
After The Wedding 2

I apologize in advance. It's a novel in my first English, so please understand if there are many errors in the writing or content of the story. #### Abandoned by her lover just before the wedding, July was shocked and fell in the hospital. Fortunately, all that didn't last long. The day after coming home from the hospital, July immediately tried to get rid of the bad memories with her bodyguard, David. Even though he had only been working for a month, but David always tried to obey his young lady well. Until one day, an incident that David had never thought of before came astonishing. July, yes ... July Agatha, proposed to David suddenly. David, who was surprised, of course, could not immediately give an answer. David already had a girlfriend, he couldn't possibly dare to make a love scandal with his young lady. It is also possible that July is just looking for an outlet. Or maybe ... Is there a secret behind it? Will it be love or is it just an outlet? ***

Irma_wahyuni · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
147 Chs

Chapter 8

The sun's rays in the morning burst through the window. It gives off a little light on a girl's face that slowly opens her eyes. Checking with the palm elbow, stroking until the eyeballs pop open perfectly.

Tucked the little hair behind the ear lobe, July then sat down. Stretched out his two arms while yawning wide. As the blanket pulled to the side, July pulled its leg, bringing it to the edge of the bed. Extend down and move up feet with the power of the dawn that is still unperfectly united.

Hoaaam ....

Once again July yawned, snapping her body left and right. Before leaving, her two wistful eyes took the time to look at the remnants of a few torn photos that were still scattered everywhere. Not wanting to bother, July just shrugged her shoulders with thinning lips. Sighing then waddling into the bathroom.

"You wake July," tesa commands mara, who's wiping out the edge of the table.

On the table, of course, there were a variety of items for breakfast.

"Very well, madam." Mara put the rag on the kitchen shelf and hurried up to the second floor.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Offer the husband a test. Her two arms pulling up an empty chair, inviting him to sit down. "Sit down. I'll get you some rice."

Jordan nodded, stroked the top of his wife's head and sat down. Near them, the employees who witnessed this just smiled. They had actually seen this scene many times, it was just that jealousy just appeared when they saw the romance that was still entwined between their masters.

Not caring about the maids who were whispering behind her back, Tesa only focused on getting breakfast for her husband. Sit down and then enjoy breakfast.

While in another residence…

"Dad, I'm off." David kissed the back of his father's palm gently.

About to turn around, the tian grabbed David's arm in a hurry. "Wait!"

David frowned. His eyes dropped down at his arm's grip. "What is it, dad?" Squat as opposed to his sitting father's position.

"You owe me an explanation. Tell me about the failure of July's wedding," demanded.

David then smiled. Cupped his palm, gave a gentle pat and then said, "yes, dad, I'll explain later, but after I get home. It's noon, I have to rush July to college."

"Well, you be careful on the road."

David nodded.

Not telling and intending to hide, seems to have failed. Of course, there's a TV in the house, whenever dad can see it. Of course the news about July will fill the television screen at this time. It will probably be airing for months. That's a correct guess according to David.

"Miss July," Mara called at the door. "Breakfast is awaited with the ladies and gentlemen downstairs."

"Yes." Only the short answer reached mara.

Mara squeaks, snorts and then moves away from the door that is still closed.

"Where's July? Is he not awake yet?" Asked tesa when mara reached the dining room again.

"Yes ma'am, but Miss July only answered 'yes' when I called her and told her to have breakfast," said Mara.

At the sight of her two masters sighing, mara then retreated to the back of her search for work that was presumably unfinished.

"Well, I'm off to the office. "After wiping his lips and drinking a glass of water, Jordan stood up, bowing down to her forehead and departed.

Not a word came out of Tesa's mouth. She looked dazed as he looked at the back of his husband who slowly disappeared.

This house was empty, when July's white and gray period ended. Down for months without a good communication at home. Returned a smile when Alex greeted him. Disappointment is lost until July can be spoken to again.

Tesa, Jordan, who was initially too busy with work, eventually began to realize that the princess really needed the love of both of them. Unfortunately, everything is a little late, although July can be talked to, but not as close as parents and children in general.

And things get even more complicated when Alex manages to hurt July's heart.

"Morning, ma 'am." David curtfully bowed. At exactly eight o 'clock in the morning David reached his job, which is the Jordan family's mansion which has always been arranged by the princess.

"Morning David. You take the breakfast," she says. Her gaze reflected how delicious a meal was on the table.

"I've had breakfast, madam," David declined politely. "I went straight for miss July. Is he ready?"

"Where are you going?" Asked tesa. One hand pushed the empty plate into the middle of the table.

"Didn't miss July have a lecture? It's Wednesday."

Tesa is standing by. "But July is not healthy. I don't give permission."

"I'm still going." July's response made the two of them turn their heads.

There, at a distance of only about three meters, July was standing straight with a firm face. His appearance was very neat. Wearing jeans above the knee, combined with a slightly open sleeve top managed to eliminate the pale face that was still visible last night.

"But July, you just got back from the hospital, honey." Tesa approaches, featuring an arm of July. Looking at it hopefully so that July stays home.

July slowly unclench that grip. Tucked his bag right in with a smile as July said, "I'm fine. I don't want kira to curse at my failed marriage either. I'm not a weak person."

- degh!

Tesa seems to be taking a pretty hard hit to the back of the head. Is this the kind of girl he never used to ignore because she was always busy making money? Was he so strong as to hold back the anger of the day? Tesa never knew. Not knowing, but not knowing.

"I'm off." Without kissing the back of her hand, July simply walked right out.

"E - excuse me, ma 'am. "David bowed before rushing after his invisible young lady.

If you are in a position like this, it is actually David who feels awkward and uncomfortable. Why also have to stand between two people who sometimes seem like two people who are indifferent to each other? Should David intervene?

"Hurry, David! "Cried July from behind the windshield. Turns out the lovely girl was sitting on the bench in the car.

"Ah, it turns out he knows me. I don't think he knew my name," David mumbled, implying a smile.

In the course of one month, it seems that this was indeed the first time a young employer had mentioned David. Looks like everything changed after July and alex's disastrous marriage.

"Hurry!" Cried July again.

"Eh yes." David hurried into the car.

While July is still stubborn to stay out of the house, elsewhere it appears to be swarming with reporters. Missed coming to visit July's compound, and the journalists stuck July's figure in a photo studio. Some inside were even overwhelmed to drive the reporters away.

"Shit! Crazy journalist!" so grumpy one of the drag queens. His legs gave him a little whimper as soon as the journalists disappeared.
