
After Rebirth, The Scum All Cry For Forgiveness

NOT MY NOVEL. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHOR. (Just wanted a goodish English translation of it also didn't get paid or asked to do this so I will take it down if asked by the author/web novel staff.) Zhong Youyou went into a book. With a good mind in real life, she became well-known in this book and soon became a schoolmaster. At the same time, her reborn parents, brother, and fiancee began to regret, regretting that they did not treat Zhong Youyou well in the previous life, and must make compensation in this life… But will she allow them?

lil_warrior · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
180 Chs

Chapter 40 (Part 3)

Meng Shixuan fell from the altar, not only the identity of the richest man's daughter was replaced, even the fiancé seemed to care about others more.

For a while, they really didn't know whether they should sympathize with Meng Shixuan or not.

Under Shi Zhitang's questioning, this student explained the situation of the day again. The students around him all listened to them. In short, it was just the two words "oh, god!"

Shi Zhitang's face frowned and tightened, almost subconsciously he wanted to rush out, and run to the 19th class to see if Zhong Youyou was injured. But the next second the headteacher came in.

The classmate said again: "Shi Zhitang, don't worry, Zhong Youyou is definitely not injured. I think she won't be injured if anyone is injured. Originally, we thought Zhong Youyou made an operation error, so he must be dead, but we didn't expect that she could turn it all around. She was so handsome and we admire her to death!"

Shi Zhitang looked complicated and sat back in his position.

Now Zhong Youyou, proud and confident, is indeed becoming more and more attractive, but she is becoming more and more indifferent to him.

The class was a little quieter, Meng Shixuan turned her head and glanced at Shi Zhitang. Seeing that he was unsettled, she felt that the jealousy in her heart was like a dagger, piercing all the internal organs. She now clearly realized that everything she had, had been taken away by Zhong Youyou.

Yin Qiuqiu walked in from outside the classroom and just saw Meng Shixuan's eyes looking at Shi Zhitang. For some reason, she suddenly felt sympathy for Meng Shixuan.

Now Meng Shixuan has lost everything. Although she won't be let down by her classmates in the class, her popularity is far less than before. Everyone avoids her intentionally or unintentionally.

The boys who used to rush to fetch water for Meng Shixuan and buy Coke are gone.

In physical education class, girls practice volleyball, and not many people would want to team up with her.

But conversely thinking, if this happened to her, she was afraid that she would have transferred to another school or even went to other cities to avoid it. A person like Meng Shixuan who is accustomed to the stars can withstand all this—it's too tolerable, too terrifying.

In the afternoon, Li Dongping didn't know where he heard that Zhong Youyou did not do well in the exam, and he was listless, and even called Zhong Youyou to the office between classes.

He took out a square box from the desk, looked at Zhong Youyou with approval and encouragement, and said: "Student Zhong Youyou, you have made a lot of progress before, and all teachers in our class agree that you give our teachers a bonus. A grade has been mentioned, so this is given to you by a few of our teachers. You can take it apart and have a look."

"Give it to me?" Zhong Youyou was a little flattered, and even if he did well in the exam, he could still be given a gift.

However, when she opened the box and saw the gift inside, she was silent.

A few thick books of five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation.

"Why, don't you like it?" Li Dongping was cheerful.

"..." Zhong Youyou took it silently, "I like it very much, it makes the teachers bother."

Li Dongping saw that she took the gift into her arms, which explained her intentions: "I heard from my students that you may not have done very well in this competition exam, so I was in despair all day."

With three question marks above Zhong Youyou's head of "lost", when did she lose her soul? She just didn't sleep well last night, and she just made up her sleep today.

"But classmate Zhong Youyou." Li Dongping continued to console: "It doesn't matter if the exam is not well done. The difficulty of that kind of competition is originally two or three times that of the college entrance examination. You students mainly want to take the college entrance examination. When the time comes, the college entrance examination will be all right. Ah, if your grades remain at this level, you can definitely go to Tsinghua and Peking University. There is no need to entangle those difficult and perverted competitions."

