
Aethercross-Real Game,The Borderland of Reality and Fantasy

When the unknown counts down to zero, will you be ready to embark on the most mystifying journey of your life? Imagine waking up to a cryptic countdown, imprinted directly onto your vision. You don't know its origin, purpose, or what awaits at its conclusion. This enigma is just the beginning of "Aethercross," a tale that transcends the boundaries of worlds, reality, and imagination. In this colossal universe, where the line between reality and illusion blurs, you will traverse realms that defy conventional wisdom. Here, magic reigns supreme, dragons soar the azure skies, and ancient Oriental mysticism intertwines with forgotten deities from bygone eras. Your journey will take you through apocalyptic mech battles against grotesque mutants, across lands where magic and martial prowess dictate supremacy, and into urban landscapes where creatures of the night walk alongside humans. From the desolate remnants of shattered worlds to the vibrant pulsations of thriving civilizations, "Aethercross" offers a gateway to the unimaginable. Will you join the quest to unravel the mystery of the countdown? Or will you become a legend in this vast, fantastical cosmos? Dive into the heart of adventure, where every turn leads to a new mystery, every alley hides a forgotten lore, and every character you meet could alter the course of your destiny. Welcome to the world of  Universal Journey, where the only limit is your imagination. Embark on your odyssey. Embrace the unknown. Welcome to "Aethercross."

Frank_Schu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Chapter 57: Winds of Change

Inside the military tent of the Firefeather Army, the generals gathered around the sand table, the atmosphere heavy with tension.

Sky (Yudel) glanced over the seated generals and asked, "This is the final revision of our tactical plan. If anyone has anything to say, speak now. Once we leave this tent, I expect no further doubts, only unwavering execution of our tasks."

The generals looked at each other, no one speaking for a moment.

Sky (Yudel) chuckled and said, "I know what you're thinking. This final tactical plan sounds insane, risky, and almost unbelievable. A nine in ten chance of death, right?"

Finally, the left army's commander, John Limo, broke the silence, "Such tactics and formation strategies are unprecedented. The risks are incalculable. Victory means total success, defeat means utter failure. It's a gamble of the highest order."

Most of the generals nodded in agreement with John Limo's perspective.

Sky (Yudel) nodded as well and added, "Indeed, but consider our options. We are experienced generals. Think about it—if we do not utterly defeat the Blackwater Army here, and they take Deerfield city, destroying the entire Swan Empire, their march eastward will be unopposed. With 300,000 Blackwater soldiers pushing forward, will we have a chance to turn the tide?"

Raising his voice, Sky (Yudel) continued, "So, today, on this battlefield, is our last chance to fight a decisive battle. It's either victory or death. We are soldiers, generals. Consider what we've always strived for. If we die on the battlefield today, we die as heroes of the Firefeather Nation, honored by generations to come. If we win, our names will forever shine in the annals of Pan continent."

Hearing this, the generals felt their resolve harden. The Firefeather Nation was known for its fierce people, and the army had few who feared death. To them, dying in battle was not the worst fate; living in obscurity or losing without a trace was.

Seeing their expressions, Sky (Yudel) knew he had swayed them and said, "Alright, gentlemen, assemble your troops and prepare to move out."

The generals responded with a thunderous agreement and dispersed.

"Generals Judah and Bruce, stay behind for a moment," Sky (Yudel) called out.

Moments later, inside the tent, Bruce's eyes sparkled as he looked at Sky (Yudel), "Your Majesty, why didn't you share this tactical plan with the other generals?"

Sky (Yudel) smiled and punched Bruce lightly in the chest, "If I did, we'd lose the element of surprise. How about it? Can you handle the pressure? It's not going to be easy for you this time."

Bruce grinned, "I can handle it. It's General Judah who's under the real pressure, facing a life-or-death situation."

Sky (Yudel) turned to Judah, whose handsome face remained expressionless, like a marble statue. Smiling, Sky (Yudel) also punched Judah lightly, "Show some emotion once in a while. Feeling the pressure?"

Judah replied emotionlessly, "I swear to complete the mission."

"I don't want you dead; I want the mission accomplished flawlessly," Sky (Yudel) stated.

"Understood," replied Judah.

The Holy Maiden Lilith (Lilianna) approached, placing her right hand over her left chest and gave Judah a blessing from the Holy Light Church, "May the Holy Light protect you."

Judah responded with the same gesture, "May the Holy Light protect."

"Go. May fortune favor you both," Sky (Yudel) said.

As the generals left the tent, the sound of a large number of soldiers departing echoed from outside.

Only Sky (Yudel) and Lilith (Lilianna) remained. Standing up, Lilith (Lilianna) said, "I should go prepare the Holy Light Priesthood. See you in a bit."

Sky (Yudel) stopped her, "Are we asking too much of the Demon Hunter Legion this time? I know their faith is strong and their combat prowess outstanding, but they are human. They tire and falter."

Lilith (Lilianna) came closer, chuckling, "Don't worry about that. Here, let me share a little secret with you." She whispered something into Sky (Yudel)'s ear.

Sky (Yudel)'s eyes widened, "Really? Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"It's not too late now," Lilith (Lilianna) replied, turning to leave.

"What else haven't you told me?" Sky (Yudel) called after her.

"When it's time, you'll know," Lilith (Lilianna) called back without turning.

Sky (Yudel) shook his head with a wry smile and headed outside.

Lifting the heavy tent flap, sunlight bathed the Firefeather Army's temporary camp. Not far behind the camp flowed the Deerfield River, its banks crowded with civilian ferries and Firefeather military ships.

The wind started to pick up, causing flags on the boats and ships to flutter loudly.

Last night, using ferries requisitioned along the river and their own warships, the Firefeather Army had swiftly crossed the river, allowing them a few hours of rest.

The camp buzzed with activity as soldiers prepared for battle, organizing into formations, reinforcing the camp, and setting up defensive works and temporary magical barriers and wards.

The camp gates were now open, and the 6,000 members of the silver-armored Demon Hunter Legion silently and efficiently departed, followed by 10,000 warriors of Bruce's right army, mostly infantry with a small cavalry contingent for protection. Holy Light Church priests were interspersed within the ranks, and elite scout cavalry had already moved ahead toward the target.

These forces were tasked with ambushing the Blackwater Army's supply lines, likely facing enemy forces many times their number in retaliation. It was uncertain how many would return alive.

Sky (Yudel) watched them leave, the morning sun casting a golden silhouette around him.

Chief Strategist Chester and the newly appointed aide Xavier approached, Chester reporting, "Your Majesty, all units have assembled according to plan. Aside from the 5,000 guards left to defend the camp, all soldiers are ready to strike."

"The winds have risen," Sky (Yudel) remarked, still facing the gate.

"Sir?" Chester didn't immediately grasp Sky (Yudel)'s meaning.

Turning, Sky (Yudel) elaborated, "The winds have risen, the east wind blowing west. Let's hope it lasts all day." He paused, then asked, "Are the soldiers on the ships ready?"

Chester smiled slightly, "Yes, Your Majesty. All but the largest warship are manned and ready."

Sky (Yudel) nodded, "Let's go."