
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

FA_AFMD · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Training the soldiers (2)

After punishing them all, I threw them out on the street, as I had said I would.

The idiot got a mark on his forehead, a sign of military desertion. All armies, whether state or private, follow the same code in such situations.

I wanted to kill him, but I didn't want my army to see me as a sadist in need of violence.

The mark is made with a knife, a simple cross surrounded by a circle.

The only thing left for him to do in his working life is to be a petty thief.

After that, I went back to the yard with Elijah.

The man was shouting instructions and correcting postures, and the soldiers dared not give him a dirty look. They had heard the shouting.

Watching the soldiers, I wait for the time to pass so I can start the rest of the training.

This will become their routine anyway.

After a few hours, the training comes to an end and the soldiers begin to line up for the next thing.

The sword training is tiring, but not too tiring.

Standing in front of them and watching them a bit, I begin to speak.

"Today you will change your training schedule. The morning runs will no longer be continued, as your endurance has reached a barely sufficient level. You will now begin a slightly more difficult part of your training.

The soldiers were a little calmer until they saw me say it was going to be harder.

"You will train in your respective squads for the next month. You will mainly train endurance and strength with me and swordsmanship with instructor Elijah.

"Your training will be quite simple. You will have to train with basic exercises as they are used in the army, but with extra weight and timed. The time will be limited to 1 minute per set."

"Failure to comply with the established time will be punished, needless to say how. If you faint or break a bone, among other possible injuries, you will not be punished. Don't try to fake it anyway, no one here is stupid enough to fall.

"The second part will be mind training. Each of you will have to meditate without any distractions or movements while a sword is hanging from your head. The sword will be attached to your body after you get into position, and if you make a sudden or exaggerated movement, the sword will be released. The sword can be released if your aura is disturbed. It probably won't kill you, but I can't say for sure. The position must be held for two hours, and you must keep your mind, body, and essence calm so as not to disturb your surroundings."

"The third part will be reflex and movement training, for this you will be placed in a fixed position and a group of archers in front and behind you will shoot at you. Those without rank will be attacked by others without rank, as before."

"The arrows shot will be real, and there is a risk of death if you do not meet expectations. And it should be made clear that from this point on the soldiers cannot leave the training or they will be beheaded.

"Finally, after 2 weeks, he will be sent to the forest where he will be surrounded by a fence and will have to survive there for 3 weeks. If he escapes, he will be hunted down and killed by mercenaries I have hired for this purpose.

"Is everything clear?" I asked with an apathetic voice. More than one of them will die either through desertion or the training itself, but it is necessary if I want the best of the best.

The soldiers look doubtful, but they know they can't refuse either.

There are some civil rights in this world, but they are really only good for elves.

Drysics are extremely discriminated against and it doesn't matter because they really die.

After a while they talked and accepted my proposal with a few shouts.

It's a bit bold to call it a proposal.

"Don't be afraid. If you survive and complete the training, you will become the elite of the elite. Respected and feared soldiers as well as well paid."

"Aren't you tired of being stuck in the same rank for years? Everyone thinking you are cannon fodder?"

"I offer you power. Power that will free you from your fate, that will give you a longer and more prosperous life. Don't you want power? No pureblood elf will be able to mock you, and no army will be able to look down on you. You will no longer be the useless guard of the count, but you will be one of those who mock.

"The only question is. Will you accept the suffering you will go through if it will make you stronger?"

Appealing to the desire for power of a discriminated and mistreated race will boost their morale and they will continue their training. And with the previous race, I already got rid of those who did not have such a mentality.

The soldiers raised their weapons "WE ACCEPT SUFFERING" and shouted in unison with their determined eyes.

And so the training began. The soldiers, motivated and afraid of punishment, did everything with a serious look and overworked their bodies. Many fainted during the first exercise and were taken to the doctor.

The heavy breathing of 300 men could be heard as they moved to the same rhythm. With an extra 50 kg, the underclassmen did push-ups as if they were nothing.

The problem started with the second part.

It is very hard to keep a cool head with a sword hanging over your head. That's the idea.

The most inexperienced soldiers couldn't even last thirty minutes before the sword fell. Many had their arms or shoulders pierced. Those with less reflexes had their skulls pierced and died instantly. The other soldiers were very concentrated and did not even notice the dead.

By the end of the second exercise, a total of 7 men had died.

These are calculated casualties anyway. I thought there would be more.

The third exercise began and 100 archers were set up and I borrowed from my father that they would not care if they killed anyone.

The soldiers positioned themselves in groups while the archers fired and they desperately dodged.

Some of them were pierced, but fortunately they were only minor wounds.

Some soldiers even caught arrows in the air and returned them, wounding an archer in the shoulder. He then threw a tantrum like a child.

I do not care about that archer. I'm surprised enough that there are such strong talents here.

I look forward to seeing the results in 1 month.