
Chapter206:after my husband's fate

The next time I woke up it was already lunch time so I went downstairs to eat but I found my twin brother there together with Melissa. What the hell are they two doing here? It's been so long since I saw Liam, Melissa too actually.

"Heeeey guys?"I greeted them from where they were sitted on the couch in the sitting room.

"Heey sleepyhead."Liam said smiling as he stood to hug me. He's been like the sweetest brother ever. Like everything you would want in a brother.

"What's up big bro?"I said hugging him and he kissed my cheeks.

"I see the baby bump is getting bigger everyday lil sister. How are the rascals doing?"he asked looking at my big belly.

"They can be naughty when they want to but they listen to their daddy more so when he tells them not to cause any trouble, they don't."I said giggling.

"I see, I wonder if they will listen to their handsome uncle like they do with their dad."he said and I chuckled.

"We'll see about that but it's their decision anyway."I shrugged.

"It's their decision anyway,"he immitated me." They will for sure listen to me. Don't you start giving them ideas of how bad I am because let me warn you Kim......"

"Will you stop threatening your sister Lili, thank heavens my brother isn't around to hear you throw warnings and threats at his precious treasure."Melissa said to have Liam click his tongue.

"Like I would care, she's my sister. I can say whatever I want to her. Even smack her head a little just because I can. I'm older anyways."Liam said proudly while smiling at us. I smacked the back of his head catching him off guard." What the ....."

"Yeah, what the.....silly, dad said you are just older than Sheebalie by three minutes and even though I stayed a little in my mom's womb, it's not like you are older by many minutes. And yeah, I can smack your head just because I can too. You are my brother anyways."I smiled back proudly just doing exactly what he did.

"Melissa, did you see that, I was just bullied by my sister, can you believe that?"he seeked help from Lissa.

"No I didn't, weren't you who started whatever the hell it is?"Melissa raised a brow at him.

"Damnit, you are a traitor. I'm just gonna call mom and tell her this. She will obviously, take my side."he said confidently taking his phone out. I doubt my mom will take his side, everyone knows how Liam can be childish when he want to be. Furthermore I'm pregnant, how can a pregnant woman bully anyone?

"Sure, call her and let's see who she believes."I said confidently too and he smirked evilly. He called mom and she picked in the first ring. Was she waiting for his call or what?

"Hello my sweet boy, how are you?"mom said and we could hear her because he's put the phone on loudspeaker. I rolled my eyes at the word sweet boy, sweet boy my foot.

"Mom, I'm fine. I have to tell you something really serious."he said.

"Why happened honey?"mom asked in a panicked voice.

"Don't let him fool you mom, he's just being childish and dramatic like always."I intervened so that my mine wouldn't feel so sorry for him.

"She's lying, she's bullying me. Can you imagine what she said when bullying me?"he said.

"What ?"

"That you would not believe me when I tell you this. She said that pregnant mothers can't be bullies and that's why you wouldn't believe me."he exaggerated.

"Really?"she said that?"

"Yes mom, and she's smacking my head up to now I'm talking to you just because I said the truth."

"Mom, he's lying."I said quickly.

"Kimberly, don't bully your brother like that. You and your sister are always bullying him and he's been complaining to me constantly. Now, be a good girl and listen to him."she said and I looked at Liam who was smirking at me while Melissa was pinching the area between her brows. Ooh my God, I have just been replaced. Can you see that guys? My brother just replaced me and now he's my mom favourite. How the hell did this happen?

"Mom...you are not listening to me. He's lying. No one is bullying him. He was the one who wanted to bully me."I tried to convince my mom but she couldn't be moved. She's smitten by my brother mischievous behaviour.

"Kimberly, Liam is such a sweet person. He can't do that. Do you know what he brought me yesterday? Ooh, he brought me this sweet...."

"I don't want to hear it mom. I'm so upset with you right now."I said.

"Ooh honey, why would you be mad at me? Okay, listen don't be mad else my grandkids will start to be mad too. I'll see you soon. I'm getting out of rehab by the way. Maybe that will make you feel better. Greet my beautiful babies for me. Bye and I love you."she said hanging the phone.

I glared at Liam who was smiling victoriously at me. He thinks he's won? Wait till I call dad, he'll know he messed with the wrong person.

"Madam, lunch is ready."Samuel said and I turned to look at him but I was welcomed by Ocean in his arms smiling at me. I glared at Samuel but he didn't put Ocean down. Why are these people making me mad?

"Ocean, came down from there."I told him but he didn't listen.

"He won't came because now I am his new best friend."Samuel smirked at me and I groaned frustrated.

"You know what, all of you are traitors, except Melissa for now maybe."I said and stormed out of the room to the dinning room. I needed to eat else, I make Alex mad. Now that I remember him. I need to call him maybe after I eat but I ate too much again that I couldn't walk.

"Liam, carry me and I won't tell dad you were bullying me."I said looking at Liam. Melissa laughed while Liam glared at me.

"Why would I be carrying you silly? Do I look like your personal chauffeur?"he asked.

"Are you carrying me or not? I can't walk I probably ate too much."

