
161. Chapter 161

After Inventing the Girl, Again



Disclaimer: Me? Own Castle? That would be a pure invention. Rating: K Time: See above.

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Mrs. Castle."

Kate blushed slightly. Not because someone had called her gorgeous, but because she so enjoyed being called Mrs. Castle, something that was still relatively new to her. "Thanks, Rina. Call me Kate, please. But I'm awfully nervous. I'm not a model, and this dress is so short that I don't dare do anything but stand straight up, or everyone will see my ass."

Rina giggled. "It's short because you have great legs. Really, most models would kill for those legs. And as asses go, yours is pretty spectacular."

"Thanks, but I'm not sure anyone will be looking at me, between the dress and this." Kate fingered the diamond necklace at her throat.

Rina nodded. "Three million dollars worth of diamonds. And that's just what you're wearing. It's a good thing we have so much of the NYPD here."Rina put her arm around Kate. "Now remember, this is a charity fashion show and auction. The women out there would kill for that dress, so I want you to sell it to their husbands. Strut a little. Look like you might be a bit naughty. Those men will be fighting to buy the dress for their wives, or girlfriends, or both."

"Thanks, but I think you're overselling the dress."

Rina giggled again. "Not a bit. Do you realize who's wearing that dress? It's Kate Castle, the inspiration for Nikki Heat and the woman who's married to Richard Castle. Every woman out there from eighteen to ninety is massively jealous of you. And every man wants you."

Kate blushed again. "I only want one man to want me, and he does."

"How are the other models doing?" Rina asked. "Since this is for the NYPD Heroes Fund as well as other charities, using real cops, cops wives and relatives is a stunning idea, but they don't have your experience."

"My experience is far in the past, Rina. I don't know how we could have managed without you. I can't thank you enough for running this for us."

"Are you kidding? Me running a major charity fashion show? With New York City's elite out there? I've had every major fashion house calling me asking if I can get their designs in. This is me begging you to let me do this next year."

Kate laughed. "You for sure, but I'm not sure about me. So, let's go look at our models."

Entering the model's dressing room, the first person they saw was Alexis. Kate stopped and her jaw dropped. "Alexis! Why aren't you in your dress?"

"This is what I'm wearing tonight, Mom. I traded with one of the professional models. She says it suits my pale skin and red hair."

As much as Kate loved being called mom, she was shocked. "But…but…you're only wearing underwear."

Alexis nodded. "It's a bra and panty set, made out of black raw silk, with one hundred and forty four diamonds sewn into it. You absolutely can't sit down in it. It hurts."

"But everyone will see you." Kate complained.

"No one will see any more than they do when I wear a bikini. Or did you mean that every one of my fathers will see it?"

"Mostly that." Kate admitted. "Rick will…" Kate didn't have the words to describe how Rick would react.

"I'll be fine. But someone should have a uniform stand by dad so he doesn't go berserk."

"A really big uniform." Kate muttered.

Their next police model was Lanie, glowing in a long, white wedding gown.

"Lanie. You are perfect."

Lanie nodded glumly. "I'm glad I got a picture of me in it. It's probably the only time I'll get to wear one of these. It's certainly the only time I'll ever wear millions of dollars worth of diamonds."

Kate hugged her friend. "Espo will come around. You know he loves you."

Lanie nodded. "Yeah. The big lug does. I just wish he loved the idea of getting married. Why the hell did we end up with two guys that can't do the deed?"

Kate batted her eyes seductively. "Castle does the deed just fine, thank you."

Lanie laughed. "You know what I mean. You have no idea how many times I thought you two were over and done with. I know you broke each other's hearts, but, believe me, you broke mine a few times as well. There were times when I just wanted to grab you two and shake you until…Until, I don't know what."

"Don't worry, Lanie. It worked out for Castle and me, it'll work out for you and Javi. Maybe the dress will give him the idea."

"I know what kind of ideas he gets." Lanie muttered.

Kate and Rina moved onto their next model. "How are you, Ann?" Kate asked brightly.

"I'm going to throw up." Ann Hastings said worriedly. "Look at this!" Hastings was dressed in a police blue evening gown, cut quite low and very tight. "If I bend over, my boobs will fall out, I know they will. I mean the dress is so tight, it's pushing them up."

Kate took over, speaking very calmly. "You'll do fine, Ann. You look spectacular. And your boobs will not fall out. Just remember to walk very upright, just like you were marching back at the academy. Okay? And remember, this is a charity event for the NYPD, among others, not a gun battle with gang bangers. Don't worry."

