
After being transmigrated into another world i became a god

Shin Nori is an normal and boring guy working in a Game Company, through a conflict with his Superior he gets fired from the Company over a small thing. After he fell asleep that day, he travelled to another world. In that world, only the Strong will live comfortably and without worries. When he traversed he became a god and now needs no overcome the difficulties that come with being a god. Will he be able to become a strong being and live like he wants to? Or will he be crushed by his enemies and be forgotten in the history of time. ~~~~~ This is my first Novel and im not a Native English speaker so please be lenient with me and feel free to write how i can get better at it. Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/uWBh8SssQ8

FantasyThemedLover · Fantasia
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27 Chs

Troy's Clothing and Updates and Ari

[Should we stop for now? It's already late and it's getting darker soon.]

[We would only make ourself more vulnerable when going out at night so i think we should just go to a pub and drink and eat something, I haven't been in one for a long time.]

[Agreed! Im exhausted and i just want to have a free day. How about we just go tomorrow to the pub as well and then the next day we can go leveling again.]

[Good idea Meanih, well then let's go, what pub do you guys want to go to?]

[I heard of a pub that opened recently, how about it? Wanna test it out? I think it's name was 'Under the Willow Tree'.] Pilm suggested while trying to recall the exact name of the pub.

[Oh yeah i heard of that one, there is the rumor that when you eat something from there you can get refreshed and stronger.]

[Really? How interesting, now i want to test it out even more.] Pilm said while thinking about it.

[Let's go. im already hungry now from all the talk.]

~~~ Under the Willow Tree ~~~

[Wow...is this the pub? How well...simple it is. I thought it would look more well..ehh...impressive because of the rumours. Whatever, the taste of the food is often not determined by the place but by the cook who cooked the food.]

[You are right. Do you want to order something? If so please come inside, your table is already ready.]

[Oh is this not a pub?]

[Oh it is, well for now. Have you decided what you want?]

[Oh yes we want to try the pumpkin pie as well as beef stew and for the drink we want to have simple beer. is that alright with you Meanih and Pilm?]

[Yeah it's good.]

[Very well, please wait a few minutes i will prepare your food.]

~~~ 7 min later ~~~

[How much longer do you think he needs? Im already starving, just the smell is enough for me to drool.]

[You say it, it smells so yummy, i hope it not only smells good but also tastes good.]

[I bet.]

[Excuse me guests, here is the Beef Stew as well as your Beer, the pumpkin pie will b served as a desert, or do you want to eat it right now?]

[No, thank you.]

[Well then i wish you a good meal, if you need something just ring this bell and i will come and serve you.]

[Thanks.] The three of them answered in unison.

After a while sounds of eating came from the only table that was used. Since it was still hunting time and not many people would come to the pub or Inn in broad daylight but would rather spend their time leveling up and getting stronger in groups as well as earn money when doing it.

After the three had a full meal and were completely saturated, the waiter came once again and asked if they wanted something else but they said no and wanted to pay for it.

[How much would that cost all?] Pilm asked looking at her bank account in the System interface.

[That would be 80 Copper for all of you. Do you want to pay together or seperately?]

They looked at each other and Pilm said:

[Just pay together, it's easier.]

[Alright then please transfer the money.]

[Here you go, 1 Bronze, thanks for the food, it was really delicious and i felt a little strenghted by it, can you tell me why my stats rose?] Pilm asked the waiter.

[Oh of course, that is because of my Ability. Even though my Ability is only C-Class it is really made for me. Please forgive me if I don't explain my ability to you in detail. Many Thanks!]

[Thank you. We will come tomorrow as well, please serve us then as well, it's a really good pub you have here.]

[Thanks for the compliment guest, can i ask you what your names are? I will reserve the table for you so that if it will get fuller tomorrow you can get a table without problems.]

[Oh you can do reservations here? Well then please do so.]

[When do you want to come tomorrow?]

