After Cops and Robbers
Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim. Is that enough, Mr. Marlowe, sir? Rating: K Time: See above
"More duck a l'orange, Katherine?"
Kate Beckett held her hands in front of her. "No, thank you, Martha. I really couldn't eat another bite. I'm absolutely stuffed."
Martha smiled. "I'm so glad you enjoyed the meal, because I absolutely loved preparing it. Now, you just sit where you are while Alexis and I clean up. It'll only take a minute."
Kate, however, stood up. "My mother always told me that if you eat off the plates, you help clean the plates."
As they walked to the kitchen, Martha said, "Your mother was a very wise woman. And she raised a wonderful daughter."
Kate lowered her eyes and blushed slightly. "You've done very well yourself."
"Why, thank you. And while thanking you for the compliment, let me tell you something. I was completely terrified the whole time in the bank. But I admit it would have been worse if I hadn't known you were right outside. Thank you so much for everything you did for us." Martha put her arms around Kate and hugged her.
"Martha. I really didn't do anything. And the bank robbers had no intention of hurting anyone. Not unless things went very bad."
"They were bad enough for me." Martha said quietly. "And I know Richard was happy you were there. He's very fond of you, you know."
"I know. I'm…fond of him as well."
"Just fond?" Martha asked in a whisper.
Kate nodded. "He means a lot to me, but it's complicated. There are things I have to work out."
"Is there anything I could do to un-complicate things? You're very good for Richard and I'd hate it if things stayed complicated. You make a wonderful couple, you know."
Kate smiled at the older woman. "I know. He's been very good for me, too. He makes me happier than I've been for years. But I have more than a decade's worth of problems to un-complicate. I can do this, I know I can. I just need Castle to wait."
"He's waited a long time, Katherine."
"Detective Beckett? Can you give me a hand here?" Alexis said. "I need help with the refrigerator shelves."
"Sure, Alexis." Kate said, walking across the kitchen to Alexis, glad not to have to discuss Castle with Martha. "And please, call me Kate."
Alexis was holding several covered dishes and holding the refrigerator door open with her hip. "I need to move the tray on the right down to get the leftovers in. Can you hold these?" Alexis held out the dishes.
"Sure." Kate took the dishes.
Alexis leaned in and spoke to Kate in a whisper. "I'm sorry I got angry with you today. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I know you were doing all you could. I saw how you ran into the back after the bomb went off, and I saw the look on your face. You were worried about Dad. Thank you for everything you did today."
"It's my job, Alexis. I'm a cop. You don't need to thank me."
"But I will. And, when I was hugging Gram and Dad, I should have invited you, too. You looked like you needed a hug."
Alexis had moved the shelf and Kate put the leftovers in the refrigerator. "Thanks, Alexis. I could have used a hug, but I still had a crime to solve. With your dad, of course."
Alexis started to say something, but she was interrupted by Castle. "Hey, the news is one and we're on it. Come in here." He called from the living room.
All three women walked into the living room. Kate sat next to Castle on the couch as the TV news began. Once again Kate saw the bank and the officers around it. Then she saw herself walking into the police van. She saw the explosion inside the bank and saw herself run from the van, then grab her vest and run inside.
She felt the same horrible icy feeling in her stomach that she'd felt when she'd started running inside the bank. That's the second time I've rushed into someplace expecting to find Castle dead inside. Once with Tyson and now. Can I really do this? Can I do what I need to do and not tell Castle how I feel? We're both in danger just by being cops. Something, anything, could happen at any time. I can't do this and I can't not do it.
"Speaking professionally, Katherine, that blue suit does nothing for you." Martha said, interrupting her train of thought.
Castle chuckled. "Oh, I don't know. I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful." Castle reached over and took her hand in his. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I'm just glad you didn't have to walk through those doors and put a bullet in Trapper John's skull."
Kate blushed. "Me too." She whispered back.
The late hour, the adrenaline filled day and the superb meal was starting to take its toll on Kate. Her eyes grew heavy and she decided she'd just rest her eyes for a moment and rest her head on Castle's shoulder.
When the news was over, Martha looked over at Kate, who was sound asleep, snuggled up next to Rick. "Come, Alexis. We need to go upstairs."
The young redhead looked up. "What? Why, Gram?"
Martha glared at her and motioned to Rick and Kate on the couch. "Oh!" Alexis said. "Night, Dad." She whispered and she and Martha disappeared up the stairs.
Rick sat enjoying the feeling of Kate's warm body against his for a few minutes, then decided he'd have to get her home. "Beckett. Wake up." Kate snuggled against him and mumbled in her sleep. "Kate. Time to wake up."
"Um, stay in bed with me, Castle." Kate said, still half asleep.
Castle was shocked. What was she dreaming about? "Kate. Wake up."
Kate's eyes opened up. "What?" She looked around. In her dream, she had been in bed with Castle. His arms were around her and she was snuggled up against him. "What is it, Castle?"
"Time to get you home. You're tired." Castle stood up.
"I was so relaxed and happy, Castle. Did you have to wake me up?"
"Yes. I did. Come on, Kate." He held out his hand. She took it and he pulled her up. She came up faster than he expected and she found herself pressed against Castle, with his arms around her, holding her up.
"Careful." He said quietly.
"I'll be okay. Just let me wake up." Kate put her arms around Castle and didn't move.
"Kate," Castle said, gently stroking her hair, "there's something I've been meaning to bring up to you."
"I've made a lot of money from Nikki Heat, and I couldn't have done it without you. I feel I owe you, and I'd like to do something in return. What you've done means a lot to me."
"Castle, you don't have to do anything. I'm just doing my job helping you. And you've been a huge help in my job. I couldn't have done my job as well as I have in the past couple of years. What you've done for me means a lot to me, too." She ran her hand over his chest. "Besides, I can't take anything from you, it's against regs."
"I wasn't thinking of buying you your own police department. I had something a little less grandiose in mind."
"Such as?"
"I don't know. I'm not sure what you'd like, or what you'd allow me to do."
"Try me."
"Well, we've bought each other drinks and burgers, how about if I take you out to a dinner in a nice restaurant, then maybe a movie or a show?"
"Why, Castle, are you asking me out on a date?" She said sharply.
"No. Um, I mean, not if you don't want to. I would, if you were…That is, I'd like to…Yes, Kate. I'm asking you out on a date."
"I accept."
"You do?"
"Just don't take me to someplace with tiny portions like Drago's."
"Never. I'll find someplace you'll love."
"Then you'd better get me home, Castle. Call me a cab?"
"You're a cab."
She rolled her eyes. "I walked into that one, didn't I?"
"Come on, I'll walk you downstairs and have the doorman call a taxi."
She wrapped her arms around his arm and followed him downstairs.