
Aim for the Sky

She endures it all, with the hope that she will reach the sky one day. Her life will change once again for better or worse?You will never know unless you read and follow her on her rollercoaster ride.

Writingforinfinity · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 8

It has been more than six months since I came here and since I stopped skating. I have been like a robot. I wake up, eat, go to school, study, eat lunch with my friends, come home, do homework, sleep.

I avoid my brothers as much as I can nowadays. My mind is running a while, and I cannot do the one thing that makes me breathe. Plus, one of the competitions that my coach signed me up for is coming soon. I am avoiding him as well.

I am sure, Ar and Vij have informed him about my decision to quit. He has been calling me nonstop every day and I keep declining his call or sending it to voicemail.

He will convince me to return. And I will, he has a way of speech to convince anyone. I am not ready to lose it all for it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Vin asked me as I stared at a blank tv screen.

"Yeah, I am going to take a short nap" I smiled as I walked up to my room.

I lay on the bed staring at the ceiling, with my mind running wild.

Vincent's POV

"She has not been talking to us like when she returned home" I voiced out to my brothers who are now all in the living room watching some random show.

"I noticed it as well. She is always in her own thoughts; she has not been eating properly. She spends most of her time in her room," Luke spoked with a worried tone,

"Yeah, the only meal she eats properly are the ones her friends' parents prepare for her. She has been arguing with them for the past six months. I wonder what it is all about" Alex reported as he texted someone.

"Lets' not forget the phones call that she keeps declining every minute" James pointed out,

"Come on guys. She is just doing it for the attention she will be fine," Alessio grumbled and turned his attention back to the tv. He has been acting weird around Ana as well. Does he know something?

"Anyways, our cousins are coming over to stay with us for a while and also to meet Ana," I informed them, and the twins cheered in joy. They love to spend time with our cousins.

Back to Ana's POV

Vincent informed me last night that our cousins will be staying with us for a while. They are arriving today. He let us stay home from school down for this special occasion. I noticed how the older brothers are watching me with extra caution. I wonder why did they find out something or did Alessio say something to them?

I was panicking inside while on the outside I acted as normal as I can. Declining my coach's phone calls. Maybe I should block him.

"Hello, you must be Ana, I am River, your oldest cousin" he greeted me with a smile.

"I am Nathan" the guy next to River spoke,

"Warren" is Short and simple, I like it.

"I am Grey, 17 years old. Will be going to the same school as you" he cheered happily.

"I am Anthony, I am 16. I will be same classes as you" the youngest cousin smiled as he seemed happy to be in the same classes as me. I nodded.

Once again, my phone rang, making me sigh in frustration. I declined his call once again.

"Are you okay Ana?" Grey asked,

"Yeah, I am fine. Let's enjoy a meal" I smiled as we walked towards the kitchen.

"Who has been calling you nonstop" Vincent broke the silence, as we finished our lunch and sipped on tea to help with digestion.

"It is nothing just some old friends," I shrugged it off hoping that they will end it now.

"You sure? Cause maybe it is some emergency if they are calling every day for 6 months straight," James pressed on.

Seriously, can they learn to stop interrogating me? They are making me have headaches. Just give me some space that is all I am asking. I have been obedient for the past six months. What more do they want. All I am asking for is some privacy, is it that hard.

I need to make plans for the future, I need to be prepared for things that can happen in the future as I am quitting. The news is going to be spread and unwanted people are going to find out about it.

"We are just worried as you are no longer talking to us as much as you used to. We just want to help" Luke said in a concerned tone.

"I am fine. Just stop with the question. If I needed your help, I would have asked you" I sighed.

"Yeah, stop disturbing the princess. She is fine without us" Alessio sneered with a smirked