
Against Fate (Eternal Love of Dream/ Ten Miles Pillow Book FanFic)

This is a 'Modern Love Story' fanfiction based on Eternal Love of Dream drama series/Ten Miles Pillow Book Novel written by Tang Qi Gong Zi. The storyline would be similar to some parts of their novel but given with a modern twist. This is my first time writing a novel, I hope you enjoy my story! Disclaimer: The photos used in this novel do not belong to me. Credits to the owners. Synopsis: Dong Hua saved Feng Jiu's life when she met him for the first time. She was determined to repay his kindness. She gradually fell in love with Dong Hua, a person who is indifferent to everyone and everything and doesn't understand the meaning of love, in the process of repaying her gratitude. Feng Jiu loves Dong Hua but he doesn't know about her feelings and what she did for him. When Feng Jiu finally decided to move on, Dong Hua starts to notices her. He thought that she was interesting at first but he comes to realize that he has unknowingly fallen deeply in love with her. But was it too late? Flashback to Ancient times, Dong Hua Di Jun summoned the Elderly Fairy guarding the Stone of Destiny to inquire about his fate with Feng Jiu. The Elderly Fairy said that they have no fate. To go against fate, it will be a hard journey with hurdles and obstacles. However, the Elderly Fairy said that Destiny could change anytime. Dong Hua and Feng Jiu lived so many lifetimes without being able to be together. Will they finally be together this lifetime?

JOYHYT · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs


"While you were gone for the meeting, Feng Jiu lost the proposal file for the Ren Jian LLP's project. Ji Heng fired her on the spot, but I am not too sure about what happened. You may want to check with Ji Heng." One of the employees said to Si Ming.

Si Ming furiously knocked on Ji Heng's office door, demanding an answer.

"I heard you fired Feng Jiu while I was away from the office. She is my staff, so what gives you the right to do so?" Si Ming confronted Ji Heng.

Ji Heng replied casually, "I'm just simply following the rules, according to the employment terms. She made a mistake, so she should answer for it."

"So, what did she do exactly?" Si Ming asked sternly.

"I asked Feng Jiu to sort out some final documents for the Ren Jian LLP's project, but she lost the file, and she also refused to admit her mistakes."

"Ren Jian LLP's project belongs to your team, so why is Feng Jiu involved in it?"

"I merely asked her for a small favor because everyone else was too busy. I figured she could handle it, but I guess I was wrong." Ji Heng replied nonchalantly.

"So how did she lose it?"

"I told her to leave it on my desk before she leaves the office, but it went missing the next day."

At this point, Si Ming was beyond mad, and he yelled at Ji Heng, "So you don't have any concrete proof to show that it was Feng Jiu who lost it, and then you fired her based on your assumption?! There are surveillance cameras in the office, did anyone checked it yet?"

"Not yet. But we can go check it out together now." Ji Heng then stood up and gestured for Si Ming to follow her. Then the both of them headed towards the control room.

"This will prove Feng Jiu's innocence." Si Ming thought to himself, and he played back the security tapes starting from Thursday.

Ji Heng smiled smugly and sat back against the chair, letting Si Ming check the tapes. She was confident that there was no evidence to prove Feng Jiu's innocence, as Zhi He switched off the power supply to the surveillance cameras that night.

"Wait, who is that?" Si Ming pointed out. He paused the video and zoomed in on the image. "Isn't that Zhi He, your assistant?! I knew Feng Jiu was innocent!" Si Ming exclaimed, upon recognizing Zhi He from the video. Si Ming then continued to view the video and found out that Zhi He was the one who stole the proposal file.

Ji Heng instantly sat up straight to look at the video, and then she realized that the surveillance cameras recorded everything that happened that night. Ji Heng panicked a little, and she was speechless. "How did this happen?!" She thought to herself.

"Zhi He?" Ji Heng pretended to look shocked. Then she immediately called Zhi He to come over to the control room.

Si Ming then replayed the tape to Zhi He, and asked, "So why did you steal the file?"

"Wait... but... how is that possible?! I turned off the power supply that night, and the lights on the surveillance cameras were off as well." Zhi He stuttered.

"Don't you know that there will always be a backup power supply for these things, in case of any power outrage?"

"I...I... did it because..." Before Zhi He could finish her sentence, Ji Heng immediately interrupted, "Would you mind letting me handle this, Si Ming?

I'll give you a satisfying answer after this."

"Fine. You better have a good explanation for me later on." Si Ming replied coldly, then he left the control room and returned to his office.

Ji Heng immediately dragged Zhi He out of the control room and threatened her, "Now that Si Ming had evidence against you, it leaves me with no choice but to fire you. You better not drag me down with you and take full responsibility for this."

"But you told me to do it! You need to help me out!" Zhi He exclaimed.