"Glutton!'hr mumbled.

"Fuck you Liam, I'm pregnant with two kids. You know what, I'm just gonna tell my kids how they have a shitty uncle so that they grow hating you." I said smiling.

"The hell I would give you a chance to do that. I will carry you whenever you want, just because of my neices."he said and I smiled victoriously. I don't know why but I'm loving this brother sister shit with Liam. It's not always like this with me and Sheebalie.

He did whatever I told him to with complaints but I know he was happy to do everything. He just likes to have this small fights. They stayed till late in the evening but they still had no intention of leaving so we played a game waiting for Alex to arrive. Since I couldn't find my phone, we used Melissa's to call him but he was not picking up.

My anxiety was increasing so much right now. I could feel those butterflies and nervousness and another feeling I couldn't quite describe. I was also scared.

"I feel like things are not okay.", I said looking at my brother's face from where I was lying in his shoulders while he played some stupid game with Melissa on the television.

"What's wrong?"he asked pausing the game then he looked at me and so did Melissa. 

"I just feel like Alex is in trouble. I have felt like this before when he got shot. I feel it again right now."I said trying to hold my tears.

"Don't worry everything will be fine. Maybe it's just that you are so anxious."h said and I nodded.

"Maybe,"I shrugged but then something attracted me. The television. Something on the TV. I think Melissa had changed it from where they were playing their stupid boring game to the station where at this time, there were news all over.

"Liam, are you hearing what I'm hearing?"I asked my heart beating so fast.

"It could be wrong. There's no way Alex could be dead. I mean, is that even possible?"he asked taking the remote from Melissa and switched off the TV.

"I think something serious had happened to Alex."came Andrew voice and I immediately stood up from where Liam was holding me.

"What the fuck are you here for? Where's Alex, let me tell you something Andrew, if anything happens to my husband again, I swear I'm gonna kill you myself. Without batting an eye."I coldly warned.

"I have been here since morning Kimberly. I'm not involved this time."he raised his hands in surrender or defence I don't care.

"What the hell did you do Andrew? Were you the one responsible for Alex's near death last time?"Melissa asked walking towards Andrew hurriedly and really angry.

"I'm really sorry Lissa. I didn't mean to do that."he said and,


"How could you, Alex almost died and now we don't know if he's dead or not. Damnit Andrew, you are his fucking bestfriend, why the hell would you do that? Are you happy now that he's dead, talk to me asshole, are you happy?"Melissa cried while hitting Andrew really hard continuosly.

"I'm sorry Lissa, I'm sorry."that is what Andrew could say.

By now I just didn't know what to think. Alex can't be dead, he just left and said he would be back and he will be back. He has to come back for me and his kids. He can't do this to us.

"Alex can't be dead right?"I asked but at that moment, Liam's phone rung.

"It's dad."he said answering it." Dad..."

"Have you heard the news son? Have you talked to your sister. Her phone is not getting though."dad said and by then Melissa's phone rung. It must be her parents asking it telling her about how my husband is dead.

"I'm with her dad."Liam said and he handed vme the phone.

"Dad,"I called out crying.

"Heey, honey. Don't panic Okay. Everything is going to be fine. I'm coming there now so let your brother take care of you before I get there. Your sister is on the way too. Just take care of the kids and don't think too much, okay?"he said and I nodded though I knew he can't see me.

"Okay."I said and he hung up." Alex is not dead, he said he will be back soon so he can't be dead."I said and Liam hugged me kissing my forehead.

"My dad just told me that he was assassinated. That is messed up. I came to see him and now I won't."Melissa said tears flowing down her cheeks. Andrew hugged her and now the whole living room was a sobbing mess.

"Alex is not dead, he will be home soon."I said in a loud voice but Melissa looked at me feircely.

"Didn't you hear what I just said? He was fucking assassinated and the news are all over. You still don't want to believe that? He was my brother too just in case you give an excuse of you being his wife. I know and can feel when he's dead or not. We share the same fucking blood so I feel better than you can so don't try giving me bullshit about how he's not dead because he's fucking dead."she yelled at me but Liam hid my face in his chest. I feel numb right now. 

"Don't you ever fucking raise your voice at my sister like that. She's pregnant for fucks sake have some sympathy."Liam roared. All I could hear was words. I couldn't cry anymore, nor feel heartbroken. I didn't want to because that would make it possible that Alex is dead. I don't want to know anything at all.

*****************The end***********************

HEEY GUYS, thanks so much for walking with through this journey but I would like to announce the end of the book AFTER MY CRUSH. This was the volume one of this book.

I know it has ended in the most unexpected ways but there is volume 2 which I'm starting from next week so don't worry.  The title will be AFTER MY HUSBAND'S FATE. It will be a continuation of the after my crush. This will explain if Alex really us dead or not and what will happen to Kimberly. See, Juicy stuff 😉

For more information, you can also follow me on Instagram to get more updates on when the volume 2 will be starting. It's Innesa Eve or eve Innesa

Thank you so much guys, let's read and love the next volume just like volume 1.

I love you 💓💓 all.