
Aim to be a Star with my System

Camilla Ramirez was a Z-list actress with big aspirations to become a famous actress. Every role and movie she took was doomed to fail and with her last chance, she managed to secure a role as a lead role in a movie. Unfortunately, her life is cut short when her plane crashes out of the sky. As her consciousness slowly faded away, she was filled with nothing but regrets about her career, relationships, and aspirations. She didn't want to die before she finally proved her acting chops. Luckily for Camilla, she found herself back in time to 12 years ago when she had just debuted as an actress. With her future knowledge and with the Stardom System that would allow her to trade Fame Points to acquire skills books that could improve her acting, she could finally live out her dreams of being the best actress the world has ever seen. Follow Camilla as she navigates the entertainment industry, making friends, foes, and a deep love unlike anything Camilla had ever known, in her rise to the top.

Sable_Sparrow · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Filming Begins (3)

Sebastian was momentarily regretting his decision to act in this movie. Perhaps that was an over-exaggeration as it wasn't all that bad, the story was well-written and intriguing, and the staff was respectful and professional. But there was one thing that was dragging the whole thing down and frustrating him. That person was Erinna, at first Sebastian didn't notice any issues, she was slightly lackluster when it came to the line reading session but there was nothing he couldn't work with or work around. 

The problems only started showing up during filming, the girl was incredibly sticky and clingy even if it didn't was appropriate for the character at the time. If there was one thing Sebastian hated more than unprofessionalism it was actors refusing to improve on their acting and instead using hype and scandals to stay relevant. 

During Sebastian's entire career he had never been a part of a relationship or romance scandal. Any gossip articles or rumor mills claiming to have news of such a scandal would have their article removed within the hour. 

He had hoped that this would deter many actresses from trying to form couple pairings with him but unfortunately, his fame and success were so great that many didn't care for his attitude. They had this crazed idea that they might be the ones to change his policy, that could beat out the other women's attempt and become his girlfriend. 

Erinna was following in the footsteps of many actresses before her and personally, for Sebastian, this might have been the worst display of affection and blatant interest that he had seen. It disgusted him and he was thoroughly done with her flirtatious ministrations interrupting filming and causing them to reshoot scenes several times. He was eerily close to losing his temper with Erinna but something was stopping him from creating a huge blowout. 

That was Camilla, Sebastian had been watching Camilla out of the corner of his eye as he filmed. It wasn't that difficult to miss the girl since her intense focus and gaze practically burned holes in him. Sebastian found it incredibly cute and endearing to watch her furiously write into her little notebook, he wished to see what she had written about him. 

After finishing filming he had to stop himself from bursting out in laughter looking at her puzzled dead fish gape. It improved his mood after having to repeatedly film the same scene because of Erinna. 

After Camilla recollected herself she once more furiously wrote in her little notebook, seeing this as an opportunity Sebastian stealthily and quietly walked up behind the girl to read over her shoulder.

The page she was writing on was completely covered in beautiful writing, there was almost no space for anymore. Sebastian was impressed by Camilla's dedication, it was quite frankly inspiring.

His heart was beating with slight anticipation, he wanted to see this girl's reactions, he wanted to tease her until she was squirming. He let his more devious and mischievous desire beat out his reason as he let out a small laugh to draw the girl's attention. 

Oh how marvelous and fun it was when Camilla finally realized who was behind her. Her slight panic and desperation made Sebastian want to push her further to see how flustered she could get. He had a feeling that she would be at her most flustered (her loveliest) if he managed to steal her little notebook so using his perfected acting skills he tricked the girl into believing that someone had just arrived behind her out of sight. 

Using this momentary gap he easily slid the notebook out of her hands causing Camilla to frantically attempt to retrieve it. She was incredibly cute as she jumped around, her expression a mixture of feisty anger, slight horror, and determination. In truth Sebastian found himself focusing more on Camilla than on her notebook, but it's not as if there wasn't anything to be gained from reading her book. 

Flipping through each page was filled with deep analysis and reflections on each person's acting. It was quite clear to him how dedicated she was to acting and self-improvement, it was incredibly moving to see someone else care that much for their acting ability. 

Eventually, Sebastian returned Camilla's notebook to her, no matter how much he still wanted to continue teasing her. He watched in satisfaction as she ran away, her face covered in a deep red blush. He felt incredibly refreshed like all the problems and frustrations he had with Erinna earlier had washed away. 

"Eww, gross. I think I'm going to be sick! Look I have goosebumps!" Gerald's disgusted voice abruptly cut through Sebastian's happy mood. 

Turning around Sebastian saw his friend Gerald giving him a disgusted glare. "I'm not sure what you mean," Sebastian responded his mood and body language changed to one of disinterest and boredom. 

"Oh please, you've never shown a hint of interest in women then suddenly you start aggressively flirting with a rookie actress. What is going on?!"

"...It's not as big as you're making it out to be. I've just found an interesting new toy to tease." 

"Gross. Well for the sake of my eyes and my sanity please tease this 'toy' of yours far away from me."

Sebastian only hummed in response as he walked away from Gerald and walked towards his trailer. 

I can't wait to play once more with that lovely rabbit-like lady ♥. 


Camilla felt a shiver run down her spine, a deep sense of dread as though she would be toyed with. She shook this feeling off, it was completely ridiculous in the first place. 

Putting the temporary confusion and fear behind her Camilla covertly took a peek behind her. Luckily for her, it seemed as though Sebastian didn't follow after her, so she slowed down her sprint allowing her to momentarily catch her breath. 

Camilla was completely mortified, she had completely embarrassed herself in front of her long-time idol, and she would be lucky if he didn't think less of her after that display. But who could blame her, Sebastian Malone was known for his stoic and reserved personality, he would only occasionally shed this exterior to show a softer feeling towards his family, friends or fans. However, for some reason, he was like a completely different person, he was incredibly mischievous and he seemed to take great joy in teasing her. For a moment she feared that he had disguised himself so well and that he had used this to take advantage of others before her. 

She shook that thought away, she trusted Sebastian, she had been a fan since the beginning of his acting career when he started as a child actor. He was one of the two actors that made her want to act in the first place, her idol wasn't like other scummy men who used their position and fame to take advantage of their fans. She needed to stop reading those stories in the news they were poisoning her mind. 

It was more likely that Sebastian was trying to blow off some steam after being forced to reshot multiple times because of Erinna. She swiftly convinced herself of that thought process, excusing all the weirdness of Sebastian's teasing. Once fully convinced she eagerly opened up her notebook to see what he had written in it. She was incredibly happy to see a very detailed explanation of a vocalization exercise. 

I can't wait to practice this after filming today!