"It's your own fault for being so careless as well. And if you don't want to go to jail for embezzlement, you better learn to keep your mouth shut. Got it?"

"I can't lose this job, please!"

"Just pack your stuff and leave immediately. If you continue to push me to the corner, don't blame me if I turn nasty. Leave now."

"Fine. Someday, you'll definitely get retribution for doing all these evil deeds. Don't think you can get away with it forever, Ji Heng." Zhi He snarled, and she stormed off.


"I have already terminated Zhi He with immediate effect." Ji Heng told Si Ming. However, Si Ming still wasn't feeling pleased about it, and he said, "So why did Zhi He steal the file?"

"She initially handled the project, but I passed it on to Feng Jiu and asked for her help to sort out the documents. I merely wanted to ease Zhi He's workload, but she totally misunderstood my intentions for doing so. Then she stole it because she didn't want Feng Jiu to claim any credit for this project." Ji Heng was good at making up lies, and she acted like she was a victim too.

"Fine, the case is closed then. But there's still one more problem, you fired Feng Jiu without finding out the truth first, so how are you going to make it up to her?" Si Ming asked coldly.

"I'll make sure to apologize to her when she's back to work." Ji Heng immediately replied in a pleasant tone, but deep inside, she was fuming with anger and hatred.

If you don't want Dong Hua to hear about this, you better keep your words, Ji Heng." Si Ming replied sternly.

"Don't worry. I will do it." Ji Heng smiled sweetly, but she was screaming inside, "I hate Feng Jiu! I wished she would disappear forever!"

Then Si Ming told Ji Heng to leave his office so that he could give Feng Jiu a call.


Si Ming took out his phone, and he called Feng Jiu, telling her everything that just happened.

Feng Jiu: So I get to keep my job?!

Si Ming: Yes. You can come back to work starting tomorrow. You sounded sick, are you feeling okay?

Feng Jiu: I fell sick because I was caught in the rain for quite a while. But I guess it's all worth it now. Don't worry; I'm almost fully recovered now.

Si Ming: What do you mean by saying that it's worth it? And why are you caught in the rain?

Feng Jiu: Well... I went to Ren Jian LLP to beg them to extend the deadline, and I got caught in the rain for an hour. Thankfully, the case is closed now, and I still get to keep my job.

Si Ming: Why did you do that?! You should have told me about it, and I'll find a way to help you out.

Feng Jiu: It's okay, Si Ming. I didn't want to drag both of you down with me, and it was my fault, too. I'm just glad that it's all over now, and I can't wait to come back to work.

Si Ming: I won't ever allow you to do such stupid things again!

Feng Jiu: I'm so lucky to have you as both my friend and my boss! And one more thing, please don't let anyone know about what I just told you, especially Dong Hua. I don't want him to feel that I'm incompetent as well.

Si Ming: Your secret is safe with me, Feng Jiu. By the way, take another day off to rest, so that you can recover from your illness.

Feng Jiu: Thanks, Si Ming! I'll make sure that I rest more, and I can't wait to go back to work. I'll see you soon!

Si Ming: Goodbye and take care!


Feng Jiu then went to the hospital, to visit Ye Qingti. The doctor told her that there were still no signs of him waking up anytime soon. Feng Jiu felt bad because she was too busy recently, and she didn't visit Ye Qingti as much. But knowing that Cha Cha has been visiting him often, makes her heart feel a little more at ease.

She wiped Ye Qingti's hand with a damp cloth and started talking to him, "I'm here to visit you again, Qingti. Life has been going pretty well for me recently, except for that one incident that almost made me lose my job. I'm sorry if I can't visit you as often because I need to earn more money. But don't worry about me, just focus on recovering and try to wake up soon."

Feng Jiu continued to talk to him about her daily life and their past memories in school. She couldn't help but shed a few tears, "I miss you, Qingti. Please wake up soon."

Feng Jiu really missed her best friend, and it feels different without him around. She missed his cheerfulness, and she missed spending time together.

Then she noticed Cha Cha coming to visit Ye Qingti, and she quickly wiped away her tears.

"Oh! Feng Jiu, you're here! It's been so long since I last saw you! How is everything?" Cha Cha exclaimed.

"It's been going well! Shall we have dinner together to catch up on our lives? By the way, I'm really thankful that you're visiting Qingti every other day when I was away for work."

"You don't have to thank me, that's what friends are for! Qingti is my good friend, and I care a lot about him too."

What Feng Jiu didn't know was that Cha Cha was in love with Qingti, but she also knew that Feng Jiu was the one he loves. But Cha Cha wasn't the type to be jealous. She also believed that if she genuinely loves Qingti, she would wish happiness upon him, even if it's not with her.


Then they both went to a nearby restaurant to have dinner. They ordered their food and sat down. After that, they started to talk about their daily life.

Cha Cha: So... How was the resort?

