
Chapter 14

" If I don't hear another spoiled brat yell do you know who I am it will be too soon. I swear I'm growing grey hairs." Chifuyu said complaining about her teaching job like she usually did.

" Haha, are they really that bad, looks like I've got my hands full with them in the future." Chisato said.

" Trust me you will know my suffering once you start next semester. You're lucky your a doctor and not a teacher."

" Wait I thought you were running the Hasegawa Hospitals. Now you're teaching." Kyoko asked surprised.

" I'm not going to be a teacher, ill just be the new doctor for the school as the old one quit. And since Alicia needed a new doctor and I wanted to try something new so I thought why not. So now I've officially stopped being a Ceo and will now be a new school Doctor.

" Congratulations, Chisato looks like we will be seeing each other around more often." Cherry said.

" Huh, what do you mean." Chisato asked confused but it was Chifuyu that answered the question.

" Oh, she didn't tell you. She's also going to be a new faculty member of the school. Why I have no Idea but Alicia accepted her."

"Hey Bea where is the birthday boy, we came all the way here yet I don't see him." Kyoko asked not seeing little Leon anywhere.

Beatrix smiled brightly and said." My little Leon is already inside. I'll take you to him so you can all meet him, your all gonna love him. He's adorable. Come on let's go."

The woman just stood there, shocked to actually see the friend smile like that.

But all four of them collectively thought' Motherhood really has changed her.'

Lucia who had stayed back smiled at the guest's shocked expression and snapped her fingers loud enough to bring the ladies back to reality. They looked at each other before walking inside. But before that Chisato looked at Lucia and said.

" All my presents for Leon are in the other car. There's are in this one."

" I'll have someone unpack them in the hall right away miss Hasegawa." Lucia bowed before ordering the maids to unpack the Car.

Meanwhile, everyone else made their way inside.


" He really is cute. He even has your eyes. TI TITI" Kyoko could be seen on the couch playing with Leon who was also playing baby which over the year he's gotten pretty good at.

Beatrix, Cherry, Chisato, and Lucia were all sitting around and smiling at the interaction. They also found Leon to be really cute and have already played with him.

" Oh it slipped my mind but Elena Apologized for not making it. Apparently, she's working on a project and she might not be seen for a few years, though she did have a present prepared for Leon. But she said to only open it when Leon turns 6 years old. I don't know why but that's what she said." Chisato said.

"As mysterious as always, though I guess that comes with being one of the smartest minds in the entire world. What was her eye IQ again, the last time it was measured." Chifuyu asked forgetting the number from last time.

" It was 19 years ago on the 15th of February, at 12.02 am. The number was around 5,745, so the third smartest person in Human history. Followed by Dr. Wilson At, 5,805 and Miss Blank at 10,000."

Leon who was playing with Kyoko but also listening in on the conversation almost choked on his spit.' Holy shit, are their people that smart in this world. Hell, the smartest person in my old world only had an Iq of 250. Even Einstein only had around 160 to 180.'

He wondered who would be smarter this Elena girl or brainiac. 'Mhhh, that's difficult to say, IQ measurements might be different in this world Plus brainiac is crazy smart.'

" By the way bea, how's that project of yours coming along. I remember you telling it to us around 5 years ago, is it almost ready or do still need to work it out." Kyoko asked while gently messaging Leon's cheeks which he enjoyed.

" Mh, it's almost complete we're in our final stages so it should be done by the end of July Next year.

"I can't wait to see it. Though I might not be able to be there on the opening day." Kyoko sighed regretfully, she was busy with training and the tournament for the strongest A-Rank Keijo player would commence Around that time.

"It's ok Kyoko, I can always give you a tour when you're not busy. What about the rest of you." Beatrix asked the other girls but they would be busy as well. But Beatrix didn't mind, it was normally like this.

The ladies talked for a good hour just chatting away and playing with Leon one at a time. But that was when a maid came into the room pronouncing dinner was ready.

They all got up from the coaches and made their way into the Grand Hall. It looked like a place Royalty lived in. There were gold-plated items everywhere, diamonds and unknown assortments of Decorations dotted all around the hall. The orchestra Beatrix had Arranged was behind them, playing quietly and gently. Leon found the music quite calming and new as he had never heard this style of Song or instruments. There were a few he recognized like the violin and flute, but there were new ones he's never even seen before. He even saw a few males playing but there were only like 10 of them out of the 100 odd.

There was a table in the middle that could easily sit 6 people. All 6 women sat in their respective seats and Leon sat in his Baby seat next to his mom.

"A toast to our friend entering motherhood and for Leon's Good health and prosperity." Cherry proposed a toast while holding up her glass of vintage wine. All the girls held up their wine glasses in unison and chick'ed them before Drinking.


" Thank you all for coming today, it means A lot to me." Beatrix said after taking a sip. The girls didn't say anything but just smiled and started eating the delicious food.

Leon looked at all the women then at his mother. It looked like she had some pretty nice friends. He was really glad that Lucia wasn't His mother's only friend. He subconsciously smiled and laughed like a baby-making all those in the room including the musicians think only one thing.


Hand still hurts so one chapter.

Heyimmr_69creators' thoughts