
Against Fate (Eternal Love of Dream/ Ten Miles Pillow Book FanFic)

This is a 'Modern Love Story' fanfiction based on Eternal Love of Dream drama series/Ten Miles Pillow Book Novel written by Tang Qi Gong Zi. The storyline would be similar to some parts of their novel but given with a modern twist. This is my first time writing a novel, I hope you enjoy my story! Disclaimer: The photos used in this novel do not belong to me. Credits to the owners. Synopsis: Dong Hua saved Feng Jiu's life when she met him for the first time. She was determined to repay his kindness. She gradually fell in love with Dong Hua, a person who is indifferent to everyone and everything and doesn't understand the meaning of love, in the process of repaying her gratitude. Feng Jiu loves Dong Hua but he doesn't know about her feelings and what she did for him. When Feng Jiu finally decided to move on, Dong Hua starts to notices her. He thought that she was interesting at first but he comes to realize that he has unknowingly fallen deeply in love with her. But was it too late? Flashback to Ancient times, Dong Hua Di Jun summoned the Elderly Fairy guarding the Stone of Destiny to inquire about his fate with Feng Jiu. The Elderly Fairy said that they have no fate. To go against fate, it will be a hard journey with hurdles and obstacles. However, the Elderly Fairy said that Destiny could change anytime. Dong Hua and Feng Jiu lived so many lifetimes without being able to be together. Will they finally be together this lifetime?

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90 Chs

Baking Up Some Love

The next morning, Dong Hua was up way too early. He barely slept last night because he was thinking about his first kiss. He couldn't stop smiling to himself, and he rolled around on his bed. "I have watched many romance movies, and I couldn't understand what's so nice about their first kiss. Now I truly know how it feels like." Dong Hua thought to himself.

"Xiao Bai kissed me." Dong Hua was smiling from ear to ear, and he touched his lips. "Usually, I'm a conservative and traditional person, and Xiao Bai would have to marry me after taking my first kiss. But I don't want to force her into it. Unless she also took my first time... Wait. What am I even thinking about? Hmm... I wonder if she would remember the kiss?" Then he covered his head with a pillow to try to calm himself down again.

Dong Hua then decided to wake up and head out to buy some stuff before Feng Jiu woke up. "I'm going to buy some hot chocolate for her since she mentioned that she wanted one last night."

After Dong Hua left, Feng Jiu slowly woke up and she rubbed her eyes. She held onto her forehead and thought to herself, "Huh? Did Dong Hua carry me back to my room again? Wait. How did I even fall asleep? I thought we were drinking wine."

It appeared that Feng Jiu was so drunk that she didn't remember kissing Dong Hua at all. She was considered lucky to not have a hangover after drinking so much last night.

She got up and brushed her teeth. Then she walked out of her room to check if Dong Hua was awake. Feng Jiu noticed that Dong Hua's room door was opened and she peeped in. "Hmm...? He's not in there."

Then she walked around the whole apartment and realized that Dong Hua wasn't at home. "Where did Dong Hua go?" Feng Jiu then started feeling a little hungry, so she took out the log cake and ate some.

She also took out the apples and waited for Dong Hua to come back before giving one to him.

Feng Jiu was about to call Dong Hua when she heard the main door opening. She ran towards the door and said, "Dong Hua! Where did you go? I woke up some time ago and couldn't find you." Then she pouted.

Dong Hua noticed her pouty lips, and he couldn't keep his eyes off her lips. "Xiao Bai's lips. She kissed me last night with those lips." Feng Jiu then waved her hand in front of his face and said, "What are you day-dreaming about?"

Dong Hua immediately snapped out of his thought and replied calmly, "Oh. Nothing. I just went to get you some hot chocolate. You said that you wanted them, right?"

"Oh! Yes! I wanted one." Then she grabbed the grocery bag from Dong Hua and ran towards the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate.

"Dong Hua, you want one cup too?" She yelled out from the kitchen. Dong Hua then yelled back, "Yes. Make me a cup too."

Feng Jiu then slowly walked out of the kitchen and set the two cups on the dining table. Dong Hua then said to Feng Jiu, "I tried finding Christmas cookies, but there weren't any. I know you hated the cookies that we bought yesterday."

