
After being transmigrated into another world i became a god

Shin Nori is an normal and boring guy working in a Game Company, through a conflict with his Superior he gets fired from the Company over a small thing. After he fell asleep that day, he travelled to another world. In that world, only the Strong will live comfortably and without worries. When he traversed he became a god and now needs no overcome the difficulties that come with being a god. Will he be able to become a strong being and live like he wants to? Or will he be crushed by his enemies and be forgotten in the history of time. ~~~~~ This is my first Novel and im not a Native English speaker so please be lenient with me and feel free to write how i can get better at it. Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/uWBh8SssQ8

FantasyThemedLover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Goblin Village

[Hey you there, what do you want you Birds?]

[Oh, it's nice that you can talk fluently and aren't as dumb as the guard from the other tribe just now, that's a relief]

Suddenly alarmed, the goblin guard took his battle stance and was wary of them, he immediatly launched the bell that was beside him and alarmed the whole Village with it.

[Hey little boy, we won't hurt you, were only here to make an offer to both parties, that means, we won't fight for one side for now, we want to talk to your leader first and make him the proposal, so talk Him that and make it clear that we're not here to attack. OK?]

[Why should i trust what you say? you're saying you just were there before coming here and wanting to 'talk'. From my point of view, you want to first make us have friendship and then kill us from behind...]

[Okey, wow that's, well, quite escalated, why don't we wait for your leader to come here himself or the army that is already behind the door here?]

[What?, how do you know?]

[Well, were 4th order, so we can feel our surroundings a bit, but whatever, we won't do anything, we'll just wait here and won't attack, so calm down, will ya?]

[WHAT? Your the same order as our leader? excuse me, but why are you offering help to the two goblin tribes?]

[hmm? Are you interested now? But sadly, we can't talk to you about that now, we must first tell it the Leader here. isn't it time that he comes here already?]

[oh, if you're really both 4th order, ill inform him immediatly, please wait]

As he said that, he immediatly went to the door and knocked it a few times, after about 2 Minutes, the door slowly opended and he went inside immediatly. After coming inside, the door closed and it was silent.

[Oh well, that was a rather quick decision he made there, but i like it, i think we should be able to finally meet the leader and talk to him, but i do wonder why the ones here are more intelligence than the other ones. Hopefully he'll consider our offer first before declining.]

[Yes, let's hope so, if we need to fight the whole village, then we won't be able to do that now, then we really need to ask Lunaris for help.]


~~~Goblin Village~~~


After knocking on the door a few times, the door to the village slowly opened

[Let me through, i need to talk to the leader, fast!]

[Why? what do you have to report?]

[I can't tell you, i need to tell the leader myself]

[What?, impudence, im the Vice Leader, you can also tell me something like that im after all the second in power so i can tell him that] the vice leader goblin tried to convince the guard.

[Please Vice Leader, it's urgent!!] the guard said in a desperate voice.

After the Vice Leader heard the desperate tone he thought for a few minutes, then said:

[Alright, come with me i will bring you to the Leader's House]

So they walked to the house in the middle of the village, it was rather big for goblins who had a height roughly only about 1,20 m to 1,50 m.

'knock' 'knock'

[Leader, it's me and the guard, he has something to report to you!]

Slowly, slighly sleepy, a goblin opened the door after about 2 Minutes of repeated knocking and shouting.

[What do you want so late at night? Tell me, i want to sleep again.] the Goblin Leader said in a grumpy tone.

[Excuse me leader, but in front of our door are two 4th order Birds that want to talk to you, they apparently want to make an offer to our Village, and won't fight against us, but they also said they made the same offer to our enemy we are in conflict with right now.]

After about 5 seconds of silence the Leader and Vice Leader both said with a shocked expression.

[What did you just say? Tell me again]

So the guard said it again.

[Oh shit, why didn't you say it to me sooner, i wouldn't let them wait that much if i knew that, i suppose that they are part of the group of Birds that is in the North.

I think they're leader is a 6th order and the two that are in front of our gate right now must be the subordinates of that one. I think we should hear them out and consider the things they say.] the Vice Leader said

[What? their Leader is a 6th order?, then we definetly need to at least talk with them...i need to go immediatly to the two, but first i should get dressed properly, you can go back and please them with, oh i don't know, just keep them occupied till im there!]

With that, the Leader both shoved them outside the House and quickly went to dress up

Meanwhile, the guard and Vice Leader both returned to the Noth gate and went outside


~~~two 4th order ones~~~


[Oh man, we already waited for a few minutes now, when do they think to come to us, or maybe they will just let us wait here till day?]

[Oi, if that's the case, then i will kill all of them, that would be so unrespectfull!!]

[Hey, keep your voice down, we won't kill them here if that happens, we'll just wait for the answer of the other tribe then, and if it's a yes, we will destroy them then.]

[oh, right that was the plan, sorry...]

[oh, no problem, i know that you can let you emotions take over quite fast, but to be honest, it's really a great Problem. I don't know how many times you already questioned Lunaris because of that, im sure he must want to deal with you after we are finished with this task] the other one laughed.

