
408. Chapter 408

After Get a Clue

Episode 6.06



Disclaimer: if you think I own Castle, you haven't a clue. Rating: K Time: Perhaps just a bit before this episode.

"Mistress Heat?" The tall, well dressed, blue eyed man said with an engaging smile.

Nikki Heat smiled in return and curtseyed. "I am. And you are, sir?"

The man returned a bow. "I am Jameson Rook, a scribbler for the Royal New York Gazette and Advertiser."

The smile quickly disappeared from Nikki's face. "In that case, sir, I am Mistress Nichole Heat to you, and you are not welcome here. I have read your scandalous scribblings insulting out brave patriots and even General Washington himself."

Rook shrugged. "I had merely hoped to enjoy the fine food served at your tavern and perhaps write a small piece about it in the paper. It would increase your trade enormously." Rook gestured to the nearly empty tables. "It does not appear that your Golden Arches tavern has that much custom."

Nikki glared at the man. "I will refuse no man my food, but I have no desire to have my fine establishment written about in some loyalist news rag."

"Please, Mistress Heat! Certainly you do not think that King George will ever abandon America to mob rule? If he did, would that not leave you at the mercy of the French? Why, before you know it, your fine ground beef and cheese sandwiches would be served with cut up pieces of fried potatoes. What kind of a meal would that be?"

Nikki's glare intensified. "We will call them French fries, then. Or perhaps, Freedom fries."

"Really?" Rook smirked. "Would you like French fries with that?" He laughed openly. "Can you imagine anyone saying those words? How droll."

Nikki turned on her heel, allowing Rook to see that she had a most perfectly formed bottom. He smiled.

Nikki spoke sharply. "Mr. Raley. We have a customer. Serve him and send him on his way, for he is a loyalist and no friend of liberty."

"I'd love to take liberties with you, my fine wench." Rook muttered under his breath. Nikki didn't hear that, but the swarthy Sr. Ochoa did, and used his long, razor sharp knife to slice open the oddly shaped breads that the tavern's food was served on while glaring at Rook.

"May I help you, sir?" Raley said, disinterestedly.

Rook perused the menu. "Perhaps the Big Nikki and that fizzy drink?"

"Would you like fries with that?" History will not recall that Raley was indeed the first person to ever say those words in earnest.

"I suppose."

Suddenly, the door was flung open and a tall, dark saturnine man dressed in a red uniform coat walked in, followed by three red coated minions. "I am Thomas Demming, of the Royal Provost Marshal's office. These are my associates, Sergeant Guido, Sergeant Carmine and Sergeant Vinnie of the Kings Royal Regiment of New York."

Sergeant Guido looked around with a proprietary air. "Nice little place youse has got here. It'd be a real shame if something was to happen to it. Me an' me Family is in a position to insure dat nuttin' happens to youse and dis place."

"Are you threatening me?" Nikki said, furiously.

"Us? Threatenin' youse?" Guido asked. "Is youse kiddin'?" He and his "associates" laughed. "Of course we is. Two quid a month an' everyt'ing will be copacetic, capisce?"

"I will not be…"Nikki began.

"Nikki, dearest." Cried a voice. "Please, don't lose your temper. I shall be happy to pay these…gentlemen…to keep you and yours safe." The speaker was Doctor Joshua Davidson, dressed in the height of fashion in black leather culottes, a frilly shirt and a powdered wig. He was a bit disheveled having ridden his horse "Chopper" in from Long Island.

"Joshua! I can handle this."

But Doctor Joshua Davidson ignored her and pressed some gold into the hands of Sergeant Guido. Guido smiled. "Always a pleasure doin' business wid youse, doc. An' a business doin' pleasure wid youse, as well. See you later at the Hellfire Club? Saucy Sal has been askin' for youse."

The doctor looked aghast! "My dear sir! I would never frequent an establishment such as the Hellfire Club. I am a gentleman and do not associate with…such persons. "

Nikki rolled her eyes, for she knew of Joshua's weakness. Or weaknesses. Many weaknesses. A plethora of weaknesses. The man was weak.

As soon as the recoats left, Nikki gave the doctor some gold. "I cannot allow you to pay."

"But, Nikki dearest. I love you. As soon as my appointment comes through, we can marry."

"Appointment?" Rook said, sensing a story. "What appointment?"

"Who are you, fellow?" Joshua challenged.

"I am Jameson Rook, a mere scribbler with the Royal New York Gazette and Advertiser. May I enquire what appointment, sir?"

Joshua nodded. "Well, some publicity in a newspaper read by the finest and most loyal people in New York couldn't hurt. I'm about to be appointed the physician to the new royal mayor of New York, Sir Victoria Gates."

"Sir Victoria Gates?" Rook said, quizzically.

"I know." Joshua said, nodding. "She is an odd person. Firm, but fair though. And she never forgets a good deed. I once pulled a thorn from her paw…Um, from her hand."

"And when will this appointment occur?" Rook asked, taking out his notebook, a quill pen and an inkpot. Rook would be very happy when Benjamin Franklin finally got around to inventing the ball point pen as he had so long promised. Flying kites in a damned thunderstorm? I wish the old goat would do something useful. Rook thought.

Dr. Davidson looked around. "I suppose since were all loyal subjects of King George here, I can tell you. She'll be arriving in two weeks' time on the HMS Bounty, Captain Bligh. Another firm but fair man, I can tell you."

"I shall be sure to see to it that our editor places a story in a prominent place so that all will know of your good fortune."

Dr. Davidson turned to Nikki. "And so, my dear, I must leave you. I have, er, um, a patient to attend to."

As soon as Joshua left, Lauren, a saucy serving wench came out of the back. "I heard all of that."

Rook nodded. "We need to get this intelligence to General Washington at once."

Lauren nodded. "I'll ride north and cross at Spuyten Duyvil…."

"Wait!" Rook said. "What's the town crier saying?" He cupped his hand to his ear.

"Hear ye, hear ye! It's nose to tail on the King George Throughway and a carriage has jack knifed on the West Side Path."

Nikki nodded. "Go to Staten Island and cross to New Jersey from there."

Lauren was off.

Rook put his arms around Nikki Heat. "I do love you, Nikki. I wish we didn't have to pretend otherwise. When this is over, I'm going to buy a little place in the Hamptons for us."

"And what'll you use for money, Rook?" She asked.

"I'm writing a book about a pair of dashing spies. When the war is over, I'll publish it."

"Dashing spies? You mean like Ochoa and Lauren?" Nikki teased.

"No, us."

"Us?' She asked, coyly.


Author's note: As a history buff, I'm going to have to criticize my own story. In the story, the sergeants of the King's Royal Regiment of New York are described as wearing red coats. The King's Royal Regiment of New York was an actual loyalist regiment raised by Sir William Johnson and was also known as Johnson's Royal Greens. Their coats were green. But, most people associate the British with redcoats, so I put them in red.