Zhong Youyou asked: "But if you get into the top ten in the city, isn't it a bonus?"

Li Dongping said: "Adding points can add points, but that is the top ten in the city to add points! How can you get to the top ten in the city?" He felt he made a mistake after he said it.

But he really thought it was impossible. Not only did he think it was impossible, other teachers in the office looked at Zhong Youyou, and they also thought it was impossible! Zhong Youyou's achievements have really impressed them, but you must know that their school is only one of the dozens of colleges and universities.

Zhong Youyou raised her eyebrows, tugged at the corner of her mouth, and said nothing.

While the two were talking, a teacher from the academic affairs team opened the door and said to Li Dongping: "Mr. Li, the results of the competition three days ago have come out from all over the city. Now let the teachers who have students in each class collect it."

After finishing speaking, his gaze fell on Zhong Youyou, who was standing next to him, and he was taken aback for a moment, and then his face suddenly burst of joy: "You are Zhong Youyou? I haven't seen you before. Come here, Teacher Li you too. Come here, Zhong Youyou in your class passed the third place in the school and the 11th in the city!"

??? Third in the school, eleven in the city!?

In the entire office, everyone looked at Zhong Youyou, and the expressions on their faces were blank for a second. Last time she was the first in the class, this time she was the third in the school, and the city was 11th? Oh my God! What else did he say just now, saying don't worry if Zhong Youyou didn't do well in the exam? Why did they say she failed the exam? Is this too good?!

However, Zhong Youyou's face changed a little, a bit ugly, how come it's 11th?

Li Dongping was really shocked. He didn't have time to say anything. He quickly followed the teacher to the academic affairs team to get the grades. The scores were all sent from the computer, and they could be viewed by logging in to the academic affairs team account.

After getting the results, he printed a dozen copies, ran back in a hurry, shaking his hands in the corridor, and began to look at the results from top to bottom. The first place is Shi Zhitang, an outstanding student in the first grade of the third grade of their school, and the person who makes speeches under the national flag all the year round is no surprise.

Then he didn't dare to move his eyeballs down at all. After taking a deep breath, he slowly moved down. The second place was a student from the second-class competition class. And the third place in the school has three big characters-Zhong Youyou.

OMG, it's really Zhong Youyou in their class! Li Dongping ran wildly in the corridor, passing by the trash can, and almost tripping over it. He hurriedly straightened his glasses, rushed to the office, and raised the report card in his hand.

"Zhong Youyou, you really got the eleventh place in the city!" As soon as these words were called out, all the teachers in the office stood up and looked at Zhong Youyou dumbfounded. Chinese teachers and math teachers ran over. Take the result printed by Li Dongping's hand and look at it.

The physics teacher looked at the transcript in hand, and Zhong Youyou's physics actually got full marks? He was stunned. For so many years, he has been on a job, and under his hand, no one has ever passed the eleventh place in the city. How can he teach a student who can get a perfect score in physics in this kind of competition!

Li Dongping frowned dissatisfiedly when he saw Zhong Youyou holding the report card, and immediately slapped her on the shoulder: "What, are you still not satisfied? This is the eleventh in the city. How many high school students in the city know? No, there are seventy to eighty thousand for 100,000 people. Out of the seventy to eighty thousand, you rank eleven!!!"

Zhong Youyou: "..."

Li Dongping felt that the world was simply crazy.

Who remembers Zhong Youyou was still in their class three months ago, and she was the one who taught him the most severely? He was inexperienced, cynical, and humiliated all day long.

Half a month ago, the mathematics test and the evaluation test in the class were surprising enough, but now Zhong Youyou actually took the eleventh in the city and the third in the school...!

