
Against the Gods: Transcendent

Yun Che who has once again, been reincarnated into his past. Wanting to change his once fate, he now grasps his own very destiny by all means!

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25 Chs

Dragon's Rage

Not too long ago...


"Your Highness?" a skeptical voice echoed nearby, as a young woman exuding a chaotic aura had just revealed herself to those around her.

"Yun Che?!" shouted a young woman in shock, her eyes widened. She had blood-red hair and an extraordinary pair of black, demonic-looking eyes that gleamed mysteriously with each blink. She is Jasmine, the Star God Slaughter, and she was currently watching the Eternal Heaven's Projection being broadcast across the entire Eastern Divine Region.

After the Star God Emperor sealed off the realm, all the Star Gods and Star Guards were recalled. It didn't take long for the Star God Emperor to verify that none of them were involved in the enigmatic death of Moon Flower. However, given the possibility that someone was targeting them, the decision was made to restrict everyone from leaving the realm until the true culprit behind Moon Flower's assassination could be identified.

While they may have closed the realm, it doesn't mean they've entirely severed their connection to the outside world. The Eternal Heaven Projection continues to play in the sky at the border of their realm, as is the case for the other realms that have closed themselves off.

Star God Slaughter, known as the most stealthy among all Star Gods, and indeed the entire God Realm, has concealed herself in the void, watching the projection from a distance. She arrived not long ago and witnessed Yun Che in the projection, engulfed in black flames, Luo Changsheng She is currently experiencing a sense of shock that is beyond description.



Everyone watched as the door to the ancient profound ark before them opened. Before any figure even emerged, a sultry voice that pierced the souls of all who heard it rang out, "My my, for how long have you two been Eternal Heaven God Emperor and Brahma God Emperor? Oh, and the mighty Dragon Monarch Long Bai, how have you been?" The voice sounded as though it was greeting old friends, but it was imbued with the power of a soul that seemed capable of bewitching and devouring a person whole!

"..Ugh Uwahhhh!!" Many individuals with weaker cultivation who remained in the Eternal Heaven Realm within the range of the voice had their souls shattered and perished on the spot!!!

"DEVILS...DEVIL QUEEN!" Zhou Xuzi and Qianye Fantian exclaimed in unison. They recognized her voice! How could they not? Ten thousand years ago, they had once battled against her! In that confrontation, they had even been considered the defeated party!

"..." The Dragon Monarch observed the approaching figures with an unchanged expression. While the development was unexpected, it did not perturb him. After all, he was unrivaled in strength.

Two shadowy figures emerged from the profound ark, they commanded the attention of all who watched. Could these be the fabled Great Witches, the two radiated the formidable aura of tenth level Divine Masters.

The Devil Queen, Chi Wuyao, gracefully alighted, flanked by the two witches. They cast a gentle gaze upon the weary Snow Song Realm members sheltered behind Yun Che.

"Rest now, you seem tired, it's not safe for you here" Chi Wuyao uttered softly, her voice infused with profound energy that gently lulled the Snow Song Realm onlookers into a restful slumber.

With a subtle lift of her hand, she ushered the slumbering individuals skyward, positioning them to enter the sanctuary of the Primordial Profound Ark.

However, their ascent was abruptly challenged as an Eternal Heaven Guardian, ablaze with overwhelming power, surged forward. His eyes were set firmly on the Snow Song Realm's people.

"STOP!" His comrade's shout was too late to deter him, for in the next moment, two new figures materialized, intercepting the frenzied attack with precision.

"Puff!!!" The Eternal Heaven Guardian power was forcefully blocked as a spear pieced though his heart!


A spear thrust, merciless and true, pierced the guardian's heart, while a blade as dark as oblivion cleaved his form. His dying vision was filled with the fearsome visages of a man and a woman, etching eternal terror into his soul! 

The Brahma God Emperor recognized the man who descended as the Yama God Emperor and exclaimed, "Yama God Emperor??!!" Despite the Northern Divine Region being relatively isolated, the rulers of the various realms were still aware of each other's look and strength.

Yan Tianxiao and Yan Wu watches as the people of Snow Song Realm safety enter the ark.

