
lion city

(??) Wait a minute please!

When I look back I see a man in his 30s, called me.

(Halk) Is there a problem, sir?

(??) No. I just want to thank you for helping us through this difficult time, and if possible, would you like to know your name?

I think I have no problem telling this man my name, so I decide to tell the truth.

(Halk) I am Halk And this is to become my partner. and would you be?

That's a white wolf! What a rare species.

(Adam) my lack of education, I still haven't introduced myself. I am Adam Vollto, Count of the Kingdom and Élio.

"Count? This gentleman is a nobleman then, no and it is to be doubted since he is using this beautiful carriage. "

(Halk) forgiveness for the lack of courtesy sir.

(Adam) don't worry about all these formalities, you probably saved my life and I am deeply grateful for your help.

Saying this mr. Adam lowers his head and bows to me.

(Halk) please raise your head sir, I believe it is not right for you to lower your head to a commoner like me!

(Adam) I don't care if you're a plebeian or a noble, I'm grateful for your help to me and my family.

While the two of us talked, a young woman and a boy no older than me got out of the carriage, with the help of the horsemen.

(Adam) Halk, these are my wife Elena and my son Erik.

"Nice to meet!"

Both said at the same time.

(Halk) the pleasure is mine, I am Halk and this is fenrir.

(Elena) this is a white wolf, you don't see such a species every day.

(Halk) is that rare?

I am concerned with how rare it is to get it to end up getting a lot of attention in the city.

(Elena) their species is not that rare, but they are always hunted because of their beautiful white fur. They are always used to make clothes for the nobility.

So it means that I will have to watch out for him when I get to town. While I was thinking what to do Adam calls me.

(Adam) by the way Halk, where are you going?

(Halk) I've been in the forest for a long time, so I was thinking about going to the nearest city.

(Adam) a lot ... time, how old are you?

He said he was in the forest for a long time. Is he an elf? Or will it be a race with a slower aging time?

(Halk) I'm 9 this year.

No ... nine

Said the three in sync.

(Elena) and your family?

(Halk) my village was attacked by the evil dragon, so I have no news of them.

(Elena) evil dragon! But this happened 9 years ago! So you've been alone since you were born!

Without knowing what Halk said, I agree.

(Halk) I think that's right. More like you know, that was 9 years ago?

(Elena) because the evil dragon plane attacked parts of our territory.

(Halk) got it.

(Adam) well enough talking about disgrace and let's talk about something else.

(Adam) halk we are going to town, would you like to join us?

(Halk) I can!

Even though we can move around quickly, I never rode in a carriage and I confess I'm interested

(Halk) What do you think to do?

(Fenrir) bark!

Fenrir wags his tail and seems happy with the idea.

(Erik) can I ... play?

Said the boy who was behind his mother's legs, the boy was relatively handsome, with light brown hair and green eyes, giving the impression of fluffy rather than cute.

(Halk) so much that it doesn't irritate, it doesn't bite.

(Erik) alright!

While Erik ran his hand over and out, the horsemen finished cleaning the bandits' bodies, in addition to arresting the unconscious leader, then tying him up, we climbed into the carriage and set off for the city.


After 2 hours I finally managed to see a wall and several soldiers positioned on it.

(Halk) great!

(Adam) her and isn't it? It was made to withstand the attack of a dragon, after an accident in his village, we decided to increase the security of nearby cities.

(Halk) I understand.

Arriving at the gate with enough space to pass three carriages the size of this one next to each other, we are approached by a guard.

(Guard) Mr. Adam, how are you?

(Adam) Hi Rafael, I'm fine, but on the way here we were attacked by bandits, and this is their leader.

Saying this Adam, asks one of the knights to bring the leader who is still unconscious.

(Adam) could you take care of him for me?

(Guard) of course sir! But who was this young man next to Lord Erik.

(Adam) this young man is called Halk, and I would like you to help him get an ID card please.

(Guard) immediately sir.

Having said that, the guard entered the booth beside him, and took an orb the size of a handball.

(Guard) could you please put your hand on this?

Saying this, guard Rafael brings the orb close to me, and I place my mother on top of it.

(Halk) like that?

(Guard) exactly little Halk, this is for storing your information, so could you tell me your name, age and gender.

After saying that, I answer the guard's questions, and in a few minutes, the guard gives me a plaque with my information.

(Guard) Congratulations little Halk, you can now enter the city of Lion!

After saying those words, we said goodbye to the guard and entered the city.

(Halk) wow!

Maybe through the walls I couldn't see directly inside, but the city was very beautiful.

(Adam) welcome to Lion, Halk.

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