After For Better Or Worse
Episode 6.23
Disclaimer: As it was in the beginning, is now and forever more shall be, I don't own Castle. Rating: K Time: See above.
Author's note: The first time I wrote the After…for this, I said it was the worst Castle episode ever. Then I saw Sleeper. I stand corrected. However, I've still felt compelled to make some hardly noticeable changes to the canon episode. Don't worry, you'll probably not even notice the difference.
Although the wedding party was still going full blast downstairs, Mr. and Mrs. Castle had retreated to their bedroom on the second floor.
"It took a while, but we're married, Mrs. Castle."
Kate smiled in the middle of removing her wedding dress. "Far too long, Mr. Castle. But I intend to make that up to you." Sliding the dress off, she placed it carefully on a hanger and put it in the closet. She wondered idly if Alexis would one day wear it, or if they'd have daughters of their own who might one day wear it.
"Oh, I'll have to tell you something funny that happened to me here with the wedding license. There was this black Cadillac Escalade following me. Then it went to pass me, or so I thought. But it stayed right beside me. I really got worried. I thought of all of the people who we'd put in jail and all of the friends they might have and wondered if one of them was coming after me." Castle bent over to untie his shoes, taking his time.
"Well, tell me what happened, Castle." She walked over and poked him in the chest.
"Have I ever told you just how gorgeous you look in just your bra and panties?" He leered at her.
"A million times. Now tell me what happened. Somebody didn't try something, did they?"
"Indeed they did. A whole carload of them."
Kate waited a few seconds. "Castle, if you expect any sex on our honeymoon…"
"It was a carload of teenage girls. They pulled up next to me, rolled down the window and flashed their boobs at me. Then they laughed and sped off."
"Did they have nice boobs?"
Castle did his best to look offended. "I hardly noticed. I was on my way to our wedding. You didn't expect me to pay any attention, did you?"
Kate nodded. "Of course I do."
"Okay, one C cup, two B cups and one whose boobs would have rattled around in an A cup. The driver didn't show hers."
She kissed him. "See? Just tell the truth and everything will be fine. Actually, I have something to tell you, too. I got a call from an old boyfriend today."
"Doctor Motorcycle Boy? Can't he take a hint?"
"No, it was a guy I dated briefly as a freshman at Stanford, Rogan O'Leary. He was actually the first guy who ever wanted to marry me. Wanted to go to Vegas and get hitched."
"So, did you?"
"No! The deadbeat wanted me to pay for it. I wasn't going to pay some guy to take me to Vegas."
"So he thought you'd pay now to…go where?"
"He was in trouble with the cops upstate somewhere. I don't know how he found out I was a cop, but he called asking if I'd put in a good word for him. I hung up on him."
Castle nodded. "I'm glad the wedding came off with no problems. After the venue and the wedding dress fiasco, I was afraid something bad would happen."
"Nothing bad, but the wedding had enough surprises. More than enough for one day."
"Yeah. Espo and Lanie are thinking about getting married? Talking about it, anyway."
"Well, don't tell anyone, Castle. They don't want anyone to know until the finally decide."
"Hey, it's not like that was the biggest surprise at the wedding."
Kate blushed. "Oh my god. I can't believe we caught my dad and Captain Gates making out in the garage. I was so embarrassed. Although she's been very strange since her husband walked out on her."
"She was very strange a lot earlier than that." Castle muttered.
"Rick! That wasn't nice. The poor woman is hurting."
Castle had a horrible thought. "Um, you talked to your dad, after, right? Did he say anything about him and Gates…um, you know…Maybe…."
"Maybe what?" Kate asked, frowning.
"I do not want that woman as my step mother-in-law." Castle blurted out.
Kate blushed again. "I talked to Dad. It's just a fling. It's been a long time for him, you know."
"It must have been a very long time if he picked Gates."
"At least your mom got good news."
Castle laughed. "Yeah, when those two FBI agents showed up, I was sure there was some huge, national security case that had just broke and they needed us badly. I could just see the wedding falling apart."
"You would have seen those two agents falling apart before I let my wedding fall apart, Castle."
"But after all these years, they finally caught up with Martha's second husband, the one who stole all her money. And best of all, he's managed to get rich honestly in the meantime. Once the trial is over, she can sue him for all the money he stole and for damages." Castle nodded to himself. "Before we leave for the airport and the Maldives tomorrow, I have to call my lawyer and get him on this ASAP."
"Don't worry, lover. I'll get you up in plenty of time." She gave him a sexy smile. "Assuming that I let you sleep at all tonight."
"I can sleep on planes, can you?"
"No problem." She led him toward the bed.
"And the Ryans." He suddenly said.
"Jenny and Ryan's sisters opening an authentic Irish pub in Midtown?" Kate said, shaking her head. "At least Kevin won't have to get a second job or anything. And how did they get Dropkick Murphys to open the pub for them?"
"Speaking of the Ryans, should I be worried about Alexis?" He asked suddenly.
"You mean because Ryan's teenaged half-brother-in-law, or whoever he is, has a crush on her?"
"He was Ryan's best man. God knows what sort of sex drenched bachelor party he would have had planned if Espo and I hadn't stopped the little mathlete. He may only be sixteen, but I know a pervert when I see one."
Kate refrained from making any comment about that. "Castle, I'll tell you a secret. He was going to have you all go to an arcade and play video games. Jenny, and Lanie and I planned Ryan's bachelor party."
Castle smiled. "You did? You little vixen, you. You are just full of surprises, aren't you?"
"Well, we haven't mentioned the other surprise yet." Kate sprawled on the bed and began slowly removing her underwear.
"What? Surprise…Huh? Um, I don't…" Castle was having trouble concentrating.
"Perlmutter and Tory Ellis? He's really entirely different away from the precinct. I had no idea he could break dance, or limbo. He's really a wild man."
"I know another wild man. A man who's wild about you."
"Then why don't you come over here and introduce me to him?"
And they lived happily ever after.
Another author's note. I do have the season seven DVD now, so the After…stories for that season will start tomorrow.