
Age of Megasaurs

The curse had been laid, the beasts are free, the fight has changed pace. In a magical land that had always been peaceful, bloodshed is the new reality. Will Xiao ever know peace again?

kushfee_anjum · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


I catch her in time before she falls. I turn to the beast. It is exhausted but it is, even still, stronger than me. With the girl in my arms, I can not fight the Megasaur and leaving the girl is no choice a gentleman would make. I close my eyes forcing my magic out. C'mon. Not at a time like this!

I try again and strangely, I feel all of the energy release from me in the form of immense heat. I barely manage to hold the girl as I fall to my knees myself. I open my eyes and the beast is thrown back. I hear someone gasp at a distance. I wasn't up for that. I see crimson cover the ground. I get up. It demanded way too much of a strength.

Thankfully, the girl isn't heavy. She's strong but not heavy. She fought so bravely; I was astonished. But to think that a Jun fought a Megasaur, something didn't feel right! I liked her spirit though.

She snakes her arms around my neck and mumbles something. Something that i couldn't understand. I lean in closer, hoping to make out what she was saying.

"Sayinh –"

Say what? I think to myself.

Her forehead is creased. She is badly hurt but she is trying to say something. I feel so bad for not being able to understand her. I walk through the village, looking around to see if there's someone who knows her. No willing soul takes a step forward. I stop in the centre of the market.

"Do none of you know her? Who she is or where she's from?"

All i get in return is blank stares and silence.

People start stepping back as if they fear her. I turn back to see the Megasaur lying in a puddle of blood. I killed it. That is when i understand what they are scared of. I narrow my eyes at them but continue to walk towards our cavern. That is when a little boy holds my leg. He barely reaches as high as my thigh. His eyes are brimmed with tears. As I stop to turn to him, his eyelids lose control and the tears fall down his rosy cheeks like a waterfall.

"What happened to you?" I ask, worry creasing my very own forehead.

"Sana" he says, pulling me down.

I bow a little. "Is this your big sister?" I ask.

He nods, touching the girl's hand.

"Sana..sana" he keeps repeating.

"Donnleamme sana" he falls down.

"She is going to be alright. Come with me ."

I geature him to follow me to the cavern. Looks like she is the only one left of their family. The little kid looks so scared and vulnerable, I want to take all of his pain away. I wish I could !

I try to walk as fast as I can. It'll be a big problem if she loses a lot of blood. But then there's the kid. He has to keep pace. All the while, the kid kept holding onto my fingers and looking at his sister.

I lay the girl on the soft cushions.

"Stay right beside your sana" I tell the little boy before i walk out to get some bandages and herbs.

As I stretch my hand to reach for the bandages, i see a gash on my arm. When did i get this? I think to myself.

"What happened to your arm" I hear Mama gasp beside me.

I don't want to lie to her like I did with the Moon stone wound but I don't even know when I got this.

"Uh I umm must have gotten that while fighting the Megasaur" I reply, trying to maintain my calm.

"Where did you fight it? Was it a Moon Beast? Did you fight it all alone?" I can see horror in her eyes.

"Mama" I reach my hands to her face. Holding it gently, I continue "I'm fine. I'm right in front of you. It was coming for a baby. I saved it. No wait, she did-" I gesture towards the my room.

She looks at me with confusion. "Let me see that" she says, taking my arm, paying the least attention to my mention of a girl.

"More importantly, I have a girl in my roo-"

"A girl you say!" her eyes go from being horror struck to shining like a kid's.

"I did mention it earlier." I sigh.

" She was fighting the beast and she's badly hurt Mama." I narrate her the whole incident. I was wholly convinced that her expression mirrored mine when i realized that she was a Jun.

Mama follows me to my room. She looks into her wounds and bandages them.

"Why is she unconcious?"I ask.

"She used too much magic" she says, looking at my arm. I put my other hand over it. "She'll be fine in sometime. Just let her rest" she finishes. Then she looks at the boy, "What is your name, little boy?"

"Hua!" he beams.

She looks at me again.

"Wow!My name is Hua too." I sit down beside him offering him a hand. "Wanna be friends?"

He takes it gladly.

I see his eyes shine and his smile beam.

"I want to be powerful, just like you."

"You will become more powerful than me," I pat his head.

"I'll get you two something to eat" Mama says before she leaves my room.