
After Life: Demon Knights

what happens when you die, if a person's good deeds are more than his bad ones he goes to heaven and if his bad deeds are more he goes to hell, but if they are perfectly balanced the person gets a chance of getting reborn, the only catch is that they have to protect another world from demon, this is easier said than done for our protagonist who gets turned into a demon on his first week.

Ibrex2000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 20 epilogue:- Month of Carnage

Demon mindscape

Before Remi had woken up in the infirmary, he was having a conversation with Wruk the Demon of Wrath in his mind.

The environment was filled with blue smoke, the ground was made off black sand, Remi body was foaming as well, as if steam was being emitted from his pores.

Wruk stood in front of him, his blue and white skin looking monsterous as ever his black eyes stared into Remi's very soul and smiled, he strangely touched his only horn over and over again.

"Wruk... Can you heal the Chimera? Like can you change him back to look human at least?" Remi asked.

"I can, but I refuse" Wruk smiled.

"Huh come on! You bailed on me early ! Now this what's up with you?!" Remi yelled.

"What's up is that your forgetting I'm a Demon! The same Demon that helped wipe out half the populace!" Wruk yelled back.

"The only things I care about is destruction and Carnage, that's the only thing that fills the void in my miserable existence!" Wruk continues.

"Don't think for even a second I give a damn about you or anything apart from that!" Wruk grabbed Remi collar and lifed him up.

Remi was being naive, he kept forgetting how inhumane Wruk was and this was just a reminder.

"Tell me what else can I do then!!!" Remi yelled in frustration.

"Oh yesssss, now that's what I wanted to hear, how about a contract/pact?" Wruk slimes as if this whole ploy was planned out.

"I'll return the chimera back into a humanoid like form, and in exchange for 1 month..... I'll get full control of the body" Wruk said devilishly.

"full control?! You'll get us both killed! In a month you could kill Edward and the others!!" Remi protested.

"I won't go after any good human of this kingdom, I can't say the same for monsters and those idiotic cultists" Wruk said nonchalantly.

Remi bit his lip, he needed to change the chimera back if not living a normal life as a skeleton would be hell, not to talk about if he'd be allowed to live, but giving the Demon full control...

"What will you do in that month?" Remi asked.

"I didn't expect you to understand, but more than half of my original power is gone" Wruk rubs his only horn again,

"I intend to find out what happened to it" for the first time ever Wruk sounded dead serious.

Remi still hesitated to take his hand then...

Remi woke up and the conversation from the last chapter took place...

Infirmary ward

Remi placed his right hand on the chimera's chest and closed his eyes.

"Wruk, I accept your deal, I'll give you full control of the body for a month, now help him" Remi said.

His right hand was engulfed in a light blue aura that spread through the chimera's body

'chipp chiccc!' like dead skin the black bony surface of the creature was peeling off revealing smooth brown like Remi's.

Edward who was sitting on a chair near Remi's bed opened his eyes and saw what was happening

"Sir?" Edward asked.

'twiccck' the light blue Aura disappeared and Remi felt something soft in his right palm.

"Huuuuuuhhhhh?!" Edward screamed as his face turned red from the sight in front of him.

"What?" Remi opened his eyes and say that the chimera in front of him was now a dark skinned girl with long wild brown hair.

"Snooooooorrrr" a loud snorting nose came from the sleeping beauty

Remi slowly lifted his right hand from her chest and covered her body with the blanket.

"Ed not a word of this to....." Remind was about to tell Edward until he saw his fat friend on the floor collapsed with a bloody nose.

"Good grief" Remi facepalmed while Wruk was laughing his ass of in his mist form.

A day later

Castle town conference room

David was chatting with Victor about the current events.

"Simply fascinating, so you'll be keeping this chimera girl in your guild custody?" Victor asked.

"She says her name is Sofia, but she can't remember much of her life before getting experimented on" David discloses,

"This is the safest place for her now".

"I see, and the others are getting ready for the silver ceremony?" Victor asked again.

"Yes but I still don't understand the logic behind giving all of them silver rank, even those that didn't participate in the test" David said curiously.

"My dear guild master, now that things are beginning to change we need to build moral with our soliders" Victor smiled menacingly.

"Tsk..." David hissed "your schemes better not endanger my friends and guild members" David warned the pale skinned man.

"Hohohoho" Victor fixed his glasses position and said "We'll just have to see how well things play out".

