
After being transmigrated into another world i became a god

Shin Nori is an normal and boring guy working in a Game Company, through a conflict with his Superior he gets fired from the Company over a small thing. After he fell asleep that day, he travelled to another world. In that world, only the Strong will live comfortably and without worries. When he traversed he became a god and now needs no overcome the difficulties that come with being a god. Will he be able to become a strong being and live like he wants to? Or will he be crushed by his enemies and be forgotten in the history of time. ~~~~~ This is my first Novel and im not a Native English speaker so please be lenient with me and feel free to write how i can get better at it. Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/uWBh8SssQ8

FantasyThemedLover · Fantasia
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27 Chs

Being Exposed and the Stronger Adventurer Group

After coming back she told shin that all of it would cost a whole 2000 Divine Power without the production cost, if you also take into account the production cost then that would be about 5000 Divine Power.

[Nori, we have only 200 liter Mead, is that enough for you to use? If not we, that means me and my family can also produce more for you if you want!]

[Oh Asami hahaha you don't need to produce extra Mead for me, just let me buy what you have now. I will drink it from time to time.]

[Alright, then were should we deliver it to or are you takin it with you yourself?]

[Just bring me to it and i will take it with me. Oh and here is the money for my meal.]

Shin gave her 5 Faith Power which was much more than it originally Cost.

[But this is much more than the Cost!!! No, I can't accept this much, you are already going to buy our whole Mead!]

[Forget it, this much is really nothing to me, see it as if im giving you a bit more tip than normaly. Alright?]

[...] Asami was just too shocked to to counter that.

[Well then, let's go on to the teaching alright Asami?]

[Oh yeah let's do that. Follow me, we will learn some words and how you use the words and articles today and timeforms and all that, you should be able to do that easily if you ask me.]

[Is that so? Well then thank you for the compliment. Im sure i won't dissapoint you.]

[I hope, because if you do im really questioning myself wether you are the same person i teached before or if you are a fake. hahaha]

[Well you don't need to worry, im the real Nori don't worry about that.]

[Let's start, first write a few sentences with the word hmm let's see...just write sentences with the word Mead. We just talked about Mead so it's perfect.]


And so Nori and Asami began the teaching class. The duration was roughly abou 6 hours and after it was over the two talked about the Mead again.

[When do you want to the Mead Nori?]

[Why not now? i can just take it with me when i leave.]

[Oh yes of course, follow me Nori...wait you leave???]

[Yes of course, i can't be here forever after all right? I also need to go someday. Im already too long here anyway.]

Somewhat downcast Asami answered.

[Oh alright well then, when will you go??]

[Right after i take the Mead with me i will leave this city and travel again.]


Asami then led Shin into the back of the house towards the store room. Inside already stood a few barrels in line so that they could be picked up immediatly.

[These are the 200 liters of Mead. All our stock we have but how are you going to take it away? I don't think you have any caravan or a group with you right? But then you have to have a Space Ring are you going to use it for that?]

[Hmm? Oh no i don't have a Space Ring or whatever you said, im just going to use my Domain.] Shin answered without thinking.]

[Ah i understand....wait what Domain?!?!?]

Now completly shocked and unable to hold back she almost screamed half in fear and half in astonishment.

[What's up?] Shin turned to look at her weirdly when she screamed.