Hastings nodded and smiled. "Okay, Beckett." She took a deep breath and put her hand quickly over her mouth. "I mean, Castle. Kate?"

"I'm still Beckett when I'm on duty. Now go out there and knock them dead."

The next model was Martha, who was talking with a group of professional models who had donated their time for charity. "And so I told the wardrobe mistress, if that was good enough for Elizabeth Taylor when she played Maggie in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, it's good enough for me. Now go and do it right. And off she went to fix it."

"Martha, you look…"Kate stopped, not sure what to say.

"Like an explosion in a psychedelic paint factory." Rina finished.

"Why thank you, dear. That's exactly what we were aiming for. Bold. Colorful. Trendy. Eye catching. In other words, Martha Rodgers."

Kate nodded. "That's exactly what you have there." She said diplomatically, as they moved on.

Next up was Jenny Ryan, who was looking at herself in the mirror. "Hi, Kate, Rina. Isn't this to die for?"

Jenny was wearing a dove grey business suit, with a pale yellow blouse and a black string tie. She also wore emerald earrings, bracelet and choker necklace.

"You look spectacular."

"One good thing about chasing after Sarah Grace all day long. I've lost all my baby weight. This fits. It really fits." She looked at herself in the mirror again. "I just wish I could wear something like this when I go back to work."

"You're going back to work?" Kate asked.

Jenny nodded. "In a few years. We want to buy a place of our own. We can't swing that on just a cop's salary. Not in New York."

"They'd hire you in a minute in that." Rina said.

Last, but not least, was Captain Gates. "I'm not sure I should have let your husband talk me into this, Detective. I really don't have the figure for modeling."

"That's why you're wearing a floor length ermine coat, sir." Kate said, passing over the issue of Gates' figure.

"Well, it's for charity, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. I just wish this was over."

"It soon will be, sir,"

They checked the remainder of the police models and then Kate went to check security. With millions in jewelry and furs around, the NYPD had brought in dozens of extra officers.

"How is it going, Espo?"

"I wish this was over. This is as bad as Iraq, waiting for an IED to go off. I'm sure something's going to happen, I just don't know when."

"Maybe it'll all be okay. "Kate thought for a moment, then decided to bring Lanie into the conversation. "Did you see Lanie?"

Javi smiled and then blushed. "Yeah. She looks great. Better than great." He looked at Kate for a second. "Yeah, I know. She wants to wear one for real. And I want that, too, but…"

"You're scared." Kate finished.

He nodded. "I look at my folks' marriage and I wonder how I can do any better. I look at how close I came to being like one of the slime balls we bring in every day, and I ask myself, can I do that? Be a husband and father? I don't know."

Kate took his hand. "You know how much trouble Castle and I had. Most of it was because I was scared. I was scared he didn't love me. I was scared he didn't love me as much as I loved him. I was afraid I'd be ex-wife number three, broken hearted and crying my eyes out. Even when we got together, I felt it wouldn't last, but I loved him so much, I didn't care how long it lasted. I just wanted to be with him, for however long. The day he proposed, I thought he was actually going to break up with me. Even after we were engaged, especially after I went to DC, I wasn't sure it would work. Even today, in the back of my head, there's this little voice telling me that if I screw up like I did for so many years, not talking to him, hiding things from him, lying to him, I could still lose him. That little voice will be in the back of my mind for the rest of my life."

She squeezed his hand. "Don't wait. I did and I've regretted it enormously."

"Thanks, chica."

"Hey! That's what partners are for."

The fashion show was a huge success. Kate was happy to be back in her jeans, tee shirt and leather jacket. She was even happier to be back at home with her husband. "You only bought me that dress so you could see my ass, admit it, Castle." She said in an accusing tone, but with a smile.

"I can see that magnificent ass any time, my dear detective."

"Not if you keep acting like that's all you want from me." She shot back. "And you know I don't like you spoiling me. I didn't marry you for your money."

Rick put his arms around her and pulled her close. "I love spoiling you. And coddling you. And taking care of you. And I know you hate it. And I won't stop. And, that's not why I bought the dress. I overheard you and Espo. Now I have a little voice in the back of my mind, telling me I must let Kate know every day that she'll never lose me."

"Our little voices will have to talk to each other, Mr. Castle."

"Always, Mrs. Castle."