
Aeternitas: The Shores of Destiny

AETERNITAS is a vibrant, character-driven academia & action fantasy in the vein of Harry Potter and The Last Airbender. It grapples sincerely with a boy's epic quest for power and revenge, and his encounters with love and loss, innocence and youth, as well as bullying and mental health, weaving themselves over a backdrop of an ancient and existential evil that is battled with high-octane action featuring creative elemental combat. Readers can expect elements fundamental to academia, action, and progression fantasies. Competition, camaraderie, friendships, duels, love, loss, school life, dormitory life, training for power, wise mentors, kind and scary professors, headmasters with mythic abilities, and eldritch monsters that shamble the halls all find a place in AETERNITAS: The Shores of Destiny. * * * When his father is killed, Elwin has two choices: One, to live the life of a nobody at a small inn, cowering from the world that’s out to get him, or Two, avenge his father, and free himself from the clutches of fate. Blamed for the murder of 13,000 lives committed by his father, neither choice is easy for Elwin. Both require sacrifice. The first choice, while guaranteeing safety, will forever rob him of his ability to dream – it will make him an ant among thousands, dooming him to work as a waiter-boy until he draws his last breath as an old janitor in some dingy cupboard. The second choice is sure to rob him of his life at the hands of his father's killers, but he has a chance to reforge his own destiny, even if short. Like the Icarus of your world to the Sun, he will fly – but only briefly. And in the midst of his conundrum, he receives two guests shrouded in secrecy, accompanying with them a mysterious connection to his father’s work. They offer him a glimpse of a dream beyond his wildest imaginations: To become a new Sun, instead. Follow Elwin as he grows up from a little boy to a young teenager, throwing himself into an epic quest to absolve his name and regain his heart. Chosen by a mysterious benefactor and cast into an eminent academy where every peer is superior to him, he must reforge his reputation and prove that he is just as worthy, and just as capable of being loved, as anyone else. Chapter by chapter, he will learn to control the elements of the world, and in time, even the atoms themselves, eventually wresting control over the very quills by which the cosmos is written. He will forge new friendships amidst the fires and blood of battle, amidst joyous celebrations, and amidst the sky-ringing sendoffs for his fallen allies; they will together become legends with Elwin as their paragon, all for a chance to rewrite their destinies. Every step that he takes will bring him further and further to enshrining his place and legacy in the tapestry of time. The only question is – how far can he go? Especially in the face of creatures that devour the Sun? * * * Join me in unfolding this odyssey, half a decade in the works!

Toshinori_Heiichi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
128 Chs


"Candidate 17 from the Republic of Ascension, Mr. Elwin Eramir..." announced the superintendent from behind his glass-booth, "As a result of no-show for your session, you've been disqualified from Aeternitas Admissions."

Elwin nodded. He rushed out the gates by choice; by doing so, he did his part in saving Isaac's father. Now it was time to own his choice, courageously, and without regret.

But he needed some answers.

"Sir, why didn't the guards chase after the thief?"

The superintendent breathed a short sigh.

"Regrettably," he continued in monotone, "our primary duty is to prevent dangerous and unauthorized people from entering those gates. All those who enter the complex are verified by us at the front gate, so it doesn't stand to reason why we should be hounding them on the way out, no?"

Wow, sticking to their exact list of duties, huh? Elwin thought to himself.

"Even if a person runs out with five rucksacks on his back?"

"The guards would have had to leave their post with little time to find a replacement. For all we know, all of this could have been an attempt at diversion so someone else could get in. That could be far more dangerous, won't you agree?"

"Ah, that's..."

"If you're so inclined, we can investigate where that thief came from, how he got in, bring him to justice, and the like," the superintendent continued, sounding rather exhausted.

"That wouldn't be necessary. I already took care of it."

"Oh?" The superintendent glanced up, relief in his eye. "That's one less thing for me to do. Are you sure you wouldn't like to file a report?"

"No. I don't think it'd help. I got the rucksacks back already. They're safe and sound."

He held out the rucksacks with both of his hands.

"May I return these rucksacks to the rightful owners? I want to do it in person," asked Elwin, hoisting his own over his back.

"No. Just leave them here and I will see to it that they are returned."

"No, I need to return them in person. I need to make sure because the rucksacks have something important that belongs to my friend – friends."

The superintendent sighed. "Acceptable. But you'll not enter any of the examination chambers or disturb the other applicants, and exit the premises immediately after you return those rucksacks. Mr. Kruger here will accompany you."

The same officer at the gate whom Elwin talked to a few hours ago walked with Elwin into the courtyard's waiting area. Two boys and a girl, whose rucksacks had been taken, rushed to thank Elwin for his efforts. But Isaac was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Isaac?"

"The boy with the green-hair? He just went into the office of appeals. He should be out shortly. Most probably."

Elwin and Mr. Kruger sat on the bench, alone. The exam hall was almost empty; most of the pupils who came in that early afternoon had already finished their exams and left. 

When everybody was out of earshot, Mr. Kruger took a long swig from his water-flask and spoke.

"You've got some major gut in you."

Elwin didn't know how to respond. He kept silent, staring at the potted flowers in front of him by the courtyard pillars, petals craning sideways into the brief piece of the open sky above them.

Mr. Kruger continued, looking neither at Elwin nor away, but straight on towards the center of the emptying hall.

"And here I thought our Republics was done for. Full of selfish, cynical people, even children... with the regard only for their own life and wealth, and none for others. The people running our world, especially."