The two then left the conference room separately.

Grand hall

With The King and queen both present the silver rank ceremony was taking place, this time all the current bronze rank knights were being promoted even though they didn't attend the silver test.

The black moons section

"Wow!!! Look at all these people!!!" A girl with wild brown haired wearing a blue dress said as she walked on all 4 limbs.

"Stop it Sofia! Your a human again act like it damnit!!!" Remi yelled at her.

Remi, Edward, Genevieve and Valerie all wore silver outfits symbolising their new ranks as knights.

"Sir it's fine, she'll get used to not looking like a chimera soon" Edward said defending the girl with slight blush on his face.

"Thank you Eddy!!!" Sofia yelled and grabbed Edward's leg making him blush viciously.

"Hehehehehe, gaze upon me Remi, this is just one step towards my ultimate goal!" Genevieve puffed out her chest and smiled.

"Yah Yah" Remi rolled his eyes at the boasting Amazon and turned to the Hobbit girl.

"I can't believe even I got promoted, I must be the youngest silver rank knigh in history!" Valerie smiled and jumped up and down.

Remi frowned a bit at the sight of his friends when a voice reminded him


Red embers and blue dews section

Most of the knights here didn't look trilled but a promotion is a promotion.

"I feel like I don't deserve this" Ali said with a sad expression.

"We're alive and getting promoted, we should be thankful for that" Deborah butted in.

"That's right, that's right" Eliza the beast tamer added.

"Drraaaa draaa Darre" Drake the baby Dragon gently flew and sat on Eliza's curly brown hair.

"You guys! We'll have to work double as hard as before now got it, I won't lose to a lizard next time!!!" Ali stood up and yelled while the others cheered.

Alex was surprisingly quiet, mainly because he hadn't eaten anything yet and was waiting for the buffet to be served.

The other members of the guilds however were getting pumped up by Ali's speech.

Purple spores section

The 5 mages present looked morbid as hell

"Did you hear, Regina left the guild after Reginald died", "poor girl", honestly being a knight sucks maybe I should drop out too", "how the hell did Amaka survive?"

Amaka ignored her fellow guild mates gossip and muttered "Idiots".

Finally the king and queen would give their speeches

King Seth stood up first

"I'm proud to announce that all of you are now silver rank knights, from now on the mission and quests you'll receive will be harder, using your wits and skills however I trust you will all survive".

"Yay... " The crowd said lazily

Queen Sasha stood up and also Announced...

"Please enjoy yourselves for today cause from tomorrow onwards will be having a 5 day festival called the silver festival!!! Food,drinks,games and all courtesy of your queen!!!"

"Hellll yeahhhhhh!" Everyone cheered louder than they did for Seth making him upset.

Party time

The new silver rank knight we're all enjoying drinking, eating and dancing to the local music band(Demans),

The heirs of the kingdom were also there chatting with guild masters

"Sssssssshiz honestly the government is going soft, if I was in charge that Demon would remain a  bronze rank" Stefan said as he drank a bottle of Ale.

"Munch munch munch" Bon not caring about his weight ate up 5 spoons of rice per second.

"You said it!, I'm going to make an anti Demon squad in my guild one that's specially made to destroy that brat" Emeka said as he put a meat kebab in his mouth.

"Hehehe that's not needed hehehe, we can just throw him into the sun!" Chimamanda laughed red faced.

"Chi? You've drank enough" Emeka takes the glass of Ale away from her to her disdain.

"These guys are so negative" Unala said as she looked for Remi and the others.

"Stronger stronger!" Ali cried as he and several blue dews member where eating a bunch of bread and meat.

"Are you sure you want to try some ale?" Deborah asked Eliza as she brew her a glass of the yellow liquid.

"I never had any alcohol in my previous, I'm old enough now so I want to try some" Eliza took a sip and her face turned red.

"Hehehehehe hic!" Almost immediately she got tipsy.

"Draaaaa" Drake laughed at his master's weakness to liquor.

"Munch! More!!!" Alex finish a whole plater of servings and asked for more.

Amaka took an entire helping of tilapia fish and a bottle of ale in each hand and went back to her room for some RNR.

Unala finally saw Valerie however,

"Meowwwww!!!" Sofia yelled she had morphed her arms into cat claws and was climbing the walls while Valerie was hold on to her back.