"Oh! You know what? We should bake some cookies then! I noticed that you also have an electric oven kept in the bottom cupboard. Is it still working?" Feng Jiu said.

"Oh. Yeah, it's still working. I just didn't have a chance to use it. We can take it out and use it for baking then."

"Okay! We won't be able to bake a lot with that, but it would be enough for both of us!" Feng Jiu smiled.

"I'll bring you to the nearby convenience store later on to get some baking ingredients. It's just downstairs and within walking distance." Dong Hua replied.

"Okay! Let's get going after drinking our hot chocolate. I don't think I'll change back to my dress since it's just downstairs. It would be easier to bake when I'm wearing your clothes too."

"It's okay, Xiao Bai. You look good wearing any clothes." Dong Hua smiled. Then he thought to himself, "No dirty thoughts, no dirty thoughts."

"Oh ya! I want to give you an apple as a form of blessing." Feng Jiu then picked up the apple from the table and handed it to Dong Hua.

"Oh? I guess I need to give you one too? I bless you with endless good food." Dong Hua picked up another apple and handed it to Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu held on tightly to her apple and replied, "Thank you! I'll bless you with endless happiness, and Tai Chen Group would always stay on the top."

"Xiao Bai. You only wish that because if I went bankrupt, you wouldn't have any free food. Right?" Dong Hua said sarcastically.

"Not true! I would still be your good friend even if you went bankrupt someday." Feng Jiu protested.

Dong Hua then asked her softly, "So... You'll still stay with me if I have nothing left?"

"Of course! You can come to stay with me if that happens and we can find work together then." Feng Jiu smiled brightly.

Dong Hua also smiled brightly and replied, "I knew Xiao Bai is the best."

Then they quickly finished up their drink and headed downstairs.


While they were walking towards the convenience store, Feng Jiu noticed a few people staring at them. "Dong Hua, why are people staring at us? Do I look weird wearing your clothes?"

"Ignore them, Xiao Bai. You look beautiful, and they are only staring because they envy your beauty." Dong Hua replied casually.

The nosy neighbours were actually gossiping about them since this is the first time Dong Hua was seen with another girl around the neighbourhood. A neighbour gossiped to her friend, "Look at them. It looked like she was wearing his clothes. I'm sure they are living together now."

Her friend also whispered back, "Yeah. It's about time he gets a girlfriend too. She looks beautiful, and they look so matching together."

Feng Jiu then tried to ignore their stares, and they continued their way to the convenience store.

Although it wasn't a big store, they managed to get everything that they needed for the baking of their cookies. Dong Hua then paid for it, and they walked back to his apartment.

"Let's start baking now!" Feng Jiu said excitedly. Dong Hua then put on an apron and gave an extra one to Feng Jiu too. "Oh? You had two aprons? I thought you don't even cook."

"Yeah. Just in case one gets dirty." Dong Hua replied casually. The truth is, he secretly bought another apron and kept it for Feng Jiu.

"Okay! So we start by mixing softened unsalted butter and sugar. Then we have to mix it until it becomes fluffy and the sugar is mostly dissolved." Feng Jiu said to Dong Hua.

"Xiao Bai, should we have a baking competition and see whose cookies are better?" Dong Hua suggested.

"Are you sure you can bake? Or it would end up like your sweet and sour fish?" Feng Jiu replied sarcastically.

"I'm not sure. I have never baked cookies before, but I could try. Why? Are you scared that I'll win you?" Dong Hua replied sarcastically.

"No! I'm good at baking too! Fine, let's compete. The winner gets to eat more cookies then." Feng Jiu said confidently.

"Deal. But you have to teach me the steps." Dong Hua then took some softened butter and sugar. Then he put it in his mixing bowl and begin mixing it.

"Okay. Let's start step one first. I'll teach you as we continue." Feng Jiu also started to mix the butter and sugar.

After they were done, Feng Jiu looked at Dong Hua's cookie dough. "Looks good so far." She nodded her head. Dong Hua then asked her for the next step.

"Next, we add the egg, vanilla and almond extract." Feng Jiu replied. Then the both of them started on their next step.

