
Aiden's Odyssey

Aiden's Odyssey is the story of Aiden Stone, a young man who has spent his entire life indulging in his family's wealth and living a carefree existence. But when his family business collapses, his father begs that he join the Federation, a military organization that protects their planet from external threats. Despite being initially deemed unworthy by the Federation, Aiden is assigned to a special squad of soldiers, expected to die on their first mission. The Federation wants to demonstrate to the squad the value of human life, but Aiden sees this as an opportunity to prove himself and escape his fate. With determination and hard work, Aiden trains and becomes a skilled soldier. He is soon able to uncover his own talent, and he works hard to be able to catch up to his peers who are considered geniuses and the next hope for the Federation. Aiden slowly is able to use his talent, and work hard to become a soldier the Federation cannot just lose. ... Authors note: This story is strongly inspired by these following stories. Go check them out. I do not own the over page, if the owner of it wants me to I can take it down. Authors POV Sword god in a magic world Lightning is the only way Chaos Heit Oracles path Rebirth of the demonic sword Update schedule: Once per day

Fat_Cultivator · Ficção Científica
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Range

Chapter 3: Range

I woke up, at exactly 0400, since the Pods liquid all got filtered out. I remembered going to sleep around 1600, that means that we had slept for 12 hours straight,

I remembered Lieutenant Khan mentioning we needed 12 hours to get into perfect shape and get accustomed to the Pod on the first day.

I checked the schedule to see that we had 5 minutes to get ready and meet Lieutenant Khan in the main field.

I quickly changed, and saw that Alex and Gravis were also changing as quickly as me.

As we all quickly rushed out, I couldn't help but wonder how other recruits not a part of our 'special squad' would be training.

As we walked out, we saw Lieutenant Khan already waiting for us.

"On time, good. Now, we will be moving to the training center." He said, as we followed behind him.

"Now, I have sent a schedule to all of you, check it as we move."

I tapped onto my Bio-Watch, and opened a notification Lieutenant Khan sent to me.

[ Schedule for Recruit: Aiden Stone

04 00: Reveille

04 15: Physical conditioning for 2 hours

06 30: Recovery Pod usage time

07 00: First study session

09 00: Breakfast

09 15: Martial Arts session

12 00: Lunch and 2 hours of free time

14 15: Second study session

16 00: Shooting Lessons

18 00: Physical conditioning

20 00: Dinner and 2 hours of free time

22 00: Martial Arts session

00 00: Lights out]

Looking at the extremely packed plan, I couldn't help but gulp a little.

"I will not be with you during your study time or lunch and dinner. I will however answer questions you have once a week.

You only have access to the Global Net during your second free time.

If you have any questions, try to figure them out first before you ask me anything. Most of everything is memory work, so it comes with repetition.

I am not an unreasonable man. If you are unable to memorize quickly, I understand, however it will be unfortunate if you die due to that.

You will only require 4 hours of sleep due to the Recovery Pods. You can access them as you like as well, I will not stop you."

Eventually, we reached the training hall, and I was in awe looking at the sophisticated technology in front of me.

There were machines each of which could push our bodies to our exact physical limit. It knew when to reduce weights for drop sets, and if we failed, it was due to our lack of perseverance and not the machine's fault.

The entire hall was massive, yet it was empty for us 4.

"Endurance, Strength, Agility, Will and Intelligence. What are these 5 stats." Lieutenant Khan stated as I raised my hand.

"These 5 stats are the way the Federation determines a soldier's strength." I explained, I had learnt this before.

"Correct. What does endurance mean? Gravis, I have yet to hear you speak." Lieutenant Khan said.

"Endurance refers to the ability to sustain physical or mental effort for extended periods of time without becoming overly fatigued or tired. It is often associated with activities that require long periods of exertion, such as running, cycling, or hiking. Endurance can be improved through regular training and conditioning, and is an important factor in many sports and physical activities." Gravis stated quickly. I was surprised by the detailed explanation he gave.

"Textbook answer." Lieutenant Khan stated with a smirk.

"Then what does strength refer to, Aiden?" He asked me.

"Strength refers to the ability of a person's muscles to exert force against resistance. It is the capacity of muscles to generate maximum force during a physical activity, such as lifting weights, pushing or pulling objects, or performing other movements that require the application of force." I explained.

"Correct, however you are missing 1 thing I wanted to hear." Lieutenant Khan asked, as Alex raised his hand.

"Strength varies from person to person. A person's overall mass affects the evaluation of the Federation." Alex stated.

"Correct, if you and I both have 10 points in strength, it doesn't mean we are even in strength, since I am larger, it refers to my overall strength output." Lieutenant Khan explained.

"The same follows for the remaining stats.