[Oh look, the gates opening again, hopefully we can talk and not fight, i kind of like them more than the other ones]

[Yes let's hope so]

[Hello, excuse me that we let you wait here for so long, we didn't know you were the group of Birds in the North with a 6th order as a Leader]

as the guard and Vice Leader said that, they both bend down to apologize.

[Oh it's alright, we just hope that you can talk with us and hear us out, but i don't think that you are the Leader, right? He is supposed to be a 4th order like us but you are just a 3rd order...]

[Oh, no, im the Vice Leader, the Leader will be here in a few seconds, we just woke him up so he first got dressed as it would be unpleasant to see him naked i suppose.] The Vice Leader said, still bowing.

[Yeah Yeah, by the way, you can stop bowing you know? We don't need that.]

[Thank you Mister] they said while stopping to bow down

After waiting for about another minute, the goblin Leader came running as fast as he could through the gate.

[Sorry that im Late, i was still getting dressed.]

[Oh Finally, so can we talk about our offer now?]

[Hmm? oh sure sure, just tell me]

[Okay, the offer is that we will Shelter you, give you food, or let you have a way to get stronger, but in exchange, you must Believe in our God.]

[Eh what?]

[As i said, Believe in our God and we will shelter you, give you food or give you a way to get stronger!]

[Oh well, i expected something more like a trade of some sort...but to ask us to Believe in some god we don't know...]

[If it's okey, i would like to ask what god it is that we should Believe in if we take the offer, and if it's a good or evil god]

the goblin Leader asked, because most of the good gods wouldn't take in goblins ever, because of the bad reputation the goblins have.

[It's the god of Games and Technology, at least that's what Lunaris told us...]

[Another question, what is the way to get stronger, is it Magic or something where you offer someone to your god in exchange to get stronger?] he asked nervously in order not to offend the two of them.

[No, the way to get stronger is not something like that that, it's a reward our god will give to us if we manage to gather more believers and spead his glory to the world.]

[Oh ok, so that's it,...can we have some time to think about this? we don't want to make an unconsidered decision]

[Tha'ts alright with us, right?]

[Right, if you want to we can let you think about it till next night, at the same time as today, is that alright with you?]

[Hm? oh yes, we don't have a problem with that, so don't worry about it.]

[Alright, then we'll talk again tomorrow.]

With that they flew away

After about one hour of flying away to a safe distance one suddenly asked:

[Hey, were do we even sleep the night? it wouldn't make much sense to fly all the way back to the group would it? Where are we even flying to?]

[No, that wouldn't make sense, so i suggest we sleep on the big tree there] He pointed towards a tree that was roughly about 150 Meter High.

[Now that you mention it, isn't that one quite high? It really stands out in this environment. I wonder why that thing grows so high in this enviroment. We'll just remember that there is a big tree here and report it to Lunaris when we are back.

[Oh wow, from further back it wasn't as Big as it is now, it's at least 200 Meters, not only 150, look, the branches are also more thane 1 Meter thick, we can sleep here easily and it's also so high, i really wonder what tree this is. Wow.]

[Yes it's really stunning]

[well then, good night]

With that they both went to sleep, instead , the goblin Village wasn't as silent and relaxed as them


~~~Goblin Village~~~


[Hey Hey Hey, what do you mean with Believing in another god Leader?]

One goblin from the crowd asked after hearing what the Leader told them about the offer of the two.

[Well it's as you said, we need to get stronger, almost more than half of our Village are just normal order Goblins, we only have me as a 4th order, and that's not enough to fight against the Cave-Goblin Leader, we High-Goblins doesn't use such means as using our own race members for doing rituals to make them stronger.

There's also the side effect of making them dumber and losing their rationality. We don't have such means to get stronger shortly, so i think of worshipping this god in exchange for power, to be clear, we don't even have a god we worship now so we wouldn't betray another god.

We also could their help, a 6th order, just think about it, we could easily wipe out these Cave-Goblins with their Leader, we could also get food and protection from them when we met some stronger enemy.

Maybe we'll even get more benefits from joining this Religion, he, after all will give us this method to get stronger.

There's also the aspect of rising in population and power in general in this Area, if we develop a Kingdom, we can easily gain Prestige and Recognition from this god!

Now i ask you, if he rewards the Birds with just a way to get stronger and us for joining him, what will he reward us with if we manage to produce a giant Kindom that only Believes in him?

Maybe he'll even let us inside his Kindom of god and let us Serve him....]

The Goblin Leader talked like that over and over till someone stopped him because they couldn't hear it anymore

[Oi Oi Oi, Calm down Leader, you Overreact little bit too much right now, so stop it, we can't hear it anymore, we understand so stop it, Please] he said while begging on the ground

[What? oh oh, excuse me please, i was carried away by my thoughts....so, what do you think about this?]

The Vice Leader was the first to answer

[Well...all in all it's a good Oppotunity for us, but it's also a great risk were making when doing that, but then again, what is an Opportunity without a risk?

They always come togeher and not alone, with an Opportunity there's also a Risk so i think we should take it since the risk is low, not very low, but low enough so that we can agree to their Proposal.]

One after another they voiced their position, after about another 30 minutes, it was decided.

They would start to believe in this god and Risk getting used or killed by a evil god.