
Aim to be a Star with my System

Camilla Ramirez was a Z-list actress with big aspirations to become a famous actress. Every role and movie she took was doomed to fail and with her last chance, she managed to secure a role as a lead role in a movie. Unfortunately, her life is cut short when her plane crashes out of the sky. As her consciousness slowly faded away, she was filled with nothing but regrets about her career, relationships, and aspirations. She didn't want to die before she finally proved her acting chops. Luckily for Camilla, she found herself back in time to 12 years ago when she had just debuted as an actress. With her future knowledge and with the Stardom System that would allow her to trade Fame Points to acquire skills books that could improve her acting, she could finally live out her dreams of being the best actress the world has ever seen. Follow Camilla as she navigates the entertainment industry, making friends, foes, and a deep love unlike anything Camilla had ever known, in her rise to the top.

Sable_Sparrow · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Filming Begins (2)

Camilla was excited for filming, so excited in fact that she had arrived at the set early, they wouldn't be filming the supporting actors until later in the evening. She was happily taking her time to absorb every detail about the set, the workers, and the other actors who were being ushered away to either prepare for their scenes or film a new scene. 

Camilla had no intention of making her presence known and inadvertently interrupting the hard work of the actors or the film crew so she quietly squirreled away to the trailer for the supporting actors to hopefully get her makeup done and put on her costume. She was in luck for when she peaked inside she was greeted by a polite welcome from the makeup artist and stylist. Camilla returned the gesture as she sat down to get her makeup done. The makeup artist made some quaint pleasant conversation with Camilla which she returned in kind. To be honest, no matter how much Camilla attempted to concentrate on the conversation she was currently having her thoughts kept returning to her excitement and jubilation at being part of this film, she was practically vibrating with exhilaration, she couldn't wait to film her first scene. 

Having already participated in filming in her past life Camilla didn't have the nervousness and panic that was commonly associated with rookie actors. Camilla was as poised as an A-tier actor as she had already experienced the highs and lows of being a rookie actor, so the only emotions felt with joy and excitement. This would be the moment of her grand debut on the screen, this film would be the first step she takes as she climbs her way up to the top of the entertainment industry. 

As Camilla stepped out of the trailer fully done up with makeup and wearing her costume, she took a large deep breath trying to calm her racing heart. She smiled giddily as she walked away from the trailer and towards the set, eager to watch the performances of the other actors.

Camilla stood off to the side to watch the performance of Sebastian and Erinna Moller the leading actress, the scene in question was when the two characters met as they and others were fleeing the mountain park after the first wave of disasters hit. This interaction was supposed to sell the character's romantic chemistry and interest. Camilla was watching keenly as she quickly and quietly took out her small leather-bound notebook, ready to take notes of the two's performance. 


Sebastian, Erinna, and the background actors took off in a dead sprint as people moved around chaotically with props falling around them. Sebastian was slightly ahead of Erinna but when she slipped and cried out sharply in pain he turned around with the fury and justice of a man of action and nobly assisted her to her feet. 

"Ma'am, can you still run?" Sebastian inquired. 

"I think I sprained my ankle but I should still be able to move," Erinna replied as she weakly and daintily fell into Sebastian's arms. He nodded fiercely at her as he provided support to the girl as they continued to run forward. 

"Cut NG!"

"Erinna your character is supposed to be fiercely independent it's much too early for you to be dependent and close to Vincent." Gerald boomed.

(A/N: Vincent is the name of Sebastian's character.)

Erinna mumbled a soft apology as she reluctantly unlatched herself from Sebastian's arms. She turned to Sebastian and gave him a slightly flirty and coquettish apology. Camilla noticed that Sebastian's face twitched imperceptibly as he accepted the apology and returned to his starting point to reshoot the scene. Unfortunately for Sebastian, he would have to repeat the scene four more times as Erinna displayed a similar amount of affection which caused the direction to call for the scene to be reshot. Gerald was becoming slightly more and more agitated as Erinna continued to make the same mistake, he didn't wish to lose his temper on his first solo film but he was getting closer to just yelling the girl off-set. 

After two more reshoots of the same scene, Erinna finally acted in a way that got the all-good from the director. Camilla's mouth was slightly agape after witnessing Erinna's tomfoolery. She had very sparse notes on Erinna's acting as this was the sloppiest and crudest version of her acting that Camilla had witnessed past or present. While Erinna was never one of Camilla's favorite actors in her past life, Erinna's skill and acting were much better than what she had just displayed. It was extremely strange to Camilla to see Erinna's performance covered in so many basic mistakes. 

While Erinna's acting left Camilla with almost nothing to analyze, Sebastian's acting was the complete opposite. Most of the skills and techniques he used were too advanced for Camilla to replicate or understand they flew over her head, but she still attempted to jot down as much as she could. Her head was so buried deep in her writing that she didn't notice that someone was behind her and slowly moving up to her. 

Camilla's intense focus was interrupted by a deep and sonorous chuckle. Startled Camilla's head whipped up and around to find the source until she saw the smiling visage of Sebastian who was reading her analysis of him. She closed the small notebook with a quick and loud snap as she hastily hid it behind her person. 

Sebastian chuckled once more and he began a playful attempt to take Camilla's leather notebook. Camilla in turn heavily guarded her book, spinning around and extending her arm to keep it out of Sebastian's reach. 

Suddenly Sebastian stopped behaving so mischievously as his face morphed into one of greeting and respect. Camilla for a moment worrying that the director or another actor was behind her, turned around to see who was there. But there wasn't anyone there, Camilla was confused by this until she felt her leather notebook leave her hand. 

She whipped around to see Sebastian's sly smile as he lifted the book out of Camilla's reach and began reading the notes inside it. Camilla aggressively jumped up and down trying to retrieve the book but Sebastian was much taller than her so she was having no luck. 

"I'm impressed you complied the your analysis of each actor's style and acting technique. These are detailed!" Sebastian mused giving Camilla a large sly smile, this didn't stop Camilla from trying to retrieve her book and only made her more aggressive. 

"Please give it back." Camilla weakly mumbled after all her attempts to retrieve the book from Sebastian had failed. 

"Wow, you dedicated a whole eight pages to your analysis of me. This is quite impressive, I can't believe you noticed details this small." 

A large blush spread across Camilla's face, she weakly lowered her whole body and face in an attempt to hide herself. She heard a small chuckle emanate from Sebastian which only made her coil further into herself. 

After an indeterminant amount of time, she felt a small object tap her head lightly. She lifted her head out of her embarrassment coil hesitantly to see Sebastian using her notebook to prod at her head. Using that moment she nimbly took back her notebook and took off in a run before Sebastian could do anything to her. 

As she was rushing away she heard Sebastian's laughter once more. "In that little notebook of yours, I wrote down a little acting exercise I used to improve, I trust you'll make good progress with it!" Sebastian called.