

Flame God Realm


A monstrous roar could be heard all over the Flame God Realm.

*Swoosh!* *Swoosh!* *Swoosh!*

A dozen of Flame God Realm profound experts appeared and faced the huge black dragon that suddenly appeared in their realm.

"Flame God King what are we gonna do?" A middle aged man with dark long hair asked towards the young man leading them.

The young man glanced at the monstrous black dragon and bowed which shocked all the other profound experts around him.

"Subordinate Huo Ye greets Master!"

Hearing their realm king's words the profound experts of the Flame God realm spaced out a little then immediately bowed at the black dragon.

"Phoenix Hall Master Yang Juehai greets Mr. Seth!"

"Vermillion Bird Hall Master Yan Wancang greets Mr. Seth"

"Golden Crow Hall Master Huo Rulie greets Mr. Seth!"

The other profound also bowed and greeted the mosntrous profound expert they have ever met.

There was no movement coming from the black dragon and Huo Ye was stil bowing so the others had no choice but to also continue bowing.

All of a sudden the monstrous black dragon started shrinking and a silhouette of a person could be seen laying on the dragons back.

"Master.. Master wake up we are already in the Flame God realm." A burly young man said why gently moving the sleeping figure.

The figure slowly opened his eyes and stood up, he then glanced at the experts infront of him and said "Good to see you again Huo Ye."

Huo Ye looked up at saw Seth, he smiled bright and replied "It is Huo Ye's pleasure to welcome Master."

He stared at Huo Ye for a while and nodded in satisfaction "Not bad, to be able to reach the 1st grade of Divine Master your really didn't let me down brat."

"It is all thanks to Master's grace that Huo Ye is able to reach this stage." Huo Ye said and continued bowing at Seth.

Yun Che and Xia Yuanba glanced at the young man infront of them and whispered to each other.

"Is that also Master's disciple?" Yuanba asked Yun Che.

Shaking his head Yun Che replied "No idea but he is surely strong."

Seth got off the shrinking black dragon followed by his two disciples.

Yun Che and Xia Yuanba then greeted the Huo Ye and the 3 hall masters.

"Brat, when are you gonna go to the Profound God Convention?" Seth asked Huo Ye.

"We still don't know Master because we are waiting for Poyun to finish his seclusion." Huo Ye replied and followed by a question.

"Why do you ask Master?"

Seth pointed his two disciples and said "I will let this two join under the name of the Flame God Realm and you can just tell the orgaziners of the convention that I am your elder or something."

Huo Ye was silent for a moment then asked hesistantly "Uhmm, I thought you will be joining the Snow Song Realm?"

With a sneer Seth replied "What's good about that realm? that lass is really hard to deal with and I don't want to associate with them anymore." He said and murmured under his breath. "Really ungrateful, I saved her and she just left right after. I didn't even got kiss."

Huo Ye sweated because he clearly heard what his Master, he then turned around to see the others also having the same reaction and he quickly signalled them not to talk about it.

Seth then tapped Huo Ye's shoulder and said while making his way towards the Majestic Palace up ahead "Let's go, there is still a week left before the start of the convention so let's wait for that brat Poyun to finish then we will leave right away so tell your hall masters to prepare everything in advance."

Huo Ye nodded and quickly ordered the elders who are tasked to prepare the profound ark that they will be using and then followed behind Seth as they entered the palace.

Inside the Flame Palace

Huo Ye hosted a banquent for the arrival of Seth and were currently in the hall eating and talking.

"Master, ever since I got cured by you I have been thinking on what kind of gift I can present to you and I finally found the perfect gift.. No, the perfect subordinate for you." Huo Ye said in an excited manner.

Huo Ye's words piqued Seth's interest so he asked "What kind of subordinate did you got me then?"

Instead of answering the question Huo Ye clapped his hands.

A kid that looked around 10 years old that has green hair and green skin entered the hall with a nervous look on his face.

Seth eyebrows raised seeing the little bean sprout and asked "Is he a wood spirit?"

Huo Ye nodded and brought the wood spirit infront of Seth.

"He is not only a normal wood spirit but a royalty, I save him when I was exploring the Darkya Realm and brought his other race to the Flame God Realm where they can be safe." Huo Ye explained fearing that his Master would misundestand.

Seth smiled at little bean sprout and asked "What's your name little guy?"

The wood spirit was a little nervous when he looked at Seth's red and black eyes, he took a deep breath and said.

"My name is He Lin and I am the last royal descendant of the wood spirit race."

When he heard the wood spirit's name Seth smiled warmly and said "Nice to meet you He Lin."

He Lin looked at warm smile of Seth and felt that the man infront of him wasn't a bad person so he smiled back and replied "Nice to meet you too Master!"

Seth laughed loudly when he heard He Lin call him Master and said "Do you know that I don't have any weak subordinates?"

He Lin smiled faded when he felt Seth releasing a malicious aura and couldn't help but step back. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. Please don't kill my race."

He Lin startes begging for forgiveness and kowtowed non stop, he didn't beg for his life but instead beg Seth not to kill his fellow wood spirits that was brought here.

Seth withdrew his aura and looked at He Lin in contempt "You're a royalty? what a joke! It's no wonder your race is gonna face extinction. with a leader like you I really feel pity for your fellow wood spirits who are doomed for life."

He Lin stopped kowtowing when he heard Seth's mocking words, he looked at Seth and said "I know that I am a coward and I know that I am not worthy of leading my race but please don't hurt them. I am willing to sacrifice my life in order for them to live freely."

Seth looked at He Lin in the eyes and asked "Do you wanna be strong? strong enough to defend your race. strong enough that even the great realm kings will not be able to offend you and your race."

He Lin stared blanky at Seth and didn't know what to say and murmured "Strong? I can become strong? I can protect my race from the evil people? If I can become strong enough that even the great realm kings will think twice offending me then."

He kneeled infront of Seth banged his head on the floor "PLEASE HELP ME BECOME STRONGER!!"