[You ask me what's up???? Oh excuse me God Nori. I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm sorry please spare my family and just punish me.] She bowed down to await his answer and punishment.

~~~ Shin ~~~

"What is wrong with her? She is really weird since a few minutes ago. Did something happen?"

[What's up?]

"Let's see maybe she will tell me. If i can help i will do so, she is a really kind person i think."

[You ask me what's up???? Oh excuse me God Nori. I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm sorry please spare my family and just punish me.]

"What?" Shin's eyes widened as he saw her bow. He was so confused he couldn't speak anymore.

"How did she know i was a God? Did i expose myself with something? Do more people know it? This is a problem..."


[Yes God Nori?]

[First, stop calling me God, and second, how did you find out? Do more people know that i am a God except you?]

[No God Nori, you just said Domain because of that i knew you were a God. Only Gods have a Domain. This is common knowledge, if you say you have an extra space you say you have a space ring or extra space not Domain, only Gods say that.]

"Oh...so it was that...i already though i would need to hide inside my Domain now, luckily it was only that. Thank you Asami, i will pay attention to that in the future."

[I said stop calling me God Nori!]


[Well then, please don't tell anyone about this.]

[Of course i won't tell anyone about this without your consent.]

[Good. Well then im taking these with me now.] Shin pointed to the barrels still standing in the warehouse.]

[Of course, feel free to take whatever you want.]

[No! I just paid for the Mead so i am also only taking that with me.]

While Shin was talking he already opened a portal and the barrels were sucked into the Domain automatically arragened in the Darkness outside the house since there was no place were it could be placed inside.

[Well then, let me give you some more Divine Power. How about...hmm let's see, i think since you are a kind and friendly person I will give you 100.000 Divine Power. It's not so much i can earn it back within one day so just take it. It should help you out a little bit.]

[100.000....one, two three, four, five.....five zero's?] Asami counted on her hands and was a little sluggish. Slowly looking up at Shin wiht a sense of definite fear and also a bit of curiosity.

Shin who saw that also knew what she was thinking and was just about to say that she could ask him anything she wanted to know and that he would answer 3 questions.

But before he could even say anything she just slumped and passed out from all the shock.

Shin immediatly caught her and let her down on the ground slowly while taking out a pillow from the Domain to put her head on it.

Inside his mind he complained about the fact that he himself exposed him and even let a person pass out. He waited for 10 minutes and then he saw Asami slowly waking up again and standing up.

[....Nori, are you really a God?]

[Yes i am.]

[Can i ask you something?]

[You did twice already right? Well whatever, of course, you may ask anything you want but i will only answer three of your questions.]

[Thank you Nori.]

[Are you a High-Ranking God?]


[Are you a Rulegod?!?!?]

[What?!?!? No i already said that im not a high ranking God.]

[Yes, but High Ranking and Rulegods are different. Rulegods are even higher than Higher ranking Gods.]

[Alright whatever i won't count that question, you can still ask two.]

[What kind of God are you Nori?]

[What is so interesting about it? Well whatever, i will tell you. I'm the God of Technology.]

"I won't tell her that i have two divine positions since i know what happens when i do it."

[Can anyone belive in you? Since you are a God of the Dwarves i think it would anger them when someone else believes in you who is not a Dwarf.]

[Yes you can believe in me, i don't really care about that, but no im not the God of Dwarves, i have nothing to do with them.]

[Well that were all questions. I should go now. If you really want to believe in me you will be able to contact me when you see something. if that moment ever occurs just talk with Ari. Oh and before i forget it. Don't casually mention the Name Ari. Got it?]


[Good well then, Goodbye Asami it was a pleasure meeting you. Maybe we will see each other someday in the future.]

After saying that he took back his Pillow and then went outside the door of the warehouse and outside the Inn.

Asami only looked at him leaving still in shock with the 100,000 Divine Power in hands.

Asami didn't know what Order Shin was buit since he wasn't a High Ranking God or Rulegod, he had to be a middle-ranking god of the 6th Order. She didn't know what to do with all this Divine Power, you had to know that this was much more than this whole city had cost when building, you could build at least two whole cities with this much money. Maybe even three.

[He said his name was Nori, The God of Technology, i have to believe in him!! This is the least i can do to repay him by giving him my faith!!! My daughters also need to believe in him, he didn't look that old, but what is age when you are a god hahaha. Maybe i can introduce my daughers someday to him? Alright, i decided i will train them and invest all the money into them so that they can also become gods, maybe he will be interested in them!]

Shin who didn't know about this suddenly had to sneeze.

[Weird, how could i sneeze suddenly? Am i sick?]

[Whatever. I should go a bit outside of the city and then go back to my Domain, i wanted to work on the projects again. They won't get finished by themselves after all...]

When walking outside the City he didn't need to pay anything and only was looked at by the guard and then ignored again.

After he found a good place to go back he was welcomed by the insides of his house. It was something else besides the darkness that is always there outside the House. He went towards the barrels.

[I need a warehouse...should i build one real quick? You know what? why not i don't need to decorate it, it's only a warehouse anyway.]

Then Shin quickly used up some of his Faith Power to build a 10 m^2. square room with a heigh of 5 meters. then an opening and a door. some shelves to put things in it and then when he was finished he put the barrels full of Mead into it. He also applied a simple cooling spell to the barrels so that the Mead would be longer lasting and always refreshing when needed.

[Good, then i will take a jug of Mead now and start working on the maps next!]

After taking out a jug and draining some of the Mead from the barrel he went towards the living room and sat on the couch putting the Mead in front of him on the table.

[Ahh finally, it's a much better working environment than before!]