Feng Jiu: Oh! It was amazing, and I loved it. The resort is beautiful, and I even get to dip in their famous hot springs.

Cha Cha: Hot springs?! Oh, wow, you're so lucky. I'm sure you enjoyed it.

Feng Jiu: Yeah. It was nice until I met... Nevermind, it's nothing important.

Cha Cha: What? Who was it? Tell me about it, please!

Feng Jiu: Alright... So I actually met Dong Hua quite a few times in the resort. But it was mostly me doing embarrassing stuff in front of him. I don't understand why the more I tried to avoid him, the more I bump into him. But after we got back to Tai Chen Group, I didn't get to see him much. I think it's better that way.

Cha Cha: Oh. So have you moved on? I'm sorry, Feng Jiu. I had been so busy the past week that I didn't get a chance to check up on you. But I hope you're feeling better.

Feng Jiu: Don't worry about me, Cha Cha. I have moved on, and I gave up all hopes on Dong Hua. He already has a girlfriend anyway, and the whole company seems to know about it too.

Cha Cha: What?! Is it Ji Heng? Although I had never really met her, she gives me a bad vibe.

Feng Jiu: Yeah, I almost lost my job in Tai Chen Group because of her as well. So what happened was, her assistant stole the proposal file that I was handling, and I got fired because I lost the file. But don't worry, Si Ming already solved the case, and I have my job back. Although I don't know if Ji Heng and her assistant were conspiring together to frame me or not, I need to be on my toes around Ji Heng from now onwards.

Cha Cha: I won't be surprised if Ji Heng was the mastermind behind this. After all, she stole your credit for the design and video back then. Why don't you tell Dong Hua about it?

Feng Jiu: Well, if he was really dating Ji Heng, why would he believe me over her? Anyway, time will tell. I don't care about all these anymore, and I just want to focus on my work.

Cha Cha: Don't worry. You have Si Ming to protect you now, and I'm sure Ji Heng won't be able to do anything to you now.

Feng Jiu: You're absolutely right. Let's not talk about her and Dong Hua. It would ruin my appetite for sure.

Then the both of them starting to talk about random stuff and they had a lot of fun as usual.


On the other hand, Dong Hua was still on his business trip, tying up loose ends before returning. Chong Lin then called Dong Hua while he was at his hotel, and updated him on what had been going on.

"So how is Tai Chen Group doing? We managed to clinch the project from Fan Yin Investment, so be prepared to be busy for the next few months." Dong Hua said sternly.

"Everything is going well so far. Except for one small incident involving Feng Jiu."

"Oh? Tell me about it." Dong Hua was dying to know what happened, but he pretended to be calm.

"Feng Jiu was fired because she lost the final proposal file for Ren Jian LLP's project. But Si Ming proved Feng Jiu's innocence and caught the real culprit. It turned out that Zhi He framed Feng Jiu for it. Don't worry, Ji Heng had already fired Zhi He, and Feng Jiu will be resuming her position."

"Fired, that's all? Send my word around, that anyone who hires Zhi He would be going against Tai Chen Group." Dong Hua replied with a cold, stern voice.

"Isn't that a little too extreme...?" Chong Lin asked cautiously.

"Extreme? I'm already letting her off easy. Send my word now. And one more thing, make a new clause in Feng Jiu's employment contract, making me the only person who could terminate her contract.

*Knock Knock*

Someone knocked on Dong Hua's hotel room door suddenly. Dong Hua then told Chong Lin to hold on the line, and he yelled out, "Who's there?"

"It's Harry."

"Harry, who?"

"Harry (hurry) up and get ready. Just kidding! It's Lian Song!"

Dong Hua face-palmed himself, "This Lian Song is really looking for death." Then he hanged up the phone with Chong Lin and walked over to the door.

"Wait.. why do you look so angry? Wow, someone actually managed to stir up emotions in the almighty Dong Hua?" Lian Song said cheekily.

"Angry? No, I'm just thinking."

"Thinking of who?! That rumoured beauty of yours?"

"Thinking of cooking my signature dish, sweet and sour fish. You liked eating it, right?"

Lian Song immediately wiped the smile off his face, "I'm on a diet recently, need to look good for the girl."

Although Dong Hua didn't know Cheng Yu at this point, he knew that Lian Song had been chasing a girl for a long time, without any success.

"Oh? Dieting? I heard you lost something recently too. It seems like weight isn't the only thing that you lost."

"Huh?! What did I lose?"

"Lost the girl."

"Since when did I lose her?! She didn't even reject me, and I'm sure she secretly likes me too!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. You can't lose something if it wasn't yours to begin with."


Lian Song was speechless, and then he changed the topic, "We need to go now before we are late for the meeting with Fan Yin Investment. I'll wait for you in the car." Then he swiftly turned and walked away.

"Dong Hua. Wait till you recover all your memories, then it will finally be my turn to tease you!"