"This is easy, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua said confidently. "We will have to wait until the cookies are baked before knowing if it's really good." Feng Jiu replied.

"Yes, boss. Next step, please." Dong Hua said. Feng Jiu noticed that Dong Hua seems quite good at baking, and she thought to herself, "Funny how Dong Hua is bad at cooking but good at baking." Then she replied, "Add the salt, then sift the flour and baking powder into the bowl. Then we continue to whisk it."

Feng Jiu tried to open the bag of flour, but she was having a hard time. Finally, she managed to pull open the bag and some of the flour flew onto her face. She choked on some flour and started coughing. Dong Hua then patted her back gently and tried to wipe some flour off her face.

"Be more careful, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua said concernedly, and he continued to dust the flour away from her hair. Then he noticed some flour was on her lips and he wiped it away with a napkin.

The moment he touched her lips with the napkin, he was reminded of the kiss from last night again. He kept staring at her lips, and he was in a daze. "Xiao Bai kissed me."

"Why are you staring at my face? Do I still have flour on my face?" Feng Jiu asked curiously. Then she turned away and tried to dust the remaining flour off her face.

Dong Hua then asked her, "Xiao Bai. Did you remember anything from last night? While we were drinking."

Feng Jiu thought for a while before replying to him, "No, not at all. I only remembered drinking wine with you, and I can't remember anything after that. You carried me back to the room again, right?"

Dong Hua thought to himself, "She doesn't remember the kiss..." Then he replied back, "Yes. I carried you back to your room again. You always fall asleep on me."

"Sorry! I guess I must be too tired last night too." Feng Jiu giggled.

Dong Hua then dipped his finger into the flour packet and wiped the flour on her face again. "This is your punishment for always falling asleep on me."

"How dare you!" Feng Jiu replied playfully, and she also dipped her hand into the flour packet and wiped it on Dong Hua's face. "This is your punishment for bullying me!" Feng Jiu then stuck her tongue out at him.

"Oh? Two can play this game." Dong Hua replied back playfully. Then he picked up more flour and grabbed Feng Jiu before wiping it on her face.

"Not fair! You're too strong, and I can't win," Feng Jiu struggled to get out from his grip. Then she turned around and tried to push Dong Hua away. Feng Jiu still couldn't get out, so she reached out for more flour and tried to 'slap' it onto Dong Hua's face.

Dong Hua grabbed her wrist gently and stopped her from doing it. Then their eyes met. Dong Hua stared deep into her eyes lovingly, and he thought to himself, "She looks so beautiful even when her face is full of flour. Her lips. I want to kiss her so badly." Then he let go of her wrist and started to lean in slowly.

Feng Jiu thought to herself, "This is my best chance to escape and throw more flour at Dong Hua." Then she quickly threw the flour onto his face. "I win!"

Dong Hua let go of her from his grip and smiled to himself while dusting off the flour from his face. "Silly Xiao Bai. Luckily, she pushed me away. If not, I'll definitely lose control and kiss her."

"Fine, you win. Let's continue baking." Dong Hua said. Feng Jiu nodded her head and then she stood beside Dong Hua.

After they were done with the cookie dough, Feng Jiu covered it with clear plastic wrap, and she put them into the fridge. "We have to chill it for a while before cutting it into different shapes and baking." She said.

Dong Hua then took off his apron and said, "I'll go take a quick shower, and we can have lunch while waiting for it to be chilled. Don't cook today since you'll be too tired. I'll just order some food delivery."

Feng Jiu smiled and replied, "Okay! Let's order food before taking our shower. By the time we are done, the food would be here too."

They sat down at the dining area and picked what they wanted to eat for lunch. Dong Hua then made the order, and they both went into their rooms to take a shower. Dong Hua passed Feng Jiu another t-shirt, and she also decided to wear back her own shorts.


The moment Dong Hua came out from his room, the food delivery man rang the doorbell.

He laid out the Ma La Crayfish (麻辣小龙虾) and some side dishes on the dining table. Then he yelled to Feng Jiu, "Food is here."

