members of the community, and family members. They all happily congratulated her, some jokingly asking her not to forget them when she became famous, others asking for signatures before she became a big star too busy to sign things for her fans. Camilla chuckled happily as she read each text, replying to each one thanking them for their support. 

She wiped away the tears that she didn't even realize had started forming, strengthening her resolve. She didn't want to let them down, she had to meet their expectations.

Marshmallow, open up the storefront.

With a ping, the online storefront appeared once more in front of Camilla. She quickly scrolled past the first five menus until she once more arrived at the Skill Books. Currently, she only had 15 Fame points unfortunately there were hardly any skill books that she could purchase at this time. When she resigned herself to wait until she acquired more Fame Points Camilla saw a Skill Book that she could afford. She confidently selected it, eager to learn immediately.

[User has purchased Camera Know-How. You have 0 Fame Points remaining.]

Camilla was slightly worried about using all her Fame Points but she had no other choice. She couldn't wait until filming finished to improve her skills so she would have to gamble that these skills could hold her over until the film was released and she could earn more points. 

Marshmallow why does this Skill Book only have one volume? Is there no continuation?

[This is because this skill should be the minimum for all actors, unlike with the other skills where an actor can have more advanced techniques. It is expected that the single volume will be enough for users.]

Camilla relaxed knowing that the system was not attempting to cheat her out of her Fame Points. Camilla had a lot of work to do before filming started in about a month, so she wasted no time and immediately allowed her consciousness to slip away and into the Skill Book. 


Camilla was awoken from her stupor by the loud sounds of movement, talking, and dishes. She lifted herself off the floor and walked towards her door and just as she was about to open her door it was violently slammed into her face. 

"Girl get down here! You can't hide away in your bedroom forever!" The intruder chuckled. 

Camilla reared back in pain as she glared at the intruder who had just injured her. It took some time for Camilla to process who her attacker was, seeing people's younger selves was still kind of disorienting, the person in question was her best friend Sofia Perez. 

Sofia was slightly shorter than Camilla but she often compensated for that lack of height through the use of high heels. Sofia was the kind of girl who didn't care about what others said about her as long as she was having fun, which was evident in some of her many extreme fashion phases throughout the years. Currently, she was rocking a slight punk aesthetic, dyed hair, piercings, and a couple of tattoos on her arms and shoulders. Her clothes were baggy and heavily accessorized with belts and chains. Camilla chuckled internally she remembered how Sofia in the future viewed this particular phase of her life as highly embarrassing and made her swear to never discuss it in front of her husband. This time around she would make sure to document it better so she could mercilessly tease her when they got older. 

"Oh shit I didn't mean to hit you in the face! I just wanted to get your ass down so that we could start eating." Sofia apologized as she helped Camilla regain her balance. 

"You're just as impulsive as ever." Camilla sighed. 

"But you love me." Sofia coquettishly responded gently rubbing her face into Camilla's. 

Camilla shoved Sofia's face away as they headed down the stairs. "So how many did mom invite to celebrate?" 

"About 25 people, most of them being your friends," Sofia responded pointing at the large crowd that was taking their seats around a large dinner table. 

As soon as Camilla walked to the table to join everybody she was bombarded by people coming up to congratulate her. Camilla was slightly overwhelmed by the attention that came all at once, she tried to look at her mom for assistance but she was tearing up out of joy. Camilla then tried to catch Sofia's gaze but she was too busy trying and failing to secretly stuff her face full of food. Eventually, everyone finished giving their blessings they returned to their seats as Camilla's mother started a prayer. 

A large honk interrupted the prayer midway through when a portly man ran into the house. He took a moment to catch his breath which gave Camilla enough time to recognize who he was, he is Sofia's older brother Mateo. 

"Mateo what took you so long!" Sofia yelled. 

"I'm sorry I was just doing that favor for Mrs. Isabella. Mrs. Isabella, I brought the surprise here." He responded as he tossed an object to Camilla's mother.

"What favor did you do for my mom and what did you toss her?" Camilla questioned. 

Camilla's mother smiled happily at her as she handed the object that she just caught to Camilla. Camilla unfurled her hand and revealed car keys tied up with a small blue ribbon. Tears welled up in Camilla's eyes immediately. 

"Mom, you didn't use the money you had been saving up to renovate the house on a new car for me did you?" Camilla asked in a breathy whisper trying to return the keys to her mother.

"Well if you're going to be a big star you need to be able to drive yourself around without worrying about my transportation needs," Isabella replied pushing the keys back into her daughter's hand. 

"But ma you worked so hard and saved up so much to finish renovating the house. I can't just take that money from you." 

"You can and you will. Let me take care of my baby girl who's trying to make her dreams into a reality." Isabella comforted as she took Camilla into a big embrace. 

"I promise I'll make this up to you Mom. Thank you so much." 

"I hate to ruin this moment but can we eat!" Sofia interrupted earning her a harsh jab in the side from her brother. 

Camilla laughed happily wiping the tears away and gave her friend a big toothy grin. "Well, I hate to keep everyone waiting so let's eat!"