
Against the Fate

The God Child Messiah was dead, and the Devil Master of the North drenched the world in the blood of his enemies. He had saved the world once, and he would destroy it this time. His enemies were no more, and only his nemesis left. He died before he could pay back his agony. Before he could accept his fate, he was regressed in time. Back to when he was a renowned Child of the Heavens that would soon become the God Child Messiah. In this timeline, he would surely get everything right. He would protect his family and those dear to him by building his own king realm with the strongest legacy, make friends with countless experts, nurture successors, create unparalleled profound arts and finally, eradicate the dragons. This time, he would fight against the fate itself. It is the story of Yun Che in another timeline. Against the Gods fanfiction, Against the Fate. It takes place after the soul of Jasmine's brother, Heavenly Star Wolf Xisu, told him about the truth of the Absolute Star Soul Barrier. I advise you to read the original before reading this, as it contains spoilers up to the latest published chapter available. The cover is not mine, if you want me to take it down then please, shoot me a dm! Also, if you don't like chapters that don't have fights in them, then maybe this is not your cup of tea. I'd like to explore more about Yun Che's relationships with everyone he knew, so it will be somewhat slow-paced and won't have that much fight scenes until the later arcs. It focuses more on Yun Che's relationships, internal struggle, kingdom building, and politics. If you're into that, then you're in for a ride. The release rate is 3 chapters a week, unless something happens IRL and I can't write.

Lunoire · Anime e quadrinhos
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26 Chs

Mysterious Winged Armored Woman

Yun Che was startled by the sudden development. He thought that he had stepped into some dangerous ruins at first, but now he was confused. What the voice in his head said doesn't make any sense.

The voice could only belong to whatever entity inhabited this place. There's no chance for it to know who he is, let alone Xia Qingyue.

It confused him.

Yun Che felt that his body was still restrained by the invisible power. He could tell, however, that the power was not restricting him in any way. It was the natural reaction his body had when facing against such unfathomable strength.

His confusion slowly turned into alertness. The invisible power that permeated the ruin was so immense that his body and even the Heretic God's Veins couldn't move under its pressure. His bones were squeaking in pain and his body was about to burst.

He tried breaking free by opening his Heretic Gates, but it was of no use. It only made his body a little more comfortable, but that was it. It was as if the power that was suppressing him belonged to a higher realm than the Heretic God's.

'Shit. Did I step into the Ancestral God's ruins without noticing?'

Although there were a lot of inconsistencies with that theory, that was the only thing he could think of right now. The Ancestral God was the only one who had a higher level of power than the Heretic God who was one of the Creation Gods, after all.

But even if it is, it couldn't explain why it knew him or even Xia Qingqyue.

He checked on his body and noticed that it was the only thing that was restricted. His mind and soul were still intact.

Stucked in this predicament, Yun Che thought that he might as well try to learn something from whoever or whatever it is.

"Who are you?"

There was silence for a while before the mysterious voice answered in his mind.

Her voice was gentle, warm, and soothing. It was the kind of voice that could make you relax your mind when you hear it and fall asleep. It carried the same warmth of a loving mother.

"Wrong question, child. There's no need for you to ask that question, for you know me better than anyone else."

'What is she talking about? Do I know her?'

"I don't know what you're talking about, but if what you said is true, shouldn't you release me first? Get rid of this power restricting me and let's talk if that's what you want."

After a brief silence, the ridiculous power surrounding the Dragon Ruins vanished in an instant. Yun Che quickly channeled his Great Way of the Buddha to heal his broken bones and torn flesh.

Just a minute longer facing against that power and even his Great Way of the Buddha would be hard-pressed to fully heal him. That level of power shouldn't exist in the current Primal Chaos. Not even Jie Yuan was that strong. It was absurd.

"So? What do you want to talk about? What do you mean when you said you have waited for me?"

After healing his body, Yun Che asked what he felt like the most important question aside from the voice's identity.

"Yes, I have been waiting for you for so long, Qingyue's husband. There is something that my Master wished you to know. Relaying this information to you has been my most sacred mission, and the only reason for my existence."

The voice in his mind was trembling as if it was about to burst to tear. He could feel the voice's respect to its master with just the voice alone.

A ball of light was floating in front of him as soon as the voice finished its sentence. The ball of light grew bigger and bigger, until it was the size of a watermelon. With a silent hum, it spun for a while before something was coming out of it.

A golden light came out of the spinning ball of light. It formed the silhouette of a person, and it grew more solid and vivid as time went on. The light eventually formed into a woman with pure white full-metal armor.

The design of the armor was strange, he had never seen this kind of armor before. The armor set and the helmet seemed to be crafted from the same material, but that was the only thing that he could tell.

As strange as they were, they looked sturdy. It was a great set of armor.

On the back of the woman were huge white wings. They looked like huge raven wings, and they seemed to be glowing in the same golden splendor. Above the woman's head was a ring that floated in the air, exuding the same golden light as the wings.

The woman flapped her wings slowly as she descended on the ground.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, the vegetation all around them grew in an instant. The bushes and trees in and around the ruins grew and became a forest in a blink. The trees bore fragrant fruits as peach blossom flowers decorated their branches.

The ruins had turned into a beautiful place in a blink.