"Sofia noooooooo!" The hobbit pleaded with the chimera.

"Ummmm?" Sweat dropped from the princess's face.

"Araaaaa! Where's that demon fool?! He needs to feel the warmth of an Amazon!!!" Genevieve shouted red faced as well.

"Who gave her booze?!!! She's 17 damnit!!!" Unala ran towards the girl to subdue her.

"Princesssssssss!!! Remi's a dummy, he won't play with me" Genevieve sobbed into Unala's chest.

"There there dear, Remi is a Demon his not true to his feelings" Unala said stroking her hair.

"Remi was my light!" Sofia says surprising Unala "when I only saw darkness he was the light that's why I clung to him, hoping he'd help me, he's amazing" she smiled and continued to climb the wall.

"will you cut it out already!!!" Valerie begged.

"That Demon, I wonder where he is? I wonder where Edward is too?" Unala said still holding Genevieve close to her chest.


Remi was walking towards a forest close to castle town he's expression was that of anger,

"I just had to make this stupid right before we had a festival!" Remi said pissed off, where he came from had a similar festival called

"the new yam festival" he really enjoys festivals but a deal is a deal.

"I hope the others won't take this to hard" Remi I said right before...

"SIR!!!!!!!!!!!" Edward came running after him from the party holding Remi's Abara sword.

"Well that didn't take long" Remi made a deadpan expression.

"Sir! Your leaving after all we've been through your leaving without even saying goodbye?!" Edward yelled his eyes full of tears.

"Goodbyes aren't my thing, at least you got my note, make sure Genny and the others don't destroy the cabin, feed the Basilisks and beware of the blue hen" Remi said.

"Hold the fort for me until I get back okay buddy?" Remi gave a fake smile and continued moving.

Edward got on his knees and shouted

"Thanks you for everything you big jerk!!!, Even though, even though you can't tell me why your leaving!!!! Please come back as soon as possible!!!" Edward yelled these words crying his eyes out.

Remi bit his lip and continued moving forward trying his best to hold back his own tears.

David looked on in the darkness as Remi walked away and Edward cried alone.

"Sighhhhhhhh, Wruk..... You better not cause these people anymore pain" David said as he drank a glass of Ale.

Dark region

Far away in the land no man dears to venture, where darkness is eternal a black castle stands firm

'Crickkkkk' the red gates open up revealing a man in a dark cloak hold a

Black and purple blade.

The man throws the sword into the darkness where another being sits on a throne of bones.

"The obsidian blade, my Leigh, it wasn't easy breaking open an entire volcano you know" the man said as he revealed his black hair, red eyes and singular black horn on his forehead.

"Ahhh, Don't worry by dear brother, you shall be rewarded greatly" the man on the throne said as he put his right hand forward.

The obsidian blade flew towards him and he grabbed it.

"Those Diora knights..., They've recently killed an Impus.... Should I go get revenge?" The black haired Demon asked.

"No , I have certain plans for them" the man on the throne stands up and looks at the window.

3 hooded individuals can be seen through the window moving in the direction of Diora (foreshadowing).

"What about Wruk? He was once the strongest Sinros is it safe leaving him alive?" The black haired Demon asked again.

That traitor will never be a threat again after what I did to him, now them our real mission starts now the man on the throne stood and walked towards the light.

He wore a black jacket and black jeans, his long white hair was touching the floor, his pale skin shimmered, his ears were like those of an elf, his black eyes were merciless

And worse of all were his 3 horns sticking out of his skull.

"I Sha gather the keys of apocalypse for our father Lucifer! I swear it in my name as a Daimos! Lyruc!" Lyruc the Demon Lord said with vigour that echoed through out the dark region.

Wike forest

A path of destruction could clearly be seen in this season of greenery,

Broken trees, dead bodies of monsters, and tones of blood everywhere in the center of this scene stood Remi.

"Hehehehehe" an inhuman voice Chuckled from within the boy as he grabbed his chest.

'Rippppp' the blue shirt he had been wearing now covered in blood was ripped off showing his bare chest.

"Now then! Let this month of Carnage begin!!!" Instead of Remi the Demon of Wrath Wruk spoke out happily his eyes now as black as night and his horn glowing brightly.

The story continues in Volume 2, check it out when it's available, thanks for all the support this past year everyone, it's really appreciated, don't forget to vote and comment too!