Feng Jiu yelled back, "Coming out!" Then she quickly wore her clothes and ran out of her room.

"I love Ma La Crayfish!" She exclaimed excitedly. Dong Hua then peeled the meat out from the shell and put it on Feng Jiu's plate. "Eat this, so that you don't have to dirty your hands."

Feng Jiu smiled brightly and replied, "My mom used to do that for me! But now, I have you to do it for me."

Dong Hua nodded his head and replied, "Yeah. We are a family now."

"Family...?" Feng Jiu asked confusedly.

"I never had one. You'll be my only family, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua smiled.

Feng Jiu thought to herself, "Dong Hua regards me as a family now? That means a lot to me!" Then she smiled sweetly and replied lovingly, "I'll gladly be your family, Dong Hua."

To Dong Hua, his idea of family is for Feng Jiu to be his wife. But to Feng Jiu, she didn't overthink about what he said, and she just agreed to it.

"Okay. So now, we are no longer good friends, and we are family." Dong Hua said calmly.

"Yes! Family! Since we are a family, I'll give you more crayfish." Feng Jiu then took one crayfish and fed it to Dong Hua. "Eat this!" She said.

Dong Hua smiled and ate the crayfish. Then he thought to himself, "Now I'm part of Xiao Bai's family. Maybe I should even change my name to Bai Dong Hua. If everything goes well, maybe I'll confess my feelings to Xiao Bai after the competition."

Feng Jiu then continued munching on her food, and she smiled happily to herself.

"Eat my share of crayfish if you want." Dong Hua said lovingly.

"No! We should share! I love sharing food with my family. I'm only selfish if it was towards someone that is not close to me." Feng Jiu continued feeding Dong Hua more food.


"Let's take out the cookie dough and start baking now." Feng Jiu then opened the fridge and took out the chilled cookie dough.

"What shapes do you want, Xiao Bai?" Dong Hua asked curiously.

"Hmm... I think I'll go for the Christmas tree shape. How about you?" Feng Jiu replied. Then she took the shape cutter and started on her batch of cookies.

"I'm making fox shaped sugar cookies." Dong Hua smiled. Then he took a butter knife and started carving his cookie dough into a fox shape.

Feng Jiu then smiled at Dong Hua, and she also stared at him cutting the cookie dough. "Dong Hua looks so cute when he's cutting it so seriously. Can't wait to try his cookies."

Then they both made four cookies since the electric oven could only fit eight cookies at a time. Feng Jiu laid the cookie dough onto a baking sheet, and then she put it into the pre-heated oven to start baking it.

"Now we wait for it to be ready." Feng Jiu said. The both of them stared into the oven while waiting. The smell of sugar cookies filled the room, and they impatiently waited for it to be ready.

Soon, the cookies were ready, and Feng Jiu put on her oven mitts before taking them out from the oven. "Fresh from the oven. Let's try it now!" She said.

First, they tried Feng Jiu's cookies. She happily munched on it, and she ate two, leaving Dong Hua with two to try as well. "Mmm! Can't wait to make more. Try it, Dong Hua." She nudged him to eat, but Dong Hua hesitated. "You especially made this for me, and I don't bear to eat it." He said.

"It's okay! I can make more for you. Try it!" Then she took one cookie and fed it to Dong Hua. "How is it?!" Feng Jiu impatiently asked as she wanted to know his answer.

"Too good to be described by words." Dong Hua smiled.

"Guess I'm the winner!" Feng Jiu said proudly. Then they decided to try Dong Hua's cookies.

Feng Jiu immediately grabbed one and quickly put it into her mouth. She was shocked the moment she had the first bite, and she thought to herself. "What?! Dong Hua made this?! It's even better than mine. The best cookies I've ever eaten."

Dong Hua then waited patiently for her critique, and he asked curiously, "How is it? Is it good?"

Feng Jiu then stuffs one cookie into his mouth and replied, "Try it first." Dong Hua then took a bite, and he was taken aback as well. He thought to himself, "I made this? How could it be this nice? I'm not a good cook at all."

Then he looked at Feng Jiu with a puzzled look. Feng Jiu then smiled warmly and replied, "I guess we have a winner." Then she pointed towards Dong Hua.