[We don't know maybe we will be here the whole day since we wanted to take a little pause from all the leveling.]

[Alright then i will reserve the table here for the whole day for you. Goodbye. I wish you a restful night's sleep.]

~~~ The next day ~~~

[Hey Troy are you awake? we wanted to go to the Pub today you remebered?]

A dull sound came from behind the door as if someone had fallen. After a short period of time the door opened and Troy stood in front them shirtless and only in shorts. He looked at them with a sleepy facial expression that suggests he had just got up and then went back inside without saying anything to them leaving the door open.

[Ehhh...if i would have to combine the sounds from earlier and his look i would say he fell out of bed and just woke up.]

[I think you are 100% right about that.]

[Let's go inside. But i have to say, he has indeed quite the good body. really muscular and strong.]

Pilm only raised her eyebrows and looked at Meanih with a funny look.

[Do you want to chase him and you know....make him yours?]

[What? What are you saying,...no no, how could you even think about that, me and this idiot, no never, we don't suit each other. I just think that he is well build. Nothing more, you get it? He only has very good abs and nice strong arms as well as a muscular thights...] Meanih slighty drooled and immediatly came back to her senses denying Pilm one more time and then just keeping silent about it.

Pilm only thought that it was funny and nothing more.

[Well then, i think we should just wait for him, im sure he will come in a few minutes when he is ready to go.]

[By the way, i think this is the first time i saw you in more casual clothes compared to when we go leveling.]

[Yes i oviously only wear armor when we go outside to hunt. I don't wear my Armor any and everywhere i go. That would be really tiring after a while so no thank you. But this is also the first time i saw you in such casual clothes.]

Meanih pointed at Pilm who was wearing a skirt and a short blouse.

[Well you are not much better are you? You are wearing shorts and a shirt as well, but whatever, it's hot today so let's just go to the pub and drink something and talk about different things.]

[Sorry guys i took a bit to get ready, but now we can go to the pub.]

Pilm blinked a few times before she looked at Meanih who also looked at her. the reason for that is...Troy weared his Armor...not casual clothes or the like at all.

[Troy, i have a question...]

[Sure ask, what is it?]

[Why are you wearing your Armor?]

[Hm? why not? im going out after all so i of course need to protect myself.]

[But Troy, we are inside the Village, here are no Monsters, today we just wanted to go to the pub and talk and drink something, nothing more, no hunting and fightin.]

[Wear something different, we won't go out with you wearing an armor for the whole day when we sit inside the bar!]

[Why? i think the armor is really nice and comfortable...]

Pilm recognize the problem at a glance and asked Troy without hesitation.

[Troy...could it be...you don't have any othe clothes?]

[No No No, of course i have more clothes than this armor.]

[Show me. Immediatly!!] Pilm demanded with a stern gaze. Meanih now also looked at him with a somewhat weird look but also serious face.

When they arrived at Troys bedroom they noticed the simple furnishing and decided to look into the only closet that was in the room. When they opened it, what welcomed them was a gaping emptiness.

[So you really don't have any other Clothes...Troy come here at once!!]

Troy, a little scared when he saw Pilm and Meanihs serious gaze responded at once for fear that they would punish him for something.

[Today in addition to drinking and talking we will go and buy some clothes for you! You can't have no clothes except your armor. I don't even know how you managed to only wear this thing the entire time without changing it even once!]

[Doesn't it start to smell at some point?]

[Well whatever, let's go and buy some already so that you can wear something different, we need to get at least 10 different sets of clothes for you!] Pilm said in a commanding tone.

[Alright, alright. Let's go then. But i don't have enough money for that just that you know, with the money i currently have it's only enough to let me buy maybe 4 or 5 sets at most.]

[Whatever, that's better than having only this armor, 4 sets will also do. Let's go to the clothing shop right now.]

After saying thatb, the three went outside and then went to the marketplace.

Troy looked around curously since he never was here once before because he didn't need to buy anything at all. The food he needed he hunted it himself and the water was drunk out of the river in the forest when hunting. He was only before the God came at the market once when he was still a kid. but that was already 6 years ago. now he is 17 and already an adult.

[So were do we go Pilm?]

[Let's go to 'Scissors Bend' It's the most cost efficient shop around here. And the clothes also look relatively good and can endure something, unlike simple clothes.]

[Alright then. Where is it?]

[Just over there] Pilm pointed to a street which name was 'Leather lane' and dragged Troy with her and went the shop with the name 'Scissors Bend' on it.

[Welcome, what can we do for you?] the receptionist asked with a smile and gesturing inside.

[We want to buy at least 3 sets of clothes, preferably 4. Choose something good and let him test it please!]

[Sure. Please wait a bit i will select some clothing for you just sit there.] she pointed to a waiting area with 5 chairs.