"SHHHHHH!!!!!" The ark revese to it minisize and landed in Yan Tianxiao hand as he descended.

Without uttering a word, the Yama God Emperor fell to his knees before Yun Che, the only man amongst the group. "Tianxiao greets my lord," he said as he brought ark back to his master.

Before anyone could react with surprise another scene unfold.


As the onlookers attempted to regain their composure, powerful presences detonated from various corners of the realm. The cries of the Eternal Heaven Guardians fell silent from earlier communication devices, and powerful forces surged rapidly towards them. Their eyes widened to the limit as they sensed the power equal and surpassing their own, and that's from the strongest and second strongest individuals in the Eastern Divine Region!

"JIEEHEHEHAA!" A terrifyingly terrible laughed rang out as one powerful aura arrived in front of everyone.

JIEHAHAHAHA! Another hideous laugh echoed as the two auras arrived shortly after.

"!!!!!!" Eternal Heaven God Emperor widen his eyes in horror. How could Devils infiltrate the Eternal Heaven without anyone noticing?!!!!

The three spectral figures appeared in a flash before Yun Che. "Yan One greets Master," "Yan Two greets Master!" "Yan Three greets Master!" They all said simultaneously as they materialized.


Clutched in Yan Three's grip was the limp form of an individual. With a sudden realization that he still held onto the body; he hastily flung it toward the ground. "Crash!!!!" It struck with such force that it nearly split in half upon impact.

"ugh......." the figure moaned out in pain....

In the midst of the turbulent storm and darkness, Dragon Monarch unexpectedly said, "You three must be the Yama Ancestors." He remained composed despite the chaotic situation. After all, why should he be scared of mere devils? He was the most powerful being in the entire Primal Chaos – the Dragon Monarch!

"JIEEEHEHAHAHA! Looks like you've got some brains, brat!" Yan One remarked with a hideous cackle and facial expression. Compared to Yan One's age, Dragon Monarch was indeed a mere youngster.

The Dragon Monarch's expression abruptly darkened. While it was true that he was younger than the founders of the Yama Realm, in terms of power, he had far exceeded them! What did their age matter?!!! He could still effortlessly eliminate them!

"I admit, you have courage! Truly! To dare address this Monarch with such disrespect!" Dragon Monarch's eyes narrowed as he gazed at Yan One as though he was already a dead man.

He was about to take action when a feeble voice from the mangled body called out "My... Lord... our teleportation portals are... destroyed." The voice was weak, he breath his last breath right after.

"JIEHAHAHAHA!!! That insect was still alive!" Yan Two laughed.

"JIEHAHAHAHA!" Yan Three hedious laughed chime in.

"What's there to laugh about? You can't even kill one properly!" Yan One looked at Yan Three and scolded him.

"Zhu Liu!" Eternal Heaven's Guardians rushed to his side, but unfortunately, uttering those words had taken everything he had, and he died right after.

Zhu Liu was ranked 13th among the 15 Eternal Heaven Guardians, with a profound strength at the level of an eighth Divine Master! 

The birth or death of a Divine Master could shake any Divine Region, but for those at the later stages of Divine Mastery, their birth would be a cause for celebration lasting hundreds of years! However, their death would bring about incomparable losses.

"Ah...a...uh...ugh..." Eternal Heaven God Emperor let out a grief-stricken sound that was barely human. Even now, he still couldn't comprehend what was happening. His Guardians are being killed left and right!

"Then... what about Tai Yun? Where is he?" The Eternal Heaven God Emperor suddenly recalled that both Tai Yun and Zhu Liu were responsible for guarding the Teleportation Portals. If Zhu Liu had already died here, then what about Tai Yun?

At the mention of Tai Yun, Yan One burst into maniacal laughter. "ZIEEEEHEHAHEHA! How could that little brat survive after being torn to pieces by me? ZIEEEHEHAHAHAH!" His grotesque face twisted in glee.


With a thunderous explosion, the formidable presence of the Dragon Monarch, Long Bai, erupted into the atmosphere.

"BOOOMMM!" His powerful is so strong that the world seem to turn dim at the eruption of his power!

Ascending towards the heavens, he proclaimed, "I must say, today's developments have been extraordinarily unforeseen. However, I'm curious about your exit strategy. Do you truly believe you will depart from here unscathed?"

