
After Rebirth: I'm now a green tea

As an orphan, Christy grow up being so kind to everyone around her. Afraid of being left behind or unnoticed, she became a people pleaser. She fall inlove and gave everything to Jayson, her husband. He manipulate her with false promises and fake love. For him, she even killed her unborn child and abandoned everyone. What she get in return is betrayal. Not only her body is used, including her business talent and inheritance. When apocalypse came, he push her to be killed by the zombies. She got reborn 10 years before the apocalypse. With broken heart and mind, she now wants revenge... However, upon entering high school again, she meet her previous best friends. The two people who really care and love her. She lost contact to them, because Jayson prevent him to interact with them. She gain new purpose in life aside revenge. A new reason to see good to be alive. She vow to take care of those two people. Meanwhile, due to her attitude toward her best friends and the way she love/protect them like a mother, she became so popular without her noticing it. Her kindness magnify and attact the attention of many men. Including the five powerful men in the future. Those men falls madly in love with her and will soon her pillar in upcoming apocalypse.

Krystknt · Urbano
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2 Chs


Christy is running as fast as she can. Occasionally hit something that catching up. They were zombie... with terrifying red eyes, dirty and tattered clothes, some soiled with fresh blood from her subordinates. Most zombies walk slow but some are faster catching up. According to scientist that studies them, zombie walk based how many they ate either human or animal meat. Meat provide them with energy and upgrade them. Still, a low class zombie that walk slower is still a potential threat, since a bite or scratch from them can turn you. Zombie's senses are also higher, especially smell and hearing so hiding sometimes doesn't work.

Back to few hours ago... Christy together with her husband and subordinates left the base camp to look for supplies. Her space ability is very useful to this task. Even though, she wasn't that strong... being smart in tactics (fighting zombies) is helpful in gaining her subordinates trust and loyalty. She usually only work with her team, but this time Nerissa (a friend that eventually became her husband mistress) encourage Jayson to join in finding supplies. She agreed since Jayson has power ability and it's helpful. She doesn't know that they are planning to kill her this time.

Christy knows that her husband infidelity. It was no longer a secret. She found them together in bed, even before the apocalypse. She pretend she doesn't know, she's scared that he will leave her. When apocalypse hit, they were also together. She travel from city to city, just to find him. When he found him, she can only accept the reality that her husband wasn't hers anymore... He already a part of a base camp, and Nerissa was his known wife. They already have a team of their own. She became a scheming bitch and ungrateful friend who stole her lover and married him. Most people in the base treat her harshly, they believe in Nerissa's lies... Although, Jayson didn't clarify the misunderstanding nor protect her, he still treat her nicely and stay with her. She thought, maybe he still loved her.

She lost count how many people and zombies she killed, how cruel she became just to get a say in the base camp. With her wit and smartness, she became part of the leaders. She helps makes the base stable and well protected. Eventually, her work paid off and more people are willing to believe that they misunderstood her before. This lead to Nerissa's rage. She told Jayson, people start bullying her because of Christy's suggestions. She knows that Jayson's staying with Christy is only for benefit. He's lazy and let her work for him. Nerissa manipulate Jayson to kill her and get her jade necklace... She told him that she found out, Christy's "space".

The plan was set... It leads to Jayson luring zombies to kill Christy. To hide his evil deeds, he also wipe out her team. Jayson is lazy, but there's no doubt that he is also smart and powerful. He got the necklace and manage to push her to the zombies. He got in the car and left to run in opposite direction. He knows that with the wound he inflicted, more zombies will follow her. She can't escape, no matter how fast she runs. Eventually, they got her. He watch (using a telescope) as Christy's body was eaten by zombies. He smiles and look the necklace with anticipation. He got back to the camp and told Nerissa the good news. Nerissa laugh and told him, his stupid to believe in her lies. The necklace was worthless... Nerissa already hook up with the military leader, so she wasn't scared of him. She said that was he got for abandoning her. Jayson was so angry but can't do anything.

This is the prologue of the story. A background of how FL died in apocalypse.

Be aware that the part 1 of the story will focus on highschool life, FL friendship with her two best friends and how she change their life... Also, FL's future harem. She got 5 men that eventually falls for her.

Part 2... will happen in apocalypse but it was in much later part, as the characters got older. This arc focus on her survival and relationship with her harem. Be aware that in apocalypse, having many relationship is considered normal.

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