
After Skyrim

I was your average, everyday nerd playing a good game of Skyrim and just beat it for the thousandth time. This time was different however, since after i completed the main quest, there was a freak storm. Somehow this storm was powerful enough to breach reality, because as i was playing lighting struck my house sending a burst of electricity into my computer which in turn electrocuted me. I thought I was dead until I opened my eyes to see trees. Upon looking at my surroundings I immediately recognized the land. I was in Rorikstead but I wasn't my player character and the land looks a bit different. In example; There's giant mushrooms with doors as well as regular houses.

Agames_Online · Videojogos
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11 Chs

First Lesson

The man in front of me holds out his hand towards me. I can see what I can only describe as an aura surrounding his hand. In the game when you activate a spell you can see the effect of the spell around your hand but I've never seen this kind of aura? Next thing I know, the flower vase next to me turns into dust. I jump away in surprise and fear. 

"What the hell was that?" I ask while looking back and fourth from the vase to the man.

"That Varis was chaos magic. I am a master in the chaos school." He explained.

I look into his eyes, visually confused. Chaos magic? That isn't one of the schools? "Sir..." He stops me there. "I told you, call me by my name. Sir makes me feel old. Call me Calvin." He says smiling. 

"Calvin, I know my memory is gone and all; I just thought there were only five schools of magic? I thought for a moment my memories were coming back, but I guess not." I say.

Calvin starts to chuckle. "So, you do remember a few things. Yes we learn in history books there were five. However, years ago this powerful mage came along and taught the mages guild how to use magic in its most basic form. We all tend to learn to manipulate it first and turn it into spells. One day this mage came along and had an idea. What if we could just use the raw magic itself before turning it into a spell. What if we could just send out raw magicka and if we could do that, then what else could we do with it? Turned out we could do quite a bit. Things nobody had ever even thought of. He named this new school Chaos because magic in it's most basic form is quite chaotic. Because of him we now learn how to harness this magic before turning it into something else. What I did to that vase was surround it by magic and press in just enough to give it an effect. The magic made the vase age rapidly turning it into dust." Calvin explained. 

"How do you cast that?" I ask.

"It's not so much casting, as it is just feeling the magic within and sending it out in a rush. Once you can do this, then you can use that magic to do other things. It's quite interesting. This form of magic seems to not have limits like other schools does." Calvin said smiling.

I pause for a moment. I meditate with my eyes closed. I try to feel magic within. I don't feel anything though. I keep meditating for what felt like an hour. Maybe I'm thinking to hard about this. Maybe I should just send it fourth? I open my eyes and point my hand at a pot that is on the counter. I focus on sending out magic towards the pot. Nothing happens though.

"What are you wanting to do?" Calvin asked.

"I don't feel anything. I'm trying to send it out in a burst like you said, but I just don't feel anything." I said with a tear forming. 

Calvin looked at me for a moment. He went to his closet and brought out this clear orb. "This is a magical artifact. I haven't needed to use it in quite some time, but it tells you how much magic you have within you." He said. He placed in down on the counter and motioned me to come over. I walk over to it. "Just place your hand on top of it and if you have magic it will glow. the more magic you have the brighter it glows." He explained. 

I place my hand on top of it as he instructed. Nothing. When I played the game I always did my best to play as a mage. I love magic and always wanted to use it myself. Finally I am in the world of my dreams where anything is possible and.... I CANT USE MAGIC?! The man looks sad, but not as much as I do. He has had magic his whole life. He can't begin to understand. The one thing I want to do in a fantasy world and I can't. 

"I'm sorry Varis. This hasn't happened in awhile or I would have brought this out sooner." He said.

"I don't understand. You said I was fifteen. Why wasn't this discovered sooner?" I ask in frustration.

"The law doesn't allow children to learn magic until the age of fourteen. You wanted to wait till your fifteenth birthday, so I respected that." He explained. 

The law? Since when does Rorikstead go by the law. They are out in the middle of nowhere and they use daedric deals to make the soil rich. I ask Calvin about this and he goes on about the histroy books again. I find out that those deals were done away with long before my birth. 

"I'm sorry Varis, but your role here in this village was depending on this. If you can't use magic at all then you will need to do physical jobs. Since, you don't have any parents you'll need to either let me adopt you or chop wood to earn your place and wages." Calvin said with sadness.

I nod. "I understand. I was really hoping I could be a student, but I guess it's just not in the cards for me." I say. I get up and walk out. I walk in town for awhile. Rorikstead is a lot bigger than in the game. I suppose I should get to know people here in town. Calvin said we have learned to live in peace with the dark elves, but that doesn't mean all is good. I knock on door after door looking for work. Looking for guidance. I don't have an axe and don't have any gold. I walk for a moment and see something interesting. Rorikstead has a mine? I walk up to the guy who looks to be in charge. 

"Excuse me sir..."

"Huh? What do you want? Can't you see we are busy?" He asked with anger in his voice.

"I apologize sir. I'm just looking for a job." I explain.

"Well, It's about time! Finally give up on the crazy dream for magic use? Finally ready to actually earn you keep? Well, get in there boy! You'll be given a pickaxe once you go inside." The man said. 

I really don't like him, but what am I going to do about it. I head inside to my new life as a Miner.