
Chapter 1: The airplane

Lei Miller lay comfortably in the plane, her headset on and an MP3 player tugged in her hand smoothly.

"Screw this airplane,"

"Screw the hostesses and their damn services",

"Screw their meal"

"Screw the person sitting behind me".

She mentally screamed as she eyed  all passengers, she didn't have any luck in this plane, first of all the people behind have been ordering all disgusting food she ever had,

" hey sir, do you need anything?"

"I will get lettuce salad  if available"

"Drink?" Hostess asked again

"Just water" .

"Doesn't he know how to talk, speak louder you backseat man"she shouted in a whisper, Lei wondered if the man was mentally retarded or nuts.

first chestnuts,"Heck, she was allergic to nuts.

"Green beans, marrow sausage, bean sprouts, eggplant and spring onions sausage, and water , water , water,... Blah blah, is he a veg or what, what kind of man who it salad? It could be fine if he ate it alone but their smell, ugh!  Was reaching everywhere, and she knew that everyone was bothered as her,

"but not much as me" she thought.She wanted to land and eat all her favorite junk food she craved, maybe spend the whole day in a burger shop or Pizza and all she needs now is to travel in Alladin's cave and leave worries  behind,Let alone the hostess who thought that all their column seats were addicted to natural food, and they are bringing the damn food similar to the man behind,and guess what

" am ok, am good," those are answers she is giving while her stomach feels grumpy. She sat there wondering how she is a disgrace and an independent lady, her father forced her to go to college the second time, so that she can get an MBA,

"what is the use"?she thought,

I was good for my vet job but he couldn't leave me alone"., "who cares about the business?", just work in her pet clinic, consume junk food, do yoga, go swimming and go to beach or road trip with her friends Myer and Danny, other things let them drown in the sea.

"What is the use of being a CEO? Can't her father follow his passion and leave her alone to persue her favorite career too". She wondered

"Let the business collapse when I reach there" that was her prayer. Lei was a wanderer nothing more or less, just get her ass of the seat and travel, her mother was a bae to her, that's the support she wanted but her father was a hectic, workaholic man, though he could be sweet sometimes, if it wasn't for her shortness she could have stood tall to her father and convince him not to spend seven damn years in college,

"ain't even a med student, she always curse under her breath, but luck was once on her side, highschool was easy due to her smart mind, she even had to jump some classes because she was eligible,

"you are paying for highschool years, chicken nugget" that is what Danny tells her when she complains and Myer just nod to prove the point,"backbiters friends".

One thing was obvious, there will be her friends at the airport to take her home, "am I a toddler, no way". And she had plans, and they weren't simple, "I will come next next week, may be in summer" that is what she told her mother but she came two weeks before , "first work at my clinic, then go to CEO- ing those people.

"she sat upright so as to peek on the man behind, but she couldn't,no chance for shorties,  one way or other he was old and had damn wrinkles.


One way to avoid people's concern, chit chat with you is to annoy them, by that no one will talk to you or even dare make a remark, other way complain, and it seems as if Mr Anderson was successful. He sat there calmly eating his disgusting food, "not him but all people around him" he mentally laughed at all of them, he wasn't easy going, his charms always led people astray because they thought he was to be trusted. "Who cares if they are fools".

His life hasn't been easy, he observed his golden watch with a tracking device inside, another dilemma people couldn't solve when seeing his watch, "choose a person or his golden watch" he smiled at the thought, just this only plane is delaying the plans, when he lands, the Job will start, not simply a job but a mission and a terrorism mission, he always wondered how he became like this, heartless, ruthless, greedy and vengeful.

"Anger consumes fools only". Those were his father's words, but who cares when you have nothing to lose? He waited many years for any light in his dark room but he didn't see one,and will not in the future. That's what he was convinced of, this was his first strong, terrifying and outside his country  mission if " He wasn't pathetic"

"Had a family"

"Had something to lose"

" Had love, not  real love but maybe some little pretend love"

Because he didn't believe in true love without interest, he would not be here, that is what he thought, nevertheless, no turning back now, he is at the edge.He viewed outside the plane, how clouds moves freely, a "blue sky?"huh!, Everything was meaningless. he caught the front person want to peek at him, and he hid his eyes behind the glasses well, "curiosity killed a cat". He murmured quietly as he had the captain shouting whatever it was that the plane was landing, lucky for him he drank enough medicine to surpass his phobia, 

"If only they haven't died in a plane crash, I would just be as normal as other people, his life was full of complaint, and always others were to blame, always. He closed his eyes tight and held his breath as the plane landed.

"Mr Anderson, I hope this was the predicted landing time."

"Yes sir, I have landed."

"Don't be stupid or act reckless,know that I'll be watching your every move."

"Yes sir, you have eyes and ears every where" he mimicked his words and pressed end call button.