Shortly later she came back with a few pieces.

The first set was a dark blue tunic with a long black trousers and a belt with sword sheath.

The second set was a Leather jerkin with half-length sleeves and also a long black trousers. as well as a sword scabbard at the side.

The third set included tassel coat as well as blue trousers.

The last fourth set incorporated a simple brown tunic with a black hooded coat with it comes brown trousers.

When all these sets were introduced and troy tried them on one after another Pilm and Meanih discussed shortly.

[Alright these look good right Meanih? What do you say? Should we take them or choose something else?]

[No i think these clothes are well choosen, they fit him so let's take them with us they should be enough for now.]

[Alright then it's decided.] she then looked to the receptionist standing beside them and listening.

[We woud like to buy them please, how much would they cost altogether?]

[Please wait i will give you the full price in a second, who will pay?]

[Oh he pays, we just can't stand him only having one clothing piece so we went and bought more here.]

[I understand, well then, please accept the transaction request.]

[Oh sure.] Just as troy said that a ~beep~ sounded and he received the request.

He then clicked accept and immediatly his account balance popped up on the side (only he could see the exact amount).

In front of him stood the exact amount he had to pay off for these clothing, the sum amount to a total of 1 Bronze and 45 Cooper.

He had a total of 2 Bronze and 13 Copper but now this amount had fallen to a pitiful 68 copper coins.

When Troy saw that he looked down sadly and wanted to cry but at the same time couldn't.

[Okay is that it? I want to go back now and mourn for my lost money...]

[Oh god, stop crying Troy, you needed those clothes!]

[Just stop it, i want to go now]

He looked down sadly and went outside with his newly bought clothes in hand heading straight back to his house.

After that he put his new clothes away and went outside again looking at the two waiting in front of his house.

[So you ready now? We want to go eat something and then go around the city, it has changed quite a bit since the last time we were really free.] Meanih asked.

[Sure why not we have nothing to do anyway right Troy?]

[Maybe you not but i certainly have something to do and that is mourning for my money that was spend just for some damn clothes...] Troy was about to cry.

[Oh come on Troy, It's just money. It's not like you lost it forever and beside that it was also well invested, see it as an improvement of living condition, you now don't have to always wear the same shitty armor.] Meanih said trying to cheer him up.

[Oh well maybe for you it's shitty but for me it is something very important so shut the fuck up, im not in the mood to talk now, let's just eat something and then i want to go back home. Im done for today!] Troy answered angrily and almost screamed which attracted the attention of nearby people to himself.

[Oh alright sorry.] Meanih shrank back and said weakly surprised by his angry tone.

Then Pilm also intervened from the side and said that they better not eat something together now, Troy should be left alone for now.

[Thanks Pilm...Im okay, we can go hunting again tomorrow.]

[Alright Troy, we are sorry for urging you to buy these clothes without your own will.]

[No, it's alright Pilm just have fun for yourself now, im going out.]


[Damn what was that Pilm? Why did he get so angry suddenly and went crazy?]

[Maybe because you said that the armor of his dead father was shit and that it was just money.]

[But isn't that armor shit? And it's just money?]

[Don't you get it? This was the armor of his dead father, that's why he was so angry when you said it was shit. When you said this Troy problably took that as an affront against his father and got angry, well whatever, we can't do anything against this now, let's just let him calm down himself.]

[Pilm, Why do you even know this? He never talked about it in my presence.]

[You forget that i know him a bit longer than knowing you, we were already good friends when you came to our group.]

[Oh alright well then. What do we do now? Just go eating as planned or also go back home?]

[No i think we should at least eat something, we can go back after that, oh and by the way, don't try to mention this again, i recon he wouldn't want to hear that again.]

[Yeah i understand, im sorry, can we go now? Im already hungry.]

[Oh man, you really have not an ounce of sympathy for anyone right?]

[Oh you also might not now it but i sometimes can't really understand any emotions. When that happens i can barely to almost not feel anything, i can't even feel any pain, it's a bit weird of an state you know, i just say something direct to a person and they may be hurt by it but in that moment it doesn't bother me in the slightest, i don't really care about this then.]

[You are just as weird as Troy...well whatever let's get going to eat. If we talk any longer here i am also going to lose my hunger and want to go back home.]

[Understood, how much do we want to buy? Food worth 1 Bronze? More or less?]

[LESS, Less!! Do you think were rich enough to buy that much or even eat that up?]

[Alright then it's less, but im still going to buy food worth 1 Bronze and give it to some other folks. I just want to spend money now.]

[Really, how could i have never noticed this feature of you?]

[Well this only happens to about once or twice a year so it's relatively rare.]



