
Against the World: The last Monapart

No one with the name Monapart could ever use magic. But no Monapart ever cared about it. They were always the strongest of them all. Each one stronger than the last. The world couldn't accept their existence. When the strongest Monapart died, they swore to never let another one get stronger again. Every human, beast, and demon would be killed at the mere mention of the name... But time passes, and soon, they forgot. "Curses...Curses... The fucking curses! They were the rage, the fear, and the embodiment of someone's will, so why?! Why all of them are made to kill everything?!" Said the first Monapart. But the curse in front of him didn't answer, it just stared at him smiling like always. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When he was born, he didn't cry, nor made any kind of sound in the process, but no one cared for him enough to notice. After just two days of life, he opened his eyes. An unusual thing as babies usually need at least a month to do so. His green eyes moved wildly looking at every corner of his room with deep curiosity, but not understanding anything in his view. He still couldn't understand the concept of 'thing' yet, but that changed after one month of life. After one month, he understood he was alive and most of the things in the room weren't. He still couldn't put it in words but he clearly knew that he was way different than the chair next to him. The speed of his understanding was outstanding. Sadly, in his sixth month of life, while he was asleep, flames covered his entire room and himself. It didn't take even a second and all the room turned into ashes. The baby didn't die as expected, but he was no longer in the dark room. [ Curse received: Heart offering ] . . [ Heart offering: Once per day the curse bearer will lose one of his five senses until he loses everything or dies ] . . [ Heart offering is taking effect ] . . [ Sense of hearing lost] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -At least one chapter of 1000 words a day -If you don't like the start, I guess chapter 21 is a good one to jump to but you will still feel a little lost -If you find any error, please comment on it and I will fix it -I hope you like it

ALittleSickMan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


He opened the door, looking at Lili who was lost and overthinking.

*Sigh* "Don't worry about it, I know it's hard for you to control yourself"

"Hey, don't make it sound like it's my fault. It's your blood that's too good" She instantly regretted her words since she didn't look believable at all because of her blood-stained lips.

He said goodbye, but she was too embarrassed to say anything. She only snapped when the door closed with a loud bang.

Lili sighed out loud and fell to the ground.

"I messed up again... Why can't I just shut up"

She teleported to her room and hopped on her bed. She screamed and rolled on her pillows hoping the shame would disappear.

At the same time, unaware of Lili's predicament, Alexander reached the division's building. He touched the mask on his face with fond memories.

Lili was afraid he would get found out as he grew older and stronger so she insisted on making a mask for him. It was something he kept with great care.

He went to the backyard where everyone often meets.

"Alan! Come here. Let me introduce you to my nephew, he's joining us today"

Alexander looked at the young man beside Ren.

"Nice to meet you!" He screamed while bowing his head. He was nervous since Ren told him a lot about Alexander.

"Nice to meet you as well" Alexander greeted the young man but found it strange how nervous he was.

"What did you say to him?"

"Nothing... Anyway, Alan, this is Hans, and Hans this is Alan. Now everyone knows each other"

Hans didn't have good experiences with the other members. Mark screamed at him for messing up in a spar once, Leny almost convinced him to buy drugs, and the girls ignored him for some reason.

Ren pulled Alexander to the side to talk.

"What do you want?"

"Can you look after him when we go outside? Some things happened and this time the orders aren't as simple. We might have a lot of people trying to mess with us"

"I don't mind, but why me? Why not Mark or Leny?"

"He doesn't have a pretty good relationship with those two, and I know you hide some strength with you. Don't worry, everyone has secrets"

"..." Alexander was bound to show more than he should after two whole years.

"It's not that unusual to train a lot since birth, some vampires are just battle maniacs"

"I'll keep that in mind"

They stopped talking and gathered with everyone in the garden.

"We are going together with other divisions today into a new area. A few days ago, a whole mountain disappeared because of the fight between two beasts, opening a new path with unknown dangers... And blah, blah, blah. That's everything they said"

Leny and Mark's faces darkened when they heard about the other divisions. It was publicly known that the fourteenth division was the weakest.

Not only the other division had stronger members, but they were also far greater in numbers.

Each of the thirteen divisions had at least a hundred people. More than half of the city worked for the army.

The atmosphere was grim as they walked toward the city's borders to meet with the other divisions.

The moment they passed through the wall gates, they saw the huge army of three hundred soldiers standing in formation.

Ren guided them to meet with the other commanders since it was standard procedure in the army.

The thirteenth commander didn't bother with them, he didn't show respect or enmity. He simply didn't see them having any worth on the expedition at all.

On the other hand, the twelfth commander just didn't say more because it could be regarded as indiscipline.

"Hahahaha! As useless as ever. Now you bring around kids with you Ren? Haven't you killed enough people already? Why don't you go back and leave the army to drink at a brothel? I'll make sure to be the one to receive your resignation letter"

Ren stood still without answering. Mark wanted to lash out and rip the arrogant man apart but he controlled himself.

If they attacked anyone, the twelfth division would have a reason to fight back and they were way stronger than Mark, Leny, or Ren could handle.

They were used to being treated like that by the other divisions. The soldiers from both the twelfth and thirteenth divisions looked at them with disdain.

Not only the fourteenth was the weakest, but they also received money every month by doing basically nothing and that angered everyone in the army even if they received more.

When everyone finally arrived, the whole three hundred man army moved toward the forest in a straight line.

After one whole day, they reached the mountain chain and in the middle, there was a huge gap where was a mountain before.

Everyone stared at the gap with amazement, the amount of strength to flatten a whole mountain like that was terrifying.

They passed through the gap and they could see the other side of the mountain chain.

At sight, they could see lakes, valleys, and smaller mountains. But the most impressive thing was that far away they could see the ocean.

The kingdom was surrounded by mountains and most of the vampires had never seen the sea so the sight couldn't be described by mere words from these old and young vampires.

Alexander and the rest of the fourteenth division waited for fo Ren who was called to decide how they would organize the exploration.

Arriving at the commanders' tent, Ren stood at the corner listening.

"The twelfth division will explore the farther and most dangerous area, the beach. The thirteenth division will cover the forest and the mountains. You decide what to do with the fourteenth division. They will stay as a support for the thirteenth"

The twelfth commander was the strongest and with the highest rank so naturally, he decided everything.

The thirteenth commander didn't object to the orders and Ren couldn't say anything even if he wanted to. Then, the division's groups were separated into their individual tasks.

After the twelfth division left, Ren went to talk with the thirteenth commander to decide the place they could explore without interfering with them.