Yun Che thought the entire thing was absurd, but he knew that at least the woman wasn't hostile to him. If she was, then he wouldn't even be alive right now.

"If you care that much about your mission, shouldn't you be more careful? I could've died under the pressure of your power just then."

Yun Che was just testing the water with his question, but the answer he got exceeded his expectations.

"Yes, it is indeed my fault. I have suppressed my power to a hundred-thousandth, and that's the best I can do. Although suppressing my power any further is impossible, it is still my fault that I injured you."

The winged armored woman bowed her head in apology.

What the winged armored woman said was absurd. That amount of power was just a hundred-thousandth of her real power? He would have never believed it if he was told that such power existed in this world.

But unfortunately, he had seen it for himself.

The winged armored woman had no benefits from lying to him, so it had to be true, as absurd as it was. It was strange that such a powerful person would bow her head so easily, too. The entire thing was strange and absurd, but her power was real.

Yun Che decided that it was best to be careful.

"It's okay. Who are you? Who is your master? What are they entrusting you to tell me about?"

The winged armored woman looked him in the eyes. He could see her bright, golden eyes from the narrow slit on her helmet.

"My Master is the greatest person in the world, and he owed you one. You are his biggest benefactor, and he wished to repay the kindness you have shown to him. Even if it costs a lot of karmic points to repay you, he was willing to do it regardless."

Yun Che's frown only deepened when he heard this. It was just a bunch of nonsense and he couldn't comprehend any of it.

"Who are your master? What favor did I do for him? What are karmic points?"

The winged armored woman didn't answer any of his questions and just looked at him for a while before continuing. She smiled behind that helmet, but there was no way Yun Che could see this.

"I don't have much time. I will carry out the sacred Mission my Master has entrusted me with. Pay attention to what I am about to say, don't miss any of them, and don't forget any of them."

After that, she stretched her gorgeous white wings wide, and the ring floating above her head was glowing brightly. Her entire being exuded an unfathomable divinity. Even greater than the Divine Souls he has met in the past, or even Jie Yuan herself.

The winged armored woman opened her mouth, and her voice sounded different than before. It still felt warm, but something was different and he wasn't sure why. It sounded and felt like the voice belonged to a completely different person.

"Be careful of the coiling dragons. Their Master has declared you as his enemy. Seek the Fate Defying Sky, for he is the only one who can help you. Be careful of the coiling dragons."

As soon as she finished the sentence, a blinding golden light burst from the ring. It washed the entire ruins in its golden light, and when the golden light gradually vanished, the winged armored woman was gone.

The entire Dragon Ruins were gone, and what was left were only the collapsed buildings that he had seen before. On the ground where the Dragon Ruins once stood were a pile of dust and ashes.

There was also a pile of dust and ashes on the ground where the winged armored woman stood.

And just like that, the entire thing ended just as absurd as when it first started.

He would think that the entire thing was just a dream or illusion, but the lush forest, fragrant fruits, and colorful peach blossoms suggested otherwise.

Yun Che scoured the entire place for a long time and found nothing aside from the pile of dust and ashes. He thought about the whole situation again and thought it may provide him some clues later on, so he took the piles of dust and ashes with him.

On the way back, he searched for Su'er once more but he still got no response. He searched all over once again, but he couldn't find her.

He decided to head back to the town and searched for her elsewhere.

He didn't forget to take one of the fruits and peach blossom flowers with him. He thought that maybe there was something special with the stuff, and planned to study them later.

He found Su'er playing with her friend in her friend's house and told the two sisters back in the inn not to worry about their little sister. The older sister's husband was back by the time Yun Che got back to the inn, and they thanked him for helping them find Su'er.

Yun Che enjoyed the remaining day in the inn and tried not to think about the winged armored woman too hard. There was nothing he could do anyway, and there's no way he could know about anything the winged woman had said.

He just made sure not to forget her every word, and the rest would come naturally with time.

He was going back to the Star God Realm the next day. He would now begin to earnestly improve his influence over the God Realm. He would start by showing his light profound energy and his ability to open profound entrances to the world.

Just as he was about to summon Tumi into his palace, Jasmine came knocking on his door.

Yun Che wasn't so fond of meeting with Jasmine or everyone else that he cared about because he was still conflicted about his feelings and thoughts. Until he resolved this unpleasant feeling, he would always feel uncomfortable around his family and friends.

Jasmine knew that Yun Che had been deliberately avoiding her or anyone else for that matter lately, and she didn't mind it. She acted like it didn't bother her, to be precise. She knew something happened to Yun Che, and she didn't want to add another burden to him.

But the reason why she came to Yun Che's palace this time wasn't about any of that. It was about the favor that Yun Che asked her to do a while ago. She came to tell him about her findings.

"Jasmine, did you find them?"

Yun Che had asked Jasmine for a favor. He wanted her to take Chu Yuechan and Wuxin back home to his family where they would be taken care of well.

"That's the problem, I can't find them. I followed your instructions and found no one in the forest near the Phoenix Village. Chu Yuechan and your daughter weren't there."

Yun Che was shocked when he heard this. There was no way they weren't there. He found them there around this time in his previous life, after all.

Weekly first chapter.

Have a great week everyone!

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