
Against the World: The last Monapart

No one with the name Monapart could ever use magic. But no Monapart ever cared about it. They were always the strongest of them all. Each one stronger than the last. The world couldn't accept their existence. When the strongest Monapart died, they swore to never let another one get stronger again. Every human, beast, and demon would be killed at the mere mention of the name... But time passes, and soon, they forgot. "Curses...Curses... The fucking curses! They were the rage, the fear, and the embodiment of someone's will, so why?! Why all of them are made to kill everything?!" Said the first Monapart. But the curse in front of him didn't answer, it just stared at him smiling like always. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When he was born, he didn't cry, nor made any kind of sound in the process, but no one cared for him enough to notice. After just two days of life, he opened his eyes. An unusual thing as babies usually need at least a month to do so. His green eyes moved wildly looking at every corner of his room with deep curiosity, but not understanding anything in his view. He still couldn't understand the concept of 'thing' yet, but that changed after one month of life. After one month, he understood he was alive and most of the things in the room weren't. He still couldn't put it in words but he clearly knew that he was way different than the chair next to him. The speed of his understanding was outstanding. Sadly, in his sixth month of life, while he was asleep, flames covered his entire room and himself. It didn't take even a second and all the room turned into ashes. The baby didn't die as expected, but he was no longer in the dark room. [ Curse received: Heart offering ] . . [ Heart offering: Once per day the curse bearer will lose one of his five senses until he loses everything or dies ] . . [ Heart offering is taking effect ] . . [ Sense of hearing lost] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -At least one chapter of 1000 words a day -If you don't like the start, I guess chapter 21 is a good one to jump to but you will still feel a little lost -If you find any error, please comment on it and I will fix it -I hope you like it

ALittleSickMan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

Quit The Drama and Jump

"What do you mean?"

"They surely didn't trap us here for nothing. When They come get us we escape"

"That's it?"

"That's it"



He said every word with a serious expression like he had absolute confidence in his claims, enough to make me doubt myself.

'Am I wrong for doubting him? No, maybe he's just crazy. Or I'm the one going crazy after being with him for so long'

We stopped talking and went back to playing.

After some time, a monster appeared in front of our cell.

It grabbed the two of us by the legs and began dragging us somewhere, as our were backs were scraping on the floor we started talking.

"Where is he taking us?"

"How would I know? This is a first for me too"

Then we were thrown into an open space surrounded by the monsters, there were so many of them they formed three walls surrounding us. And in the front, was a colossal hole making the canyon I fell, look like a little pit.


The monsters roared.

"Where are we?"

"Lil bro, can you survive a few minutes against one of them?"

"Maybe, why?"

"I think they are going to put us to fight against some monsters"

Then the monsters opened a path and two taracks appeared from behind them.

"Or a big tiger"

'With my new status I think I can handle one, but two is too much'

"Can you handle one of them?"

"Of course! Who do you think I am? I can take care of both if you want" he said with a proud face

I still didn't trust him that much but I couldn't do anything, we had to fight together.

The two beasts jumped at us. I dodged to the left and started to run, the tarack followed, it was faster than me so in a little time I was forced to dodge another strike. It was attacking me with its tail.

In the middle of a strike, I grabbed one of the spikes of its tail and ripped it off. Using the spike as a weapon, I stopped running and started to attack as well.

It was the first time I fought against a tarack since the one in the green forest didn't attack me.

It was slower than the spider but stronger. Each one of its attacks, even after avoiding it, still caused significant damage.

It was hard to hurt it with the spike so I focused on removing all the spikes of its tail, if there were no more spikes it would be forced to use its mouth.

After some time of fighting, I succeed in removing them all. It became very angry and tried to kill me by biting me to death. I rolled to the side avoiding its giant mouth and with all my strength I struck the spike in its left eye.

The tarack went berserk, it attacked brutally everywhere. As the tarack was madly attacking the air, I grabbed another spike on the floor and waited for an opportunity to strike.

The tarack was getting tired, it was spending too much energy, and the attacks getting slower and weaker.

When it was at its weakest, I closed the distance with a dash, and using the spike I easily pierced its other eye, the tarack was now blind but not dead, it jumped at me the moment I pierced the eye.

The tarack was too close so I couldn't avoid the attack but I could hold its head so it couldn't bite me. The tarack was too strong for me and I couldn't hold for much time, my legs gave out and I fell to the ground with the beast atop of me.

It was madly trying to bite me as my hands barely held it back, my strength wouldn't last long. Every second getting harder and harder to hold, my hands shaking and the head of the beast almost biting my neck.

'Just a little more, just a little more strength, and I can push it back!' Then a system window appeared in my vision.

(!)[ Event 'Birth Day' starting ]

(!)[ Happy Birthday! At this moment, the host completed 3 years since his birth ]

(!)[ Because of the host's unusual body constitution. The host doesn't grow older in the progression of the year, instead every 'birth day' event, the system will use the hormones accumulated to improve the host's body at once ]

(!)[ Because of the event 'Birthday' the host's body was improved ]

(!)[ +2 Points to all status ]

(!)[ Vitality: 18 - 20 ]

(!)[ Strength: 14 - 16 ]

(!)[ Agility: 13 - 15 ]

I felt my strength growing, my hands stopped shaking, and with just one hand I keep holding the tarack. With my other hand, I grabbed the spike on its eye, pulled it out, and stabbed the beast's neck.

The tarack kept struggling for some time until it lost all strength and died.

[ You have killed ( Tarack ) ]

[ +75 Exp ]

*Hah*Hah*Hah* I was out of breath, I used all my strength and was exhausted, but thanks to the improvement I could still stand.


All the monsters roared.

*Clap*Clap*Clap*Clap* Some claps in the middle of the noise caught my attention.

"That was good"

"What happened to the other Tarack?"

"You didn't see? I killed it when they jumped at us"

"You mean, at the beginning?"


I looked behind him and saw the body of the other tarack lying on the floor headless.

"Why didn't you help me then?"

"Well, you were so focused on the fight I thought it would be such a waste, the more that you fight, the better you get at it, it looked like a good practice and I could save you if anything happened"

'This guy... I don't even know what to think about him'

Suddenly, all the monsters aimed their claws at us and started walking forward, they were approaching us little by little.

"Now this is a problem" He said with a slightly more worried face.

We were slowly driven to the corner of the hole, they wanted us to jump in it.

'What can I do? Maybe I can fight my way through? No, maybe...'

"Hey, little brother are you okay?"

I heard him but I was too concentrated thinking about how to escape and ignored him.

*Sigh* " You should listen when I talk to you, but I will forgive you this time" He said as he approached me and suddenly pushed me to the hole.

'WHY???' I couldn't believe it. He pushed me into the hole! My toughs turned a mess as I stared at the border of the abyss, falling.

But then, the most unbelievable thing happened, the guy that pushed me suddenly went running to the border and jumped too.

"WOOHOO!" He had a happy face as he fell into the hole.

'What???' I couldn't believe he jumped as well.

Now both of us were falling into the hole. He looked at me and made a signal with his hands asking if I was ok.

'We are gonna die! How can I be okay?!' I wanted to scream at him now.