"Me? I won?" Dong Hua replied shockingly. Feng Jiu then nodded her head and replied, "Yes. This cookie is the best I've ever eaten in my whole life, and I ate a lot of cookies before. I never expect that you'll be such a good baker, Dong Hua."

Dong Hua smiled brightly and replied, "You really think so? I'll make more cookies for you then. Eat more, Xiao Bai. We still have a lot of cookie dough left so we could definitely make more."

"Since we have so much cookie dough left, should we also make some cookies for our friends?" Feng Jiu smiled.

"My only friend is you." Dong Hua replied calmly.

Feng Jiu shook her head lightly and replied, "No! You still have Lian Song, Si Ming and Chong Lin. They are your friends too, and they deserve to try your delicious cookies."

"But... I don't want to share your cookies with them." Dong Hua replied.

"How about we share between ourselves the cookies that I made. Then you can share some of your cookies to them? But I also want some of your cookies, and they are way too delicious."

"Okay, Xiao Bai. You can have as many cookies as you want. We can let them try one cookie each." Dong Hua nodded his head.

"Just one? We will give them two each!" Feng Jiu chuckled. Dong Hua then smiled and replied, "I'll do anything that you say. We give them two each then."

Then they continued cutting the cookie dough into their favourite shapes and then baked it.

After eating many cookies, they still had many left. "I'll keep your remaining cookies in my office, and we can share them at work." Dong Hua said.

Feng Jiu then put Dong Hua's cookie into three different containers to give it to the gossip duo and Chong Lin. "Can't wait to see their reaction after they tried your cookies." Feng Jiu said.

Dong Hua laughed and replied, "They would probably think that it is as bad as my Sweet and Sour Fish."

Feng Jiu laughed out loud and replied sarcastically, "Bet they would be acting like it's doomsday again. Should we surprise them with the cookies on Monday? We should get the three of them to come up to your office and make them taste it in front of us."

"Oh? Is that your Plan B? B for bully." Dong Hua replied sarcastically.

"Hmph! I learned it from you. B for Big Bully Boss!" Feng Jiu pouted.

Dong Hua then patted her head gently, "We shall go according to your plan."

"By the way, will I be sharing the same office table with you? I mean, I tend to be a little messy at work when I get too busy. I don't want to affect your work." Feng Jiu asked curiously.

"Don't worry, and I already made arrangements. The contractors would bring in a new office table before we start work tomorrow. Then you'll be able to lock your snacks in the drawers under your work desk." Dong Hua said.

Feng Jiu smiled and replied excitedly, "Wow! You're fast! I thought it would take a week before I'll move up to your office. Wait... But how would I explain to others about moving there?" Feng Jiu then frowned.

"I already got you into the competition officially, and you don't have to explain to others. Nobody would dare to question what I do too." Dong Hua replied calmly.

"But... But... people would definitely spread unnecessary rumours and gossip among themselves." Feng Jiu hesitated again.

"I don't care about those rumours, Xiao Bai. We are not doing anything shameful. We are family, aren't we?" Dong Hua said.

"Yes... I mean... I don't know if it's a good idea. I don't want people to think I'm cheating to get into the competition too..." Feng Jiu frowned.

"Xiao Bai. Once they see how talented and smart you are, they won't be able to judge you anymore. Prove to them that you can get into the finals. Then everyone would see how good your work is, and they will know that you deserved it."

"I guess I could do that...? I'm still worried about what people will say." Feng Jiu replied hesitantly.

"If you're so scared of your reputation being ruined, I'll marry you and make you the lady boss of Tai Chen Group. In that case, nobody could say anything anymore. I mean, you're my family now, so it doesn't make a difference." Dong Hua replied casually but deep inside; he was serious about it.

Feng Jiu blushed and thought to herself, "What?! Dong Hua must be kidding. Marriage is a big commitment!" Then she replied shyly, "I'm not afraid of that! I mean... I'm just afraid people would think I'm cheating in the competition."

"Good. Since you're not afraid, then you can just ignore them and move up to my office. I'll just announce that you became my personal assistant since Chong Lin is too busy." Dong Hua replied.

