
Against the Gods: Transcendent

Author: Translator
Ongoing · 1M Views
  • 25 Chs
  • 4.5
    20 ratings
  • NO.200+

Yun Che who has once again, been reincarnated into his past. Wanting to change his once fate, he now grasps his own very destiny by all means!

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TheFanficGod · Book&Literature
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If you're bored/annoyed by Mars Gravity's hiatus and you want more ATG fix in your life, read this novel. If you're annoyed by stupid decisions of YC in the ROG arc, read this novel. Writing is pretty good, similar to Mars himself. There are some errors and mistakes, but they're not that often and the person writing this has (some ;) knowledge of the English language. So far the updates are frequent - every day. Story has potential, but it's still pretty early to judge that. BEWARE OF SPOILERS, if you are not caught up with the latest chapters you'll get spoiled hard on some huge reveals in the 19XX chapters.


Reveal spoiler


This is a impressive writing quality. Remember how Mars write. Continue this job, it's so very good. I'm so excited to the next chapters! I believe that is history have a huge potential, becausa it explores an alternative timeline.


What's happening!!I was reading then all chapters suddenly vanished there was 66 chapter know it's saying there in none!!


Yo, are you just re-uploading is it different?


This is a great read, very much enjoyed it. Though 6months since last update, hopefully its not dead and author continues and its not another case of MARS.


please continue updating and the plot is going a bit to fast


by far everything is going great but I can't help but feel that things are going a bit to fast especially his progress in cultivation


please start posting new chapters.By the way this novel is all good.


hey so whats going on? you stopped updating for so long and now it went from 60 chapters to 23, and its not even in order, like at some point it jumps from 15 to 33. and theres almost never 2 chapters in order in a row, something is always skipped




Man... this so good i don't understand why there is only have a 10 review[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=update] if you are dissatisfied about the original then read this i feel healed when i read this..................................................................................................................................


Thank you, I really liked this fan fiction. Rebel against the Gods is one of my favorite books and I am very glad that there was an author who could write a worthy work on it. I will look forward to continuing.


Just too good! Mars should just give all the ATG rights to this Author here :)


я из Казахстана там но напишу на русском мне очень нравится ваше произведение,хотел бы сказать что это один из лучших фанфиков по восставший против неба и я просто восхищаюсь вашей работой


finally an atg story with Yun che and not a annoying otaku that thinks he is better. furthermore the story is so good thanks to taking place in the later stages of the book and with nc changes. So sick of those that start from zero and dont even finish the base planet story.


Me encanta la historia la verdad me encantó como la desarruyastes solo espero que no termine tan rápido y puedas desarrollar el romances con todo el harém y dar un buen final espero con ansias que lo sigas subiendo gracias


When the world needed him most he vanished.... Mars' borderline abandonment of ATG had me take a good whiff of that copium so i was hyped when i found the link for another good ATG fanfic in the mtl comment section and it does NOT disappoint. A near perfect redemption story that just feels good too read and has both accurate personalities of the characters and a bit of comedy behind it.


Very good, thanks,.........................................................................................................................................................................................


Reading Status: C14 Writing Quality : 5.0 Stability of Updates : 5.0 Story Development : 5.0 Character Design : 5.0 World Background : 5.0


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