Yan One met the Dragon Monarch's gaze, undaunted. "We'll just have to find out, won't we?" he began to retort with a wild laugh. But before he could further provoke Long Bai, the voice of Yun Che interrupted the exchange.

"Yan One, have you not had enough after eight hundred thousand years? Why are you still talking to a pathetic lizard?" Yun Che spoke up, silencing Yan One. The demon cowered and retreated behind Yun Che.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Long Bai eyes widen after he heard Yun Che remark.

Dragon Monarch's emotions had been on a rollercoaster ride today. He never really put anyone here in his eyes, but after being relentlessly taunted, he was now on the brink of truly exploding with fury.

With a snarl, he pointed an accusing finger at his tormentors. "You!" he growled, his voice laced with barely-contained rage. The air around him crackled with energy, and the ground shook beneath his feet as his fury threatened to consume him.

Dragon Monarch's fury was a sight to behold. His power was so immense that even the sky trembled. As he raged, the sky turned dark and stormy, as if the elements themselves were cowering before his wrath. His eyes blazed with an otherworldly fire, and his aura pulsed with a power that was both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

The ground shook beneath his feet, and the air crackled with energy as he unleashed his fury upon the world. With each thunderous roar, the very fabric of reality seemed to shake and warp, as if struggling to contain the Dragon Monarch's incredible power.

"Heh, it seems the devils have truly outdone themselves," chuckled the Brahma God Emperor, casting his gaze skyward.

Qianye Ying'er eyed the towering Dragon above with a mixture of trepidation and mockery. She could sense that the might Long Bai was exhibiting far surpassed that of her own father. It made sense now why her father had always cautioned against provoking the dragon.

With the formidable presence of these devils, anyone would naturally seek to flee, given that this devilish force had the power to decimate entire realms. Yet, with the Dragon Monarch present, what was there to dread? They were flanked by Moon Gods, Brahma Kings, and Eternal Heaven Guardians. Moreover, three of the Eastern Divine Region's God Emperors were among them! And soaring above all, the peerless might of the strongest entity, Dragon Monarch Long Bai.



Suddenly, without a word, the rest of the devils moved further away from Yun Che and Chi Wuyao, causing the God Emperors to raise their eyes in confusion. Perhaps they were actually afraid of the Dragon Monarch?

Chi Wuyao looked down at Dragon Monarch with disdain, a sneer on her lips. "Hahaha, look at him, what a loser," she said, her eyes fixed on the monarch.

"No wonder Shen Xi never cared for his love, even after 300,000 years of chasing after her. He's a delusional man," she added, her voice dripping with contempt.

Yun Che joined in, adding, "Truly pathetic."


The onlookers were stunned by what they were hearing and seeing. What did the Devil Queen's words imply?

"What... what did the Devil Queen say?!" shock and confusion ran through the minds of those watching the projection in the sky.

"Devils are always despicable. I hope your majesty Dragon Monarch doesn't take it to the heart....," one of the Eternal Heaven Guardians said to the Dragon Monarch. But before he could finish his words, everyone was jolted by a powerful killing intent. Dragon Monarch killing intent!

Despite the unfolding chaos and his clear display of anger and fury, the Dragon Monarch never once radiated any killing intent...but now?!!!!


Eternal Heaven God Emperor and others screamed in horror as they widened their eyes, realizing that this might be, NO! it is the breaking point for Dragon Monarch!

"Get away!" they shouted, their auras soaring skyward.


The Dragon Monarch's eyes blazed with fury as he gazed at the group of devils before him. They had exposed his deepest secrets and calling him delusional and pathetic. But he was the Dragon Monarch! The strongest of them all! She belonged to him, and him alone! How dare they reveal his secrets in this way!

"Maybe the world have forgot my might" Dragon Monarch eyes narrow as the sky turn dim, thunder and lightning tore across the stormy sky!

"ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The dragon's roar rang out, emitting a terrifying force of destruction that seemed to menace the very fabric of the world!

It was a full release of the most formidable force in all of Primal Chaos!

Are there any longtime readers here who recall these parts from the earlier version? I'm curious to know which rendition you prefer.

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