The teachers were very excited, but after the chemistry teacher was excited, he took a closer look at Zhong Youyou's scores in various subjects and compared them with the top and bottom. Suddenly, he found a doubt: "Youyou, how did you test your chemistry? It's not that you did poorly in the exam, but your scores are much lower than your other subjects. Is there anything you don't understand in chemistry?"

He is a bit anxious but can't let Chemistry become Zhong Youyou's hind legs!

Zhong Youyou paused before saying: "...I failed the operational exam."

She looked a little ugly when she looked at her grades. The other subjects were about the same as his predicted results, except for chemistry, which was 30 points less. The operation scores were not counted for her, and her total score was directly pulled down. If you add those thirty points, she should be 13 points more than the city's No. 1 at this time.

All of a sudden, she frowned. Her plan is to take the first place in the exam, but now it is far from her plan.

Moreover, the embarrassing result of 11th place in the city just happened to be the result of not being able to get into the top ten in the city and not being awarded points.

She was not happy at all.

She couldn't be happy, but the classmates were scared to death. Third in the school, damn, Zhong Youyou got third in the school this time! The eleventh in the city, is this a magical drama? In the morning, who was still saying that she shouldn't even be able to make it into the city's 100 people, and she was eleventh in the city in one fell swoop!

Even if the city is eleventh, it is jaw-dropping to say that it is third in the school!

The students in the competition class who were taking the exam with Zhong Youyou on the bus before got their transcripts in the afternoon. When they looked at the rankings, they were all dumbfounded and speechless.

Zhong Youyou, why is Zhong Youyou again, the third in the school, her score is so much higher than those of them, it's horrible, what's the matter?

A student in a poor class had a perfect score in the previous math test in front of the dean of teaching. It was enough to show the limelight. Everyone only thought she was the dark horse who rushed out. The strength is only half a point, and the other half depends on luck, but now, the fact that she has become third in the school… Just incredible!

This kind of competition exam can't cheat at all!

There were divergent opinions and discussions in the third grade, especially in the competition class, and the students who went to the competition exam together were bombed.

At the same time, a boy in high school rushed into the classroom holding a basketball.

Shouted to Zhong Xiyou: "Zhong Xiyou, damn, your sister got third place in the school in this competition exam. Turn on your phone!"

Zhong Xiyou was taken aback for a moment, surprised, and hurriedly opened the forum. When he opened the forum, he saw a post about Zhong Youyou at the top. Zhong Youyou was ranked third in the school and eleven in the city. It shocked everyone that they had forgotten it. Tested by the city's No. 1 Shi Zhitang.

Zhong Xiyou quickly browsed the forum, his heart beating fast, and quickly called Father Zhong, but as soon as he pressed the phone number, he remembered the last time his dad came back from the hospital in despair...

He hesitated and plugged the phone back again. Now I'm talking to my dad about my sister's grades, I'm afraid it will stimulate my dad even more.

The whole school crashed.

However, Zhong Youyou walked out of the office with the report card, but her face was a bit cold.

She just learned that the top ten in the city will not only add points but also have bonuses. The awards will also be entered into the archives and will be stamped by the Ministry of Education, competition associations, and local governments. But she didn't get first place in her plan because of those thirty points.

Could it be that the invigilator deliberately concealed Fei Yun's stuff? If she had known that she should have insisted on retaking the exam immediately.

The feeling of a plan being disrupted is very upsetting. Standing on the corridor, Zhong Youyou only felt that he couldn't vent.

Just as she frowned, another student from Class 19 ran up across the corridor, panting and saying: "Zhong Youyou, go to the director's office, there is a director of the program group looking for you! There are two others. A member of the Ministry of Education said that you made a mistake in your grades."

"You're getting more grades." A girl in the competition class looked at Zhong Youyou and couldn't hold back. Otherwise, how could she be admitted to the third in the school and the eleventh in the whole year?

Many people in the corridor looked over, and the student stumbled again and said, "Okay, it seems to be saying that you are 30 points less..."


There was dead silence in the hallway.