
After Life Academy

"The most misunderstood people are the ones with incredible abilities."

Snowphira · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Ladder of Souls

I became aware of the faint voice calling out for me. The sound feels so familiar and warm as if embracing my shivering body. The tears fell down onto my puffed cheeks, recalling the memory of my past.


"Mom, is that you? Where are you?" I cried a river of tears while being reminded of the voice calling my name. My eyes wandered around trying to find the origin of the voice, but alas I found myself running in circles. "I miss you so much. Where have you been all this time?"

I tried screaming on the top of my lungs hoping for it to reach her... it was pointless. I was devoured by complete darkness and had the urge to open my eyes.

I am greeted by a space filled with the absence of color; white. The exact opposite of what I have previously seen. As my eyes were just adjusting from the sudden burst of light, I was able to decipher a voice that is oddly near my ears.

"Finally the princess of the realm is awake." I glanced slightly to my side as an instant response from the voice and saw a guy who was staring at me on an extremely close distance. I got startled and defensively landed a punch on his right cheek while moving away cautiously.

"Ouch! You really like punching people, don't you milady?" He said with a pained expression while caressing his rather swollen right cheek.

"Serves you right for being such a play boy, Frost." A girl with gentle facial features muttered as she was walking towards our direction. She has the appearance of a girl that is just about my age and has fair skin tone blessed with a gentle voice.

"Where am I? Who the hell are you people?" I stated franticly. The lady slowly raised her hand slowly and placed it on top of my head while making a shushing sound. "Calm down milady." I suddenly felt strangely calmer as if an animal assured of being in a safe environment free from predators.

"As always, your ability still never fails to impress me Iris." Frost said while looking at Iris intensely as if trying to make a move on her but Iris ignored him in response.

"Oh, at last the lady is awake." Another voice was heard near the door entrance of the colorless room. I looked at the familiar figure standing and had deciphered that it was that peculiar stranger with an attractive Heterochromia Iridium.

"Pyro! There you are my adorable little feline." Said Frost while heavily placing his arms on Pyro's shoulder but failed due to Pyro dodging it and moving away slightly. He faked a sneeze and gave out a disgust look.

"I'm allergic to filthy play boys like you and I'm not your kitten. I just needed to use a cat as a substitute because lions are far too ferocious looking than cats and might make humans panic."

"What did you say? You don't have the right to call me a play boy you worthless kitty cat!" Frost said as he quickly grabbed Pyro by the collar and getting his fist ready for a fight.

I jolted slightly as Iris sighed and called their names out in a terrifying manner that would make anyone obey her demands. They slowly placed their hands down in a shivering manner I can even see sweat from their forehead out of fear as if being trialed on court or being called out by a principal due to a violation.

"Boys you know what might happen if you keep on quarreling right?" Iris said with a rather irritated smiling face. "So, can I get some peace and quiet?"

"Y-yes ma'am!" They both answered nervously and stood tensely on the side.

"Now, Ms. Yorkshire, for now this might be too much to handle but you are currently located at the witch's healing cottage. Pyro brought you here because you fainted from being too overwhelmed by the creatures and events you are seeing."

I felt my soul drop as I realized my current position and being transported into an unknown location away from reality. "Please, how do I get back? Why did I even need to be here?"

"You can't. The passageway to the human world opens only twice a month. Every 15 days to be exact." Pyro stated with a serious gaze.

"So I have to wait 15 days before I could go back to my place?" I said on a worried manner; unable to gather my thoughts up. How about my father? He'll worry about me for being gone.

"Your father will have selective amnesia and will not become curious as to why you have been gone for 15 days."

"In addition to this, you are already destined to come here." Iris added.

"Why me?" I said with a helpless look.

"Because you are the Ladder of the Souls milady. You were born with the ability to lead the unfortunate souls to their eternal peace.

"I don't understand what you all are talking about." I said and they smiled slightly in response. "You'll understand it soon."

The door suddenly opened and an extremely beautiful maiden came rushing inside the cottage.

"Forgive me for being late. So is she the ladder of the souls?" The beautiful lady said while still panting from being tired of running.

"Yes she is Haily. Please escort her to fate and take her to her room afterwards in Zarathustra Avenue." Pyro said with a calm yet authoritative voice.

I stood up and walked towards Haily. "I pledge to obey even if my life costs it." Said Haily and walked beside me.

I was too mesmerized by her beauty and what is going on in this so-called world that I forgot to ask the people earlier where is the letter I was trying to get. "Milady, do you mean this letter?" She showed me a letter with the same details and elegance as the one I saw and gave it to me.

"The Contents of that letter is that you are going to enroll to our school, Afterlife Academy. In the school you'll be thought on the history of the academy and how people handle souls of the dead and balance the world based on God's plans..." Haily continued on explaining the whole thing about this sort of school while she was leading me to my temporary place to stay while I'm here.

We got to the place and she gave me some papers which are the requirements needed in the school. She also told me that a uniform is already ready for me to use and some casual clothes for everyday wear.

"Tomorrow morning Pyro will be assisting you on getting all the requirements you need for attending school. Don't worry because he knows where you live and will be the one who will accompany you. That's all there is to know for now. Have a nice rest Ms. Yorkshire." She said then closed the door.

I lay down on the bed and tried to let everything that happened sink in my brain. I sighed.

"I hope I could get back soon." I slowly felt sleepy and then fell fast asleep.

While the maiden was sleeping two people are having a conversation where no one can hear them.

"The order that was given to you was to take the letter without her seeing you right?" The first stranger said.

"Forgive me, I have tried my best but the letter suddenly flew to her like a metal being attracted to magnet." The other stranger said.

The first stranger sighed. "I guess opposing Fate isn't really a good thing after all. Let's just hope for the best. I think Fate knows something. Something seems wrong with her movements."

Soon to be polished. Apologies for the grammatical errors.

Snowphiracreators' thoughts