
Aerea Targaryen: One Shot