~~~ Shin's Domain ~~~


[It's really interesting this adventurer group, what was their name again?...ah yes

'The Awakened Seekers']

[Tell me Ari, what do you think? Is it time to release the next update for the Levels again or is there still some time left before someone reaches the limit?]

{Master, there are already people who reached the highest currently possible level, but these people almost already had the strenght of that level and only went to kill no more than a few monsters.}

[I understand, well then, show me my [Games in Progress] Panel please!]

In response Ari sent him the panel.


{Games in Progress}

- System Stage |1|2|3|4| = |Finished|Finished|100 Faith Power|10.000 Faith Power|

- Transformation Mod = |Finished|

- Communication Mod = |Finished|

- Currency Mod = |Finished|

- Video/Foto funtion = |Finished|

- Map Mod |Primary|Intermediate|Advanced| = |Finished|Finished|7.925 Faith Power|


[Oh alright, this is quite a bit more of an cost than the previous one for the map but whatever, i don't care, just activate the 3rd System Stage as well as the Advanced Map Mod Ari, don't care about the faith points, i should still have more than enough to do that.]

{...Alright Master, it's done.}

[Good, how many Faith power do i have now?]

[Ari, show me!]


{Administrator System}

Name: Shin Nori

Race: God / ?

Rank: 1st order God

Faith Power: 48,278

Faith Points: 560

Religion: The great Church Technology and Games

Folowers: Saint Believer : 0 (locked)

Fanatic Believers : 1,562

Mad Believers : 35,632

Shallow Believers : 79,379

- Inventory:

Eyes of a blind bovine x 94, Leather of a blind bovine x 123, beak of a black raven x 217, fathers of a black raven x 1733 Corpse of a Wild Bear x 64, Body of a Wood ape x 61, Body of a Water ape x 33, Fangs of an elephant x 26, Fire Gem, Light Gem, Life Gem, Tooth of Poison Snake x 27, piece of Wood x 834, Dirt x 1736, Stone x 1.556, Seeds of different types x 135.