"Fine. I'll just tell people that I'm working as your personal assistant temporarily. That would work, and people won't think I'm cheating too." Feng Jiu smiled.

"Don't worry about it, Xiao Bai. Just focus on winning the competition." Dong Hua smiled.


"I will send you home after we have dinner, Xiao Bai." Dong Hua said. Then he ordered some food delivery again, and they sat down on the sofa while waiting.

"Let's watch some TV!" Feng Jiu then took the remote and switched on the TV. She also changed channels until she found a romance-comedy movie to watch.

Feng Jiu was having a good time laughing and watching the movie. But Dong Hua couldn't focus on the movie at all as he kept looking at Feng Jiu.

Then a romantic kissing scene came on the screen. Dong Hua felt very uneasy since he kept thinking of the kiss last night. Feng Jiu was also a little shy, and she giggled.

Dong Hua then asked her seriously, "Xiao Bai, do you think those kisses are the same in real life?" He pointed to the kissing scene on TV.

"No. I don't think so. Usually, they make it more romantic in the movies. I don't know since I have never kissed anyone." Feng Jiu actually lied since she gave her first kiss to Dong Hua when he lost his memory.

Dong Hua thought to himself, "But the kiss last night felt like that."

Then the main leads in the movie started kissing even more passionately.

Dong Hua cleared his throat nervously and asked, "Oh. How about that?" Then he pointed to the passionate kissing scene again.

Feng Jiu immediately blushed and nervously thought to herself, "I don't know. I have never once kissed someone that passionately. What should I say?" Then she calmed herself down and replied, "Hmm... I'm not sure about that."

Dong Hua then mumbled under his breath, "I wonder how does that feel like?" Feng Jiu overheard what Dong Hua said, and she was taken aback. She thought to herself, "What? Dong Hua would actually have such thoughts? Isn't he rumoured not to have any desires like a monk? Maybe he's going through Quarter-life crisis?!" Then she imagined Dong Hua chanting like a monk with his bald head again, and then she started to giggle at that thought.

"What's so funny, Xiao Bai? Are you thinking about silly thoughts again?" Dong Hua asked.

"Nothing! I wasn't thinking about anything. I'm just laughing at the movie." Then she pointed out to the TV where the main leads were just having a serious conversation.

"Xiao Bai is such a bad liar. It's not even a funny scene on TV." Dong Hua thought to himself.

Right at this moment, the doorbell rang, and Dong Hua went to open the door. Feng Jiu also followed him since she was eager to eat dinner.

"Let's start eating now!" Feng Jiu said to Dong Hua. Then she immediately began eating without waiting for him.

Midway through the dinner, Feng Jiu's phone vibrated, and she received a message from Su Moye. Dong Hua used his side-eyes to peep at her phone's screen as her phone was placed right on the table. "What? Su Moye? They already started texting? Why is he texting Xiao Bai?" Dong Hua immediately felt jealous, and he stuffed himself with food while trying to hide his jealousy.

Feng Jiu picked up her phone to check her text message.

Su Moye: Hey, Feng Jiu. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I was just wondering if you talked to Dong Hua about the competition? I'm asking because I saw that you successfully entered the competition."

Feng Jiu immediately smiled and replied back to Su Moye, "Yeah, I actually did. Dong Hua is really nice to get me into the competition. I would need to start drawing my design drafts from tomorrow onwards. Wish me luck!"

Su Moye: Oh. I'm glad that you made it into the competition. I have faith in you, and I know you'll make it to the finals! Let me know if you need any help regarding the competition too.

Feng Jiu: I will! Don't worry. Dong Hua is personally mentoring me for the competition. I mean, I'm so bad at presentations so it would definitely help me. Maybe you can treat me to some Long Jing Tea after I get into the 2nd round?

Su Moye: Sure. I'll brew some excellent Long Jing Tea to celebrate you getting into the 2nd round then. By the way, I'm heading to your office sometime next week. Should we grab lunch together then?

Feng Jiu: Oh? You are? Sure! Just let me know beforehand, and we could have lunch together. I'll see you soon!