Agility refers to one's motor relaxes and reaction time. How quickly their body reacts to situations.

Intelligence refers to one's wit, ability to memorize and assimilate knowledge and this uses the knowledge as well.

Will is slightly special, it is the measure of how much one can push their limits. Pain tolerance, tolerance to cold, ability to handle situations under pressure and fear" Lieutenant Khan summarized the following stats.

Then he taped his Bio-Watch and showed us his own chart.

"This is my stats according to the Federation."

[Name: Khan

Rank: Lieutenant


Endurance: 100

Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Intelligence: 70

Will: 150]

Looking at his stats, I couldn't help but respect the man in front of me more, since I knew the baseline for stats all around the world.

Normal humans, who never train, have stats averaging 10. These stats didn't mean that Lieutenant Khan was 10 times stronger than other humans, rather, it means that he has pushed his body to its physical limit.

"As is common knowledge, the physical limit for humans is 100 points. I hit that about a week ago. Will is something that is a bit different. Can anyone tell me what it means that I have 150 points in will." Asked Lieutenant Khan.

Alex soon responded with his answer," It means that you are able to take inhumane pain Lieutenant. You are willing to sit in extremely boring situations or extremely dangerous situations, depending on the tasks to get the mission done."

"Correct." Lieutenant Khan responded with a smirk.

"Now, these are your stats." Lieutenant Khan said, as I got another notification, and he showed all our stats.

[Name: Gravis

Rank: Recruit


Endurance: 40

Strength: 47

Agility: 50

Intelligence: 30

Will: 80]

[Name: Alex

Rank: Recruit


Endurance: 50

Strength: 50

Agility: 50

Intelligence: 50

Will: 60]

[Name: Aiden

Rank: Recruit


Endurance: 20

Strength: 20

Agility: 25

Intelligence: 10

Will: 30]

He showed us all our stats side by side, and mine was clearly the lowest among everyone there.

"The minimum recruitment to become a Lieutenant other than the merits is a minimum of 50 for everything. To become a captain, it is to have maximum Human stats in physique, and required merits. Intelligence and Will is optional, but it won't hurt your case in a promotion." He explained.

I then checked closely, and realized Alex and Gravis were both at the stats of a Lieutenant. I truly was coupled up with monsters.

"Now, Alex, since your stats are that of a Lieutenant, I won't force you to join us for the Physical conditioning sessions."

Alex then simply nodded at Lieutenant Khan but chose to remain there.

"Now, I need to address an important issue." Lieutenant Khan said, as he tapped on his Bio-Watch, which levitated off of his wrist, and became a massive glass tablet.

Then, holograms expanded it.

"I need to know what positions and martial arts you guys are aiming for. Depending on that, we will be able to train in a specialized way." Lieutenant Khan stated.

"I aim to become a close-ranged combatant sir." Gravis immediately spoke of his own violation.

"Same sir, I aim to become a close-ranged combatant." Alex stated.

I then realized what they were talking about.

We were talking about roles.

In a group of 3 hunting, we need to designate roles.

Typically in a party of 3, the most optimal would be a tank, a ranged attacker and a damaged dealer.

Since both of them already started their want to become a close ranged combatant, I needed to become the range attacker.

That and, I had the least say in the group.

"What about you, Aiden?" Asked Lieutenant Khan.

"Sir, to be honest, I am not too sure what I want to become. I am okay with being a ranged combatant, but I do not want to regret my choice in the future." I explained.

"You do not have to worry about that. Normally, after reaching the Captain rank, nearly every single person has to change their class." Lieutenant Khan mentioned.

I did not really understand what he meant by that, and I looked at Alex who seemed equally confused.

Only Gravis seemed to understand, and he just nodded at the Lieutenant.

"Then, I am okay with fulfilling the role of a Ranged-damage dealer." I said.

"Alright then, I will request Martial Arts for Alex and Aiden. I am assuming that you are fine, Gravis?" As Lieutenant Khan asked his question, Gravis once again just nodded.

"Alright then, Gravis will be the Tank, Alex will be the main damage dealer and Aiden will be the ranged fighter." Lieutenant Khan stated.

"Alright then, Gravis and Alex, I believe you already have a regime in mind for working out."

The 2 just nodded back at the Lieutenant.

"Alright, you two are dismissed then, go begin your workouts, Aiden follow me." Lieutenant Khan said, as the 2 others left.

"Since you want to be a range dealer, we are going to be focusing more on core stability,legs and then upper-body."

'So basically everything?'

"For your martial arts, your main one will be a Footwork Martial art, based on running and repositioning yourself based on terrain. Your education will also focus on how to camouflage yourself carefully."

"Now, let's begin!"