Mr. Kruger sighed a long sigh and looked up, in what appeared to be both lamentation and relief. Elwin did the same; fluffy cumulus clouds lofted mightily in the sky, white with golden gleam, catching the rays of the setting sun. 

"I once sat here on this same bench, 30 years ago. I was an applicant, too. But I wasn't good enough to get in."

A pause, then an acknowledgement.

"You were?"

"Mm-hmm. I wasn't able to amount to something greater in life like I wished. Now I sit behind the booth trying to help the next generation become great."

What would Mr. Kruger be feeling now? After all these years? Elwin sat wading in deep thought.

"In my booth, I see a lot of talented youngsters with brilliant blessings in the Arts. But very seldom do I witness those with heart."


"You and the green-haired boy, what was his name – Isaac – you didn't know each other before the exam, did you?"

Elwin had no intention to answer, because that'd mean Isaac would get in trouble. He kept quiet and looked away. Mr. Kruger looked at him, then into the distance again. He quietly spoke.

"You two... don't lose sight of your own humanity." 

He stood up, ready to leave.

"Just give Isaac his rucksack when he comes out. I'm too old to be guarding a hope of your generation like he's some sort of criminal. Rules be damned."

Mr. Kruger gave Elwin a brief nod of acknowledgement, and walked off without another word.

Elwin was now utterly alone; only half a dozen pupils remained in the courtyard, in the far-off distance.

And silently, out of conspicuous sight, a certain professor of Aeternitas had witnessed the entirety of Elwin's deeds that fateful day, from the exam hall to the streets.


"Thank you, thank you!" said Isaac, crying into his sleeves.

"I felt so powerless... so powerless to do anything. I'm so sorry, Elwin. I'm so sorry."

Elwin brushed off the concern with a hearty smile. "Don't worry about it. I wouldn't have been able to enter the exam hall at all without your help."

Isaac put back the tiny vials of medicine from his rucksack into his pockets. Miraculously, none were damaged in the chase a few hours ago.

"How was the exam?" asked Elwin.

"Feverishly hard. I couldn't concentrate, but tried my best." Isaac clutched his head, ashamed at having Elwin throw away his own future for him. But he didn't want to make Elwin uncomfortable, so didn't press further. He regathered his composure, and spoke.

"Elwin, I will remember and cheer for you no matter where you are. Even though fate weaves us apart, just as quickly as it entwined us... even if you cannot be at Aeternitas, and I for some miraculous reason do enter... I will still be by your side when you need me."

He carefully rummaged through his rucksack and took out a humble-looking instrument, red and worn with the memories of time, but with a charm that he saw nowhere else.

"It's my lucky harmonica. I want you to have it."

"A harmonica?" asked Elwin, having never seen one before.

"Yeah, it's an instrument with which you can make music. You blow on it, and it plays different tunes. You can play it really well if you know the Art of Air. My father gave it to me a long time ago as a good luck charm to find a way in the dark."

"Are you sure I should have this? I mean, your father entrusted it to you..."

"He gifted it to me. I'm sure he would want you to have it, especially after all you've done for me. For us."

Elwin carefully received the harmonica with both hands and wrapped it in his handkerchief. He placed it in his right pocket, next to his father's pocket watch on the left.

"Thank you, Isaac." 

The two boys, one blessed by MANASURA and one by ARTAIA, embraced in the witness of the setting Sun, and went their own ways, wishing to meet each other again.


The return journey was melancholic. Elwin peered out the same windows on the Lumière Express he rode just yesterday, now going home. After today's events, he felt he had transformed as a person. He needed more time and introspection to find out exactly what or how, but he felt different; no longer innocent. Slowly but surely, he was making headway into the world beyond his family, beyond the cages of his past. There was, of course, uncertainty about his future, now that he'd need to find something different to do and could not attend Aeternitas. But there also sprouted a fresh bravery in his heart; a feeling he could do anything he willed. 

As the landscape swept across him and the sacred mountain-volcano faded from view, the twilight blanketed the heavens again. Mr. Kruger's words echoed in Elwin's head as he lay asleep in his cabin, his rucksack now held tight.

"You two... don't lose sight of your own humanity." 

What could have he meant?


"My son is all grown-up!" said Anna, cooking up a hearty meal upon Elwin's return. She'd heard everything that happened from Elwin when he arrived, and while she felt sorry that he could not attend Aeternitas now, she fully supported her son's choices. She wasn't the type of parent to criticize her children when they did things contrary to what everyone else did – every cynical person did – and if Carl was here, he would have praised Elwin all the same. 

She brought out the marlin steak, sizzling on the pan.

"What's that amazing smell?" remarked Andre, peeking out of his room.

"Marlin steak?" Elwin exclaimed, his eyes wide. "But mom, these are... these are expensive! You would have had to fill an order directly at the fishmonger and –"

And yes, Elwin was right. Marlin steak was indeed expensive if procured on the market, and rare that it'd have taken several days to get. Elwin and Anna were only able to enjoy it back in the day because Carl knew the seas very well to hunt them himself.

Mom had probably been preparing all of this even before I left for the capital – was the only thing Elwin could think.

"Let's eat, Elwin, Andre. Today is special."

Elwin tucked in on the marlin steak, and it was just as he once had with his dad. As he ate, memories of the old world flooded into his mind; and teardrops too, in his eye.