- Health: 1,000,000

- Mana: 452

- Strength: 750,000

- Agility: 500,000

- Intelligence: 1,500,000

- Perception: 700,000


- Primary Mastery: Dark, Light

- Intermediate Mastery: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind

- Advanced Mastery: none


- Spirit enlightenment:

By Consuming Faith Points, you can convert any creature or object that is not stronger than you into believing you. If you enlighten an Object, it will begin to have wisdom and can think.

The thing you convert with this will get a special ability you create with the power of Rules.

Or a random ability suiting its Type.

The Ability can be strengthened as the Power and understanding over the Rules goes further.

- Kingdom of God (Inactive):

By consuming 10,000 Faith Power you can create a real world inside you with a High enough Understanding and Mastery of the Rules.

By Consuming 1,000 Faith Power you can create a Virtual World.

The Real World creation can differ, the bigger the size and the more resources that are to be found in the created world the higher the cost.

The Virtual World is only like the name say's, virtual, if believers enter the Virtual world during a battle or to escape, their bodies will still be in the world where they were before.

And they can still be attacked.

- Rule of Technologies:

Being able to manipulate electrical and magnetic forces. (Magnetic and electric currents)

- Rule of Games:

Being able to Win every game despite not having played it before.

Creating your own games will give it a special effect that you can choose,

the higher the understanding of the Rule,

the stronger the chosen effects will get, and new effects can be additionally chosen

{Games in Progress}

- System Stage |1|2|3|4| = |Finished|Finished|Finished|10.000 Faith Power|

- Transformation Mod = |Finished|

- Communication Mod = |Finished|

- Currency Mod = |Finished|

- Video/Foto funtion = |Finished|

- Map Mod |Primary|Intermediate|Advanced| = |Finished|Finished|Finished|


[Oh wow, really. It's much more than i was expecting, well good thing i think so what now... I think i should relax a little bit, Ari, how about you? what do you do when you relax?]

{I never 'relax' Master, Im a program that functions constantly without pause.}

[Is that so?]


[Sorry about that...]

{Don't worry, i don't really care about it, it doesn't bother me.}

[Alright then thank you for your work!]

{But i think you should get some underlings or in words of the higher world: You should get yourself some 'friends' to help you with your loneliness.}

[No, i won't buy any slaves, i don't want them, i think that slavery is immoral, especially when it happens among the same race. Not that it's ok with others, but whatever, I don't like it!]

{I have an proposition Master, how about you get yourself slaves and make them free from slavery? They would forever believe in you for your grace and at the same time you wouldn't have slaves around you?}

[Well....let me think about it, by the way, Ari, do you want to have a body? I can create one using Faith Power, I learned this method when using magic, i modified it a little and now it should be usable for you.]

{Sure Master, test it out if you want to.}

[Yay, alright. i derrived this method from a soil pupped making technique i found and then tried combining it with the water and light element so that it would become like a human, or more like it would become similar to one but well whatever! Try it out!! This pupped will reshape itself when you go inside and take the form you imagine yourself.]

{Alright Master, I will try it out.}

When Shin presented the pupped to the void and talked about it it was still lifeless but in the next second Ari began to try going into the pupped with her nonexistend form. The pupped accepted her and then began to remodel itself, first it became taller, going from the original 1,20 meter to 1,75 meter.

The next thing that happened was that the body stature that was formerly neutral became manly and muscular, the hair grew longer and hismuscles became even more defined.

The hair became white and as he slowly opened his eyes you could see that they were blood red, filled with some strange power.

He looked up and down and then immediatly created some clothes for himself with the rest of the Faith Power that was over.

[And how is it Ari? Anything wrong or is it good?]

{It feels uncomfortable, but I'll get used to it.}

[Good, tell me, how strong are you in this form?]

[Is there any risk in you taking this body? Like can you be killed or damaged by this? Or is it just a doll that you took over?]

{At present it is just a doll that follows my will, it originally has no life and is only a 'dead' material.}

[Good, Good, Alright let's do some little tests. Are you ready? Yes? Good!]

Without awaiting an answer Shin already went to prepare the test ground.