
Chapter197: your number

"it's been so long honey."I told Alex who looked at me as if unbelievably.

"Baby, no. I'm not allowing this at all. The baby bump is so big now, how will we even do it. I can't hurt our kids."Alex said and I chuckled. He's always giving this excuse everytime we are about to make love but seriously, the gynaecologist said it's okay but Alex seem really scared and I get it but right now I don't need his scared self because I want him now.

"I'll be fine Alex, you are already hard and still trying to keep your control in check? Don't you want to feel my boobs in your hands and mouth. They are so big now."I tempted him by holding my boobs up.

"Fuck!! Baby please."he said and I raised a brow at him.

"Please what? You want to see my boobs and fuck me silly? You are welcomed but first....."I looked at the swell on his towel and I moved my hands to his dick rubbing my hands on it and I heard him hiss.

"I have not agreed to this baby."he said and I smiled.

"But your actions are telling me you want it so I suggest we move with your actions."I told him when I watched him bite his lips to control any sound that would come out of his mouth. Damn he looks so hot and sexy too.

"You'll be death of me baby. You know that right?"he said and I nodded smiling then I took his towel off to be welcomed by his standing dick that touched his belly making a pop sound. I smiled seeing how hard he was and I didn't waste any time to kneel before him and taking his dick in my hands.

After our heated moment, Alex carried me to the bathroom and helped me take a shower with him taking a shower too again. We then went downstairs for our 'late' breakfast. I mean, it was so late to have breakfast right now but whatever, blame it to my horny self.

Alex left for work immideately after breakfast and it was quite late to go to work but he's the boss, he can go to work anytime he wanted. I was left alone at home. Well not really alone because Ocean was giving me company but still. I sat in the garden, outside the mansion. I have come to love this place so much. Thinking of what Alex told me about talking to my dad, I took my phone and decided to call him.

His number was saved in my phone by Alex because he's been nagging me about talking to my dad for weeks now and he saved it I guess with the hope that one day I'll call him and that day is today I suppose.

He picked up in the first ring and I took a deep breath waiting for him to say something even though I am the one supposed to be saying something. I know he will start the conversation because he's desperate for my conversation which he's been wanting to have with me for weeks.

"Kimberly.... hello."he said and like I said, he would be starting the conversation.

"Hello....I want us to talk. Are you free today?"I went straight to the point. I didn't want to dilly-dally at all.

"What? I mean yeah... I'm down."he said and I could sense he was surprised.

"Good.... then you can visit me and we'll talk then."I said.

"Okay then, I'll be there in an hour then."he said and I nodded but I remembered he couldn't see me so I just said okay and I hung up the phone. Wooow.... that was fast, was he waiting for my call or what.

I sighed and I looked at Ocean who was playing with some toy and I chuckled. He looked so cute and I always enjoy his company so much. When he realised I was looking at him, he stopped playing and he looked at me then he ran to me barking.

"I didn't call you Ocean. I was just watching you."I told him smiling because he was looking at me expectantly his tail wiggling panting. I lifted my hands to touch his head but then my phone rung. I looked at it and frowned because the number calling was not one that was in my contact. I let ring contemplating if I should pick up or not but before I knew it I had swiped answer and I put it on my ear to listen to whoever that was calling. Ocean started panting near my ear listening too. I bet he saw my frown and suspected something isn't right. He's quite overprotective of me.

I stayed queit waiting for the person on the other end to say something. We stayed in silence for a few seconds until I heard a maniac laughter on the other end and I frowned. Who is this psycho? And who the fuck calls just to laugh in a call?

"You are waiting for me to talk sweetheart?"he asked in a deep voice and I looked at the phone to look at the number again.

"What the fuck do you want Xavier?"I asked. Of course it was Xavier, he the only stupid person who would laugh like that because he's a stupid person. Why the hell is he even calling me?

"I'm surprised that you can recall my voice let alone my name sweetheart. My voice must be unique for a Diva like you to remember it. I wonder what your husband will say about that."he said in a sarcastic voice.

"I'm not ready for your stupid games asshole. I'm hunging up and never call me again."I said and he laughed.

"You won't do such thing Kim, not when I have found your number After so much struggle, I have something I want you to do for me baby."he said

"What makes you think I will be doing anything for you? I don't work with stupid people like you."I said.

"Oooh... sweetheart, don't be so sure because I have your man's life hanging on a thin line. This time I will make sure he stays dead."he said and I felt like my heart just stopped.

"You are the one who shot him?"I asked angrily. Alex's had never talked to me about what happened that day and hearing this just makes me so angry.

"No... sweetie. His friend did. You see, I made his friend do it for me. I'm not ready to get my hands dirty yet. I want to fucking make him suffer and make him beg for death and I'll fucking make you watch the entire time as you see how your husband is a weak ass pussy."he said making my heart feel like it's being pricked by thousand needles.

"Which friend of his did you make to shoot him?"I asked really composed. I don't want him to sense that he's getting to me and make him succeed with whatever shitty plan he has.

"Sweetheart.... after everything I just said, that's what you are concerned about?"he asked.