
Aether Beasts

Long ago a great calamity struck the earth, destroying much of it and merging what remained with pieces of other worlds. With these worlds came Aether, a new form of energy that can allow one to transcend the bounds of normal mortality and human limitations. In a world where humans absorb the essence of aether beasts to gain power, Aiden Hawke joins the class of humans known as arcanists, people who defeat aether beasts and absorb their essence into cores they forge within themselves, and who infuse themselves with the aether that permeates the world around them to increase the power of their body and mind. However, unlike most, Aiden will find that he holds a unique gift and that his journey as an arcanist will not be so simple.

I_S_Rift · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
269 Chs

Chapter 229

There was utter silence from the crowd before loud applause sounded, but I didn't get to focus much on that as I felt Zirani appear by my side, her eyes troubled and worried.

"Later," I said mentally. "It's complicated."

I sent her the general rundown of what had occurred, and I could sense through our bond that she had a multitude of questions for both me and the lost queen but after taking a deep breath she stood.

"Get the healers to check them up," she shouted, raising a hand to silence the crowd. She grasped my right arm and thrust it up into the air. "The winner of this bout is Aiden Hawke. Both fought well and put on a good viewing for us all, so give both congratulations and the respect they are due."