
Against Olympus

The gods of Olympus have abandoned their roles as guides and protectors of the humans, using their powers to satisfy all their desires causing suffering and chaos. Maeron a mysterious god powerful and stupidly handsome makes his appearance, follows Maeron in his battle against the Olympians.

Overlord_Of_KARMA · Fantasia
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32 Chs

Chapter 14: Someone to lean on

In his sanctuary, Maeron was reviewing the papers brought to him by Orus once again.

It was the third time that he reviewed it before finally putting it down with a satisfied expression on a table next to him.

Kneeling in front of him Orus was immobile as he did so.

"Ohh, you're still here!" Maeron said after seeing his subordinate in front of him 

Orus just smiles upon hearing that, 

"You know you could have stood upright," 

"I wouldn't have dared my lord," he said dutifully 

"Humph, anyway! We can start now, order our men to start moving, catch the targets bring them to me and I will take care of the rest," Maeron said with a malevolent smile

"Yes, my lord!" Answers Orus before leaving the room 



Hera was seated on her magnificent throne and was lost in the memories of what she happened last night with Maeron and Aphrodite. 

She had never liked the goddess, jealous due to her beauty, her freedom of action that she didn't have, or maybe her boobs, there were many reasons why, 

Despite all that she ended up in the same bed with her sharing the same god, kissing her, and doing even more shameful things that she had never imagined in her wildest dreams 

Knoc knoc

She was brought out of her reverie by the knock on the massive door 

Taking a deep breath she remembered the instructions that Maeron gave her and she had to say that he indeed knew her maybe better than herself 

she put on a somber and brooding expression, which wasn't hard knowing that she was dealing with someone who had betrayed her

"Get in Serea!" she said 

 Walking inside Serea kneeled before her goddess who looked at her coldly 

"So! Did you find them?!" she asked 

"Yes, I did, I found those who betrayed you..." saying that she presented a list to Hera

"But I still need a little bit of time to confirm that no one else escaped my investigation," 

While she was talking Hera couldn't help but feel her anger and disgust rise and it manifested in her surroundings with furniture flying around while her mind was racing 

'I already knew that it was coming but still, this is infuriating, you are the ones who pushed them on this path and yet you are ready to deliver them to me without any guilt! Hum, not like I will have any qualm in administrating their punishment,' 

Calming her mind and making sure that everything floating around her returned to its place she asked another question 

"What about the others, his mistresses, did you find them?!" she asked even though she already knew who they were and where they were hiding 

Maeron had already given her that information 

"Not all of them my queen! you have to understand that those women benefit from the protection of the king I can only find those that he visits by following him"

"And how long exactly do you think I will take him to notice you, the only reason it hasn't already happened is probably because he is too distracted by what he has between his legs," 

"You are probably right following him is not an easy task as he can spot me at any time if am not careful, and this is why we need to to advantage of his distraction," 

'If I wasn't already aware of your treachery I would believe you,' she thought 

"You have five days, I will use that time to see what to do with those people, I can't touch them for now or it will alert him! Leave me." 

"Yes, my queen!" 

After Serea left the room Hera threw away the list sent by Serea without any second thought 

"Damn traitors! I can't wait to beat them all," she said 

"Hm," After letting out a sigh she leaned on her throne 

"Guess I should try my new powers now," she said remembering what Maeron said to her before leaving 

"Should I use them," she said turning her gaze toward the list of traitors given to her by Serea 

Before immediately dismissing the idea 

'For now, I should not do that, I will do that if things appear to be dangerous!' 

After that, she got up off her throne

Walking forward she pushed open the massive door of the room 

The light of the sun shone upon her she could feel a little of the power of Apollo in it before deciding to ignore it

'He can't spy on me if I choose so,' she thought before walking forward before her the paradisiac scenery of Olympus appears in front of her eyes 

The vast blue expense all around her the beautiful white cloud upon what was piercing the magnificent structure, temple with animals as exotic and beautiful as the inhabitants of the place.

The palace on what she was presently was built on one part of the mountain 

She walked forward until she was at the end of the surface before stepping into the void without any trouble and started to walk away when she was interpellated 

"My queen where a you going?!" 

"Ah! Anastasia I didn't see you there," said Hera looking at one of her rare friends and loyal servant 

Anastasia a magnificent brown-haired goddess and brown eyes was one of her oldest allies and subordinates, looking at her she remembered Serea, she too was among the few that I trusted

"It's because you weren't paying much attention," 

"I didn't see you for a while," said Anastasia 

"It has only been a few weeks," Hera retorted been goddesses it wasn't unusual for them to go as long as a few years without seeing each other, one of them could just go for a travel and stay for a few years away until they were called it was more abnormal to see each other constantly 

"Yes that's true but you seem to have been a little down lately! Let me guess our lord king found himself another mistress," Anastasia said calmly without any care in the world her tone was calm and she was talking to Hera her queen very casually 

She was talking more as if she was talking to a peer than to her queen 

'It's not that unusual, all four of us often talked like, even Serea often talked to me so casually before, I guess even she didn't realize how much on edge we were facing each other, she must attribute that to my state of mind, I am often cranky when I learn about his cheating,' 

After a while she looked at Anastasia and remembered something 'Even though Maeron confirmed that they didn't betray me I didn't talk about them or share my situation with them, I guess I'm Serea's betrayal left a mark on me,' 

"I need to talk to you and the other later," Hera said looking at Anastasia 

"Of course, as you wish, I'm there if you need someone to lean on," Anastasia responded with a smile 

"Good, I have a lot to share with you," 

After saying that she turned around and continued walking in the void 


In one of the sanctuary perched on the clouds of Olympus 

Like usually when you get close to that place you will hear a sound very familiar,

Any man or woman would easily recognize that sound, it was a moan and groan, and it didn't come from a couple together, it was the combination that of multiple people. 

Standing in the sky Hera was standing outside the sanctuary looking inside the sanctuary of Aphrodite, even outside the confine of the sanctuary in the open she could see some gods and goddesses making love together 

"That's why I don't like coming here," Hera said looking at them there was a lot of jealousy in her voice, in a little part of her there was the desire to abandon herself to her desire and join them 

But lately, those kinds of ideas have been disappearing 

'It was since I met him,' she thought realizing that she was leaning a little bit more on Maeron and

'It's not such a bad feeling,' 

Getting inside the beautiful palace, the inside of the palace was of light pink and purple color, colors that tend to put people in the ambiance with the smell of incense mixed with smell and others made the atmosphere really attractive. 

Some of the gods noticed her and looked at her with fear while others just ignored her

She arrived at the door of the room of Aphrodite 

The door opened letting her get into a very cute and at the same time very flirtatious room

The room was filled with beautiful men and women in very revealing clothes some were standing guard while some of her girls were giving her a full body massage to the beautiful Aphrodite on the bed.

"What is my dear mistress and queen doing in my humble sanctuary? I would have come to you if needed me," said Aphrodite getting up and revealing her naked body to everyone in the room

"I wanted to get out of my house, wear something," saying that Hera looked at one of the seats before using her power to bring a clean seat for herself 

After sitting down she redirected her attention to Aphrodite 

"I need a few of your guests for a little test!" Hera said with a smile 

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Overlord_Of_KARMAcreators' thoughts