Su Moye: Sure. I'll let you know a day ahead. I won't disturb you now. Hopefully, you're enjoying your Christmas.

Feng Jiu: I am! Okay, I'll see you real soon.

Feng Jiu then put down her phone on the table and continued eating. She noticed Dong Hua was very quiet, and he had an absolutely blank expression on his face. She thought to herself, "What's wrong with Dong Hua? Why is he cold again?"

Then she asked softly, "Dong Hua, are you full yet?" Feng Jiu then tried to put some food onto his bowl, but Dong Hua didn't say a word.

Dong Hua then quickly finish his food, stood up and headed towards the kitchen. Feng Jiu followed him into the kitchen and asked again, "Are you tired, Dong Hua? I can go home by myself if you are busy or tired."

"I'll take a quick shower before sending you home." He replied coldly, and he walked towards his room. Feng Jiu felt puzzled, and she thought to herself, "Dong Hua is so hot and cold towards me. I can't understand his thinking sometimes. Maybe he's just tired."


Dong Hua stood under the hot water and thought to himself, "I can't always be acting this way when I'm jealous. I'll lose out to Su Moye if I keep being so cold to Xiao Bai whenever I'm jealous. Maybe I could talk to her about my thoughts and see what she says?"

Then he decided that he was going to be more mature and talk to Feng Jiu about it after his shower.

Feng Jiu cleared the trash and waited for Dong Hua to head out of the shower. After waiting for a while, Dong Hua finally came walking out of his room.

Dong Hua then sat down beside Feng Jiu on the sofa, and he was thinking of a way to talk to her about Su Moye. Feng Jiu noticed that Dong Hua seems troubled and she asked, "Is there something bothering you, Dong Hua?"

Dong Hua pondered for a while before answering, "Yes, Xiao Bai. I... I don't know how to talk to you about it, but I don't feel comfortable about Su Moye."

Feng Jiu thought to herself, "What? Dong Hua would actually tell me his thoughts? But why Su Moye? I don't understand." Then she turned her body towards Dong Hua and replied softly, "Tell me what's wrong."

Dong Hua struggled with his thoughts for a little. "How do I tell her that I'm jealous of Su Moye? I'm also not ready to confess my feelings to her now." Then he replied softly, "I'm worried that Su Moye would take over my place in your heart. I mean... You guys seem close now."

Feng Jiu thought to herself, "Oh, Dong Hua is worried that I'll leave him behind. I mean, it's understandable why he felt this way. He grew up all alone and abandoned. I need to reassure him that everything would be okay."

Then she placed her hand on his arm and replied, "Dong Hua, that won't ever happen. Yes, I'm friends with Su Moye, but that doesn't mean that I'll pick him over you. I won't ever leave you behind." Feng Jiu then smiled sweetly at Dong Hua.

Dong Hua instantly had a huge smile on his face, "Really? So I'm still the most important to you, right?"

"Of course! We are family, remember?" Feng Jiu reassured him.

"Yes, family. Xiao Bai, you want to head home now?" Dong Hua asked.

Feng Jiu glanced at the clock and noticed that it was almost 8 PM. "Yes, I want to head home now. I still need to do some household chores before I go to bed too." She smiled.

Dong Hua then went into his room to pick up his car keys. "Let's go, Xiao Bai. I'll send you home now." Feng Jiu also gathered her stuff, and they headed out of the door.


After driving for 20 minutes, they arrived at her apartment. "Good night, Dong Hua. I'm so glad that I spent Christmas with you this year." Feng Jiu smiled warmly.

Dong Hua smiled and replied, "Me too. Hopefully, we get to spend it together next year as well. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

"Oh yeah! Don't forget to bring the Christmas cookies that you made to work tomorrow. I can't wait to see their reactions after you told them that you made it." Feng Jiu snickered at the thought of Lian Song and Si Ming over-reacting to the cookies.

"I won't forget. Good night. Quickly head upstairs as it's cold out here." Dong Hua nudged Feng Jiu.

Feng Jiu then waved goodbye and ran into the lobby. Dong Hua waited for her to enter the elevator before driving off as usual.

"I'm glad that I was able to convey my thoughts to Xiao Bai for once." - Dong Hua