~~~ The Awakened Seekers ~~~


[Pilm, support me here for a bit please. This Plaqueclaw is a bit stronger than the other ones, most likely the leader of this pack.]

[Sure Troy! {Bravery} and {Paralize}! This should help a bit. Im also in a bit of an problem here, im almost out of mana, guys we need to finish this quickly otherwise it will become a problem!!!]

{Diamond Body} Troy also used his ability and again boosted his strenght 3 times. it now already reached 1,371 Strenght.

With a sword slash he immediatly halved the Plaqueclaw infront of him and went on towards the remaining 15 that were still alive.

After a bit of time they were able to finally win over this pack that ambushed them suddenly when walking in the forest.

When all of the enemies were dead they finally got together again and sat down on the ground in exhaustion.

[I almost gave up there if not because of you Pilm. We are lucky that you unlocked the Bravery Skill when becoming level 10. This really saved us this time.]

[Thank you but im also on my limit now, i only have 3 Mana Left, meaning i can't cast anything. Now im pretty much dead when encountering an enemy alone. I think we should go back now. It's too dangerous for us. We also made some money with this, so let's take a few bodies with us and take out their cores as well so that we have proof of what we did and can get money from the Adventurer Guild.]

[No objection here] Meanih said from the side.]

With a simple method all of the cores were quickly brought out of the bodies and put into a bag.

Troy and Pilm then started to carry a Plagueclaw. Troy carried two because of his still higher strenght after halving than Pilm.

When they reached the Village gate they were welcomed and let in when the guards saw their wounds and the plagueclaws they carried.

[Good job once again, but let's heal you first, this one is on me since you always bring me the materials i need.]

A friend of them said when they got towards his house to deliver the materials he needed. His name is Raar and he has the ability {Greater Alchemist} which is an SS-Class Ability.

When inside the House, Raar mentioned them to sit down.

[Here you see this? This i a potion i made from your materials, it can heal you faster than the last one i made.] Raar gave them a green potion which made some rustling sound as if it was still being brewed.

[Raar are you sure this isn't Poison?]

[Yeah Yeah, it has a relatively good effect so don't worry about being poisoned, why would i even do that, you are my friends and are also doing some jobs for me so i have no reason to do that.]

[Alright well then.]

[To the healing!] Troy clinked glasses with the others and downed the potion in one gulp.

[And? Does it work? Come on, give me feedback on my potion!]

[Yeah,...it does work, it tastes really awfull, i want to puke...] Troy answered while retching a bit.

[No, don't retch, it won't work then.]

[Alright....] Troy grimaced.

After 1 minute of waiting the first reactions could be seen. The wound that was on troys leg slowly closed and was almost as good as new.

[I did it!! It really healed faster. Perfect, then i can try to make it even faster so that it can maybe be used when fighting or in quick-needed situations.]

Raar completly forgot about them and went on doing his reasearch again with the materials they brought him.

[Let's just go, he won't hear us anyway.]

[Yeah when he is reasearching something like this he won't stop until he is finished with the potion anyway.]

[Let's stop leveling for today, we still need to bring the Bodys to the adventurer guild and get our money.]

[By the way, did you also level up Meanih?]

[Yeah, let's compare our stats with each other, oh and by the way let's also do it with Raar's Stats.]



{Believer System}

Name: Pilm

Race: High-Goblin, (Transformed)

Rank: 1st Order

Type: Fanatic Believer

Level: 10

Experience: 33 / 50


- Health: 600

- Mana: 325

- Strength: 205

- Agility: 255

- Intelligence: 320

- Perception: 285

Ability: Status Effect Caster (S-Class):

- Enables you to cast buff and debuff skills, the strenght of the effects is determined by your mastery over them, and your level. With Higher Level, you can unlock more Status effects that you can cast. The unlocked status effects are 10 times stronger than normal skills of the same type, you can learn without this Ability.


- Primary Paralizing:

You can Paralize an enemy unit, the stronger the unit, the shorter the paralized time.

Cost: 15 Mana

- Primary Slowness:

You can slow down your enemies by 20%. Duration is 5 minutes.

Cost: 10 Mana

- Primary Bravery boost:

You can cast it on an ally to raise their strenght by 5%. When in effect, it raises the fear resistance of the target.

When cast on an enemy, the enemy will become reckless, but also stronger. The enemy will also raise his fear resistance for a short period of time.

Cost: 20 Mana

- Meditation:

When you meditate for 1 hour, your mana will increase by 1 point.

- Primary Mana cost reduction (passive):

When casting a spell, the cost is reduced by 5 points.


{Believer System}

Name: Troy

Race: Prying Wolf, (Transformed)

Rank: 1st Order

Type: Fanatic Believer

Level: 10

Experience: 3 / 50


- Health: 850 + 50

- Mana: 70 + 5

- Strength: 450 +15

- Agility: 280 +15

- Intelligence: 170 +10

- Perception: 305 +15

Ability: Diamond Body (A-Class):

- Make your Body as Hard as a Diamond and boost your strength x3. After using this ability, you will feel weak for 6 hours and your Strenght as well as health will be halved.


- Primary Swordmanship:

Your sword is much more professional, and you can handle it much more easily. It's lighter than normal, and you know instinctively how to use it.

- Bravery:

When you enter the active Bravery state, all your stats will be doubled, and you will not fear anything normal again. The duration is 10 minutes and the cooldown is 2 hours. After using the Skill the next hour, the stats are halved.

- Primary Greatsword Mastery:

When holding a Greatsword, its weight will be reduced by a quarter and your attacking power will be doubled, the strenght stat also receives a boost of +50.

|NEW| - Strong Flesh:

When fighting, your Health will be doubled. If you stop fighting, your health will be reduced to normal again, but the damage will also be halved.


{Believer System}

Name: Maenih

Race: Nebula Panther (Transformed)

Rank: 1st Order

Type: Fanatic Believer

Level: 10

Experience: 2 / 50


- Health: 750 + 50

- Mana: 80 + 5

- Strength: 225 +15

- Agility: 365 + 15

- Intelligence: 160 +10

- Perception: 360 +15

Ability: Appraisal (A-Class)

- You can see the information of anything up to 20 Level higher than you. (2 order higher than you)


- Assasination:

When you move and attack a target from behind, you get a strenght boost of 3x

- primary Stealth (passive): / 0-30

Increases your Perception and Agility, both by 100.

|NEW| - Shadow Walking:

You can blend into the shadows and walk within them. You can jump from shadow to shadow, but the next shadow can't be more than 15 meter away from your current position. The Maximum number of jumps successively is 5.

- Primary dagger mastery: 0-25

You can handle the dagger much better than normal, you can deliver fatal blows to your enemies and have a higher chance to kill them.

- Critical Hit:

You have a higher chance to get a crit when dealing damage, the critical hit has a 2% chance of appearing. When it appears, it deals 10 times the damage than normal.


[Oh wow we really are much stronger than before, this is so damn cool. We also got new Skill like you Pilm!!]

[My Skill's name is Strong Flesh it's such a good life saving skill when i encounter a stronger enemy!!]

[And my new skill is a perfect fit for me since i am an assasin!! I once hear my father say that there are really skilled Assasins that can walk within the shadows, it's problably this that my father meant back then, Shadow Walking!! I want to test it out immediatly look!] As Meanih said that she suddenly became a black mass of something and then vanished inside Pilms shadow.

From Meanih's pov. she jumped to Pilms, than to Troy's, after that she jumped onto the shadow of the tree next to them and then to the shadow of the house, wandering up onto the roof and then appearing again.

[Hello!! Up here Troy, Pilm! it was so easy to just walk in the Shadows!!]

[Come down again Meanih! You are being looked at!]

[Oh yeah sorry.]

She vanished once again and went into the shadow of the house walking down the house again and then jumping to the shadow of Pilm and appearing behind her scaring her.

[Stop that!! This is awful! Only do that to enemies and not me, you can appear behind them and then get the Strenght boost of your Assasination skill.]

[Well alright, wanna look at Raars Information Panel now?]

[Im already interest in how much stronger he is than us, i bet he can kill us without much effort. Hahahaha.]


{Believer System}

Name: Raar

Race: High-Goblin, (Transformed)

Rank: 2nd Order

Type: Fanatic Believer

Level: 23

Experience: 41 / 3050


- Health: 4,600

- Mana: 1,409

- Strength: 660

- Agility: 325

- Intelligence: 2,678

- Perception: 645

Ability: Greater Alchemist: (SS-Class)

- You can make effective potions or tools from all possible materials. The success rate of the potion is increased by 50% and the effect of the Potion or Tool created is increased. When reasearching Potions, there is a certain chance to create a completly new, never before created potion.


- Synthesis:

You can combine different items into a new item with new properties. The item created needs to follow the laws of conversion and has to use an equivalent exchange in order to function.

- Decomposing:

You can decompose different Items and let them return to their previous state.

- 6 Element Control:

You can controll the 6 elements Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Darkness and Light.

You can use them to enchant your creations with effects, but it needs to be under the condition of equivalent exchange.

- Primary Potion Mastery:

Success rate of potion refining is 20%.

Effect +20%

- Primary Tool Creation Mastery:

Success rate of refining is 20%

Effect + 20%


[Well...he is indeed much stronger in Health, Intelligence and Mana but if we only look at strenght and Agility we can easily kill him when we work together...]

[I already anticipated that, he is after all a class like me but he is much more focused on researching instead of fighting, that is also why he get's so much more points in Intelligence and Man as well as health, it's just because he doesn't need the other stats.]

[Now that you say it Pilm it makes sense. Well he was also a researcher before the system came so it is only natural for him to not be that strong when he only concentrates on researching.]

[Alright stop it you two. It's already late and we still have to go to the Adventurer Guild.]

[Right i forgot, sorry. Let's go then.] Troy said when Meanih reminded him and Pilm.

~~~ Adventurer Guild ~~~

[Oh my, Troy, Meanih and Pilm, our first adventurer group is here again, what did you bring us this time?]

[Just some Plagueclaw, nothing much, but this one here...] Troy let down the Leader of the Plagueclaws.

[This one lead an pack of these things, i never saw that before, oh yeah and these two are also his strongest subordinates. They were both level 15 and the leader was already level 19.]

[Anything more?]

[Uhh.. ah yes right, these are the ears of the rest of the beaststhat we couldn't bring back, they should count as proof that killed them right?]

[Yes, naturally, please show them to me!]

Pilm then handed the bag full of the ears to the receptionist who put them on the table to count them.

[Alright these are 36 right ears of the Plagueclaws is that right?]


[Well then, here is your money, to whom should i transfer it? Or do you want to split it up right here?]

[Let's just do it here, just divide the amount by 3 is that ok with you Meanih and Troy?]

[Yeah of course.]

[I also have no problem with it.]

[Good, then each of you will be transferred 12 Bronze.]

[Thank you Ponka for your service we will go now.]

[Alright, goodbye you three.]

Im sorry, but for this and the next week i can't really write much. I have more work to do lately and can't write as i did before, because of that the chapters will come out much more irregularly or sometimes with an intervall o 5 or 6 days.

I will try to finish one chapter today and publish it for you guys.

FantasyThemedLovercreators' thoughts