
Chapter 12

Meanwhile, the cause of all his suffering smiled in satisfaction wiping the non-existent sweat off her forehead, but that only wiped his blood on herself.

She had the smile of a Saint but the heart of a demon.

He Truly was in hell.

" Haaa, that was quite satisfying. It's been quite a while since I've been able to let out some stress." Beatrix said as she looked at the Man who only wanted to die now.

" Mhh I guess it's time for the pree finally." She smiled as she tapped her smartwatch and with a click the metal locks holding Seemores body down opened. If it was two hours ago Seemore would have been thrilled. He would have jumped off the bed and ran to the nearest Gaurd station.

But now he couldn't do that. Hell, he couldn't even curse at Beatrix because he had lost his voice from screaming and dehydration.

" Do you know that over 3000 years ago when a criminal would steal, murder, or even rape someone? They were Either, killed, punished, or imprisoned.

An interesting punishment they would administer would be tying the criminal by his limbs and on command four horsemen would tell the horses to run in different directions while the ropes were tied to the criminal.

Their arms and legs would pop out of their sockets, their muscles would rip from the bones and they would feel the force of their limbs slowly riping away from their bodies.

Sadly For You, I couldn't get any horses in time, but luckily I have the next best thing."

Beatrix tapped her smartwatch and called a number. It rang a few times before the person on the other side answered the call.

" Yes mistress, how can I be of assistance." It was Lucia Beatrix had called.

" Lucia you may begin, tell the girls to start in 20 seconds. Oh but start slowly and build up from there."

" As you wish mistress."


The sound of four motorcycle engines could be heard outside the warehouse, and each bike had a chain wrapped around the back. What were these four chains connected to...well it didn't take a genius to guess.

In the warehouse, the chains attached to Seemores hand and legs rattled and vibrated waring Seemore of his appending doom and suffering. He didn't think things could get any worse...he was wrong.

"Ah ah ah ag ah ad" That's all he could mouth out, not being able to speak anymore. How he wished his body would move, to find strength from anywhere to rip off those chains and run away.

Sadly Fantasy and reality were often cruel. The chains started moving while Seemore struggled in vain and Beatrix looked on in fascination.

Slowly but surely the chins Stretched as far as they could before pulling on Seemores limbs.

First came the sound of His libs popping out of the sockets, then came the sound of his skin ripping and his bones cracking under the pressure.

Seemore could only look up with his one good eye. Screaming internally in torture and agony. While his body on the outside only produced Ah, ug, and Un sounds.

Just when it looked like his limbs were going to rip off, Beatrix told Lucia to stop, and the minute she did the chains started to relax and stopped pulling.

Looking at his state Beatrix hummed in satisfaction." Ahh, that was quite interesting to watch but it's about time we get this show on the road." Beatrix unchained Seemore and grabbed his mangled burnt hair and dragged him off the table like he wasn't even human.

because in Beatrix's eyes he wasn't. Just a waste of human resources and Air.

She dragged his tortured body to the back of the warehouse where there was a brick wall, With two layers. The two walls being 1 meter apart respectively. What was strange to Seemore was that there was a hole in the wall. A hole big enough to fit a.....human.

" This will be the last time you ever see a human face so remember it well. Since I made a promise I won't go after your friends or family but this fate was inevitable for you once you touched my child."

" So if there's a next life for you, I hope the time we've spent together will be ingrained into your very soul."

Beatrix threw Seemores body in the hole and placed it in a way that he was sitting upright. She then grabbed a cement Trowel and grabbed the cement and bricks prepared in advance and started filling and covering the whole, Seemore could only watch in despair as the more bricks she layed the less and less light came into the hole.

Finally, when she was only a few bricks away from finishing the wall she stopped. Noticing the pause in her actions Seemores mind was running at 100 miles a minute.

All sorts of things were running through his mind. His life flashed before his eyes and it was at that instant he looked up and saw those soulless golden eyes staring down at him. And he remembered a child with similar eyes opening when he entered the birthing Pod room one stupid drunken night.

He finally remembered.

" That lesson being...Don't fuck with a mother's child." Beatrix said as she picked up a box and dumped the contents in the hole.

Rats, Flies, Centipedes, slugs, all types of Bugs, and more.

That was the last thing Seemore saw as Beatrix sealed the wall shut. After she did so she just stood there, not moving a single inch. After what felt like days she finally lifted her head.


"Yes, mistress." Lucia answered, mysteriously appearing by Beatrix's side.

"Let's go home."

"As you wish." Lucia smiled as she and Beatrix left the warehouse.


Hasegawa  Tower.

Chisato had just finished her work and was about to head home, but decided to have a smoke before going home. Today was a stressful day for her after all.

She went through one cigarette and was going to have another but a message from her smart watch stopped that.

[It's done, I kept my promise. I'm satisfied. But you're not coming to Leon's birthday unless you get him 100 presents and apologize to him in the future. And you need to send me a report on Leon's condition.] Chisato replied

[ Deal...are you still mad at me.]

[ ...I'm not mad, it was my fault as well, I should have put up more precautions for his safety. Something like this won't ever happen again.

[ I'm glad. I'll go to the Lab tomorrow and have my team see how Leon's cells are. Though it was was a Peculier condition the previous owner of it was perfectly fine and was healthy, just a bit more...Active. In any case, I'll have the results sent to you by tomorrow evening at the latest.]

[...Thank you]

[ As his Godmother that's the least I can do for him. I'll talk to you tomorrow.]

With that, the conversation was over. Chisato sighed and looked to the sky. She remembered her friend calling Leon a future lady killer' Haha, that might not be so farfetched after all.'

Chisato smirked before putting out the cigarette.

And Now back to the main story. There will be the birthday chapter then a mini timeskip.

Heyimmr_69creators' thoughts