
Against the World: The last Monapart

No one with the name Monapart could ever use magic. But no Monapart ever cared about it. They were always the strongest of them all. Each one stronger than the last. The world couldn't accept their existence. When the strongest Monapart died, they swore to never let another one get stronger again. Every human, beast, and demon would be killed at the mere mention of the name... But time passes, and soon, they forgot. "Curses...Curses... The fucking curses! They were the rage, the fear, and the embodiment of someone's will, so why?! Why all of them are made to kill everything?!" Said the first Monapart. But the curse in front of him didn't answer, it just stared at him smiling like always. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When he was born, he didn't cry, nor made any kind of sound in the process, but no one cared for him enough to notice. After just two days of life, he opened his eyes. An unusual thing as babies usually need at least a month to do so. His green eyes moved wildly looking at every corner of his room with deep curiosity, but not understanding anything in his view. He still couldn't understand the concept of 'thing' yet, but that changed after one month of life. After one month, he understood he was alive and most of the things in the room weren't. He still couldn't put it in words but he clearly knew that he was way different than the chair next to him. The speed of his understanding was outstanding. Sadly, in his sixth month of life, while he was asleep, flames covered his entire room and himself. It didn't take even a second and all the room turned into ashes. The baby didn't die as expected, but he was no longer in the dark room. [ Curse received: Heart offering ] . . [ Heart offering: Once per day the curse bearer will lose one of his five senses until he loses everything or dies ] . . [ Heart offering is taking effect ] . . [ Sense of hearing lost] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -At least one chapter of 1000 words a day -If you don't like the start, I guess chapter 21 is a good one to jump to but you will still feel a little lost -If you find any error, please comment on it and I will fix it -I hope you like it

ALittleSickMan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


Anne, as the group's healer, started checking on Vicky to see if there was anything wrong with her. She didn't find anything until she looked at the back of her neck and found a mark-like tattoo.

She was sure she never saw anything similar before.

"I don't know what this is but it might be the cause" She said while showing the mark to everyone.

"Maybe she needs treatment, we should go back" Mark said.

"I understand how you feel, but we can't go back yet. We still don't have enough to make a report. If we go back now, we might get accused of not even trying. Mark you can, carry her on your back until she wakes up"

Ren didn't want to risk losing anyone either but they didn't even complete the minimum of what they were sent to do.

Mark had conflicted thoughts but he obeyed Ren's orders, he picked Vicky up and put her on his back.

There wasn't any fog anymore so they could see clearly. After removing the ropes, they started moving up the mountain again.

Hans was still nervous and Vicky's stunt didn't help very much.

He went closer to Alexander trying to make small talk.

"Does this happens a lot?"


"I see..."

Alexander didn't entertain Hans and kept concentrating on finding anything wrong around them.

Hans got awkward because of the lack of response. He wanted to get along well with Alexander but he had no idea how.

"I found something!" Leny shouted from the opposite side of the group.

Everyone turned where Leny pointed and they saw someone tied to a tree.

The man had cuts everywhere on his arms and legs. It was a human and everyone could feel the strong smell of blood.

"I'll check if there is anything dangerous" Leny was curious about the human and went closer.

Ren didn't feel good about the whole situation so he went with Leny while watching his back for anything dangerous.

The moment the tied man saw Leny, he tried desperately to say something but his mouth was gagged.

Leny got closer and removed the gag, but before the man could say anything, a spike pierced his head from the tree towards Leny.

Leny reacted quickly and dodged to the side, the spike only left a scratch on his arm.

Ren and Leny couldn't see it, but Alexander could. Three grey little monsters with wings were looking at them from the three branches while grinning.

Their smile was so creepy they could scare any bird away. Alexander grabbed a rock and threw it at one of them.

The little monster couldn't even react when the rock crashed on its body breaking its bones and wings.

It fell from the tree right in front of Ren who looked at the creature with confusion. He had never seen anything similar to this thing.

It was struggling on the ground trying to crawl away, but the broken bones and wings didn't let it. Ren observed it carefully, not letting his guard down.

Alexander approached the monster. The other ones disappeared the moment the rock hit one of them. A few seconds later, the little monster died.

[ Level 2 Fairy killed ]

[+ 20 Exp ]

[ 'Fairy' Added to the Bestiary ]

The tied human was dead and they couldn't get anything from his body either.

"There should be a human village around her, this human had to come from somewhere. And if there is a village, it must have a river around here as well, we just need to find it and it will lead us to the village" Leny proposed.

Everyone agreed with Leny and they started moving again. It wasn't hard to find the river since they were on a mountain and it could only be in two directions.

"We will separate here, Alan and Hans will go up the river while the rest of us will go down" ren gave new orders when they arrived at the river.

"Why?" Hans couldn't understand why they should separate

"I don't know what happened to Vicky but her condition is worsening. We need to get out faster so we can get her treated. If we find the village, it should be more than enough to make a good report and we can go back"

A human village was a source of food for vampires, some people and even the army can profit well by selling it. If they found the village, the whole expedition can be considered a success.

"What will happen to the village once we find it?" Hans asked.

"I don't know and it doesn't concern us. The army will decide that. Now stop wasting time and let's go"

Hans wanted to say more but Ren didn't bother with him.

Ren, Leny, Anne, and Mark who was carrying Vicky followed the river toward the mountain's bottom.

Alexander and Hans went in the opposite direction. Alexander was a little more relaxed now, protecting one person was easier than six in case of something happening.

The two walked together for a while and Hans tried to talk to Alexander many times but Alexander just didn't see any reason to extend any conversation.

His answers were short with only yes, no, or I don't know.

"It seems like we found it" Alexander said while pointing at the wooden houses a few feet away from them. "Let's go warn the others"

Alexander turned back, planning to inform Ren about the village's location.

"D-Don't we need to... ha... See if they are friendly?" Hans asked nervously.

"Friendly? Why would we? We are vampires and they are humans, of course, they aren't friendly. I don't understand your question"

Alexander was used to referring to himself as a vampire after so long of faking being one.

"I-I mean, maybe they don't hunt vampires as the books say. C-Can we take a look? Ren has probably already realized the village is up the river. A few seconds and he will be here"

Alexander looked at Hans suspiciously. They were ordered to do one thing and that was to find the village, Alexander couldn't understand why he wanted to go to the village.

Wasting time here could put the rest of the group in danger uselessly.

But they found the human man around here so the village couldn't be too far away, following that logic Ren would indeed end up finding it after a while.

"Indeed, Ren can find here on his own. But why should we go into the village?"