
854. Chapter 854

After After Hours

Episode 5.08



Disclaimer: God knows, I don't own Castle. Rating: K Time: See above.

"You want us to do what?"

"I think that the four of us should all go to a baseball game together. After all, Richard, both Jim and Katherine are fans of the sport, and you're certainly a fan of Katherine. And, I heard from Captain Gates about how Katherine warned you that something was wrong with that horrible Leo person. She said we four should go to a game. She's right. We should go to a game."

"Okay, I can see why you'd want me to go with Kate, but why do you want to go to a game that…"Castle tried to look like he was concentrating "…requires a certain lack of pulse?"

"I'm perfectly capable of realizing when I've made an error, something that you have trouble with, kiddo. Jim is a wonderful man, as I found out talking to him while you were out with Katherine, scaring two of us near to death, by the way. Jim has been worried sick about Katherine since she became a cop and now he's worried about something happening to you."

Rick frowned. "Why would he be worried about me?"

"Duh!" Martha said, shaking her head at hers son's obtuseness. "In case you missed it, Katherine is in love with you. Do you have any idea what it would be like for that poor girl if something were to happen to you? She'd be devastated."

Rick nodded. "She wouldn't be the only one. Me too."

"Richard! How self-centered are you?"

"No, I said that wrong. I mean, I'd be devastated if I lost Kate, too. Although losing me would be pretty bad, too." Rick suddenly stopped and smiled at his mother. "Now I get it. You want to go to a game to try to push Kate and me further together."

"Why, whatever do you mean? From the looks of things, you and Katherine are together."

"And you trust me not to screw it up?" Rick asked, teasing his mother.

"You did marry that awful Meredith."

"Okay, I'll give you that one." Rick frowned again. "You two aren't planning to bring shotguns to the game are you?"

"A nice white one for a shotgun wedding?" Martha said with a smile. "Not this time. But don't blow this one, kiddo."

"You want us to do what?" Kate asked, the next day at the precinct.

"The four of us should go to a baseball game. Just like you suggested."

"Castle…" Kate looked at his face carefully for signs of a smile and waited for the punchline. "You know I wasn't serious about that. I was trying to warn you about Leo. Why would you want us to go to a game after what your mother said about baseball?"

"Actually, my mother suggested the idea."

Kate raised an eyebrow.

"She did. I think she feels badly about what she said that night. They had quite a conversation that night while they waited for us and she has a better appreciation of what your dad went through when you became a cop. It's what she's going through right now with me and you."


"Kate, we'd all be devastated if something ever happened to you. Both my mom and Alexis already think of you as family."

Kate blushed at the idea of being really part of Rick's family. "Same with me if it was you, or if anything happened to Martha or Alexis."

"And she wants to get to know you and your dad better. Since you're both big fans of the game, she wants to be a least knowledgeable about the game. And I suspect that Martha and Jim want us to spend as much time together as possible so we don't somehow drift apart. I know my Mom has wanted us together for a very long time and I suspect your dad has the same idea."

"To tell you the truth, he was never that happy with any of my other boyfriends. Josh especially, since he was gone so much. But he always asked about you."

Kate reached into her desk. "I have a schedule here. Let's see if we can figure out a good game for us to go to."

Two weeks later they arrived at Yankee Stadium. Rick had gone through just about every guy he knew to get the best seats possible, just behind the Yankees dugout.

"Are you ready for this?" Rick asked his mother softly.

Martha nodded. "I've been reading up on the game, the rules and such, but it doesn't make much sense to me." She grabbed Rick's arm. "Oh, I do hope I don't do anything foolish and spoil everyone's fun."

"I don't know about Kate and Jim, but watching you do something foolish would be fun for me."

"Stinker." She said, punching him in the arm.

Rick just laughed.

They had Martha sit between Jim and Kate so the two baseball experts could explain the game to her.

At the end of the game, they went for a late dinner and drinks at a local sports bar. They watched highlights of the day's games on the big screen TVs and Jim and Kate explained more of the game to Martha.

By the time Martha got home, she felt that she had done well at her first baseball game.

Two weeks later Rick and Kate found Martha coming down the stairs in the loft wearing a new Yankees baseball cap and a Yankee's jersey. On the back was the name Rodgers and the number one.

"You and my dad are going to another game?"

"I had no idea that baseball was such an enjoyable game, Katherine. It's such a subtle and complex game. I'm really enjoying it. And Sabathia is pitching today." She looked at her watch. "Dear me. I have to get going or I'll be late." With that, Martha scurried out the door. "Bye." She said over her shoulder.

Rick and Kate looked at each other.

"Do you believe that?" Rick said.

"Your mother is a baseball fan now? Do you know she asked me if I thought that Joe Torre might come back to manage the Yankees?"

"Will wonders never cease."

"You want us to do what?" Rick and Kate asked together.

"Jim and I are going to the Yankees' spring training in Tampa and we thought you two might want to come along. We already have our hotel room booked and Jim has tickets to all the home and away games. It'll be fun."

"You have a hotel room booked?"

"Yes." Martha said, and said no more.

"I suppose we should go so these two crazy kids don't get into trouble." Kate said with a smile.

Castle nodded glumly. "Just tell us where the hotel is so we can get a room, too and I'll try to get tickets for me and Kate."

"No problems. You two have a room already reserved, your flight is booked and we have four tickets to each game." She glanced at her watch. "Dear. I'll be late for my acting class if I don't hurry." And Martha was gone.

"We'd better find a wedding venue for us before they need one, babe."

Castle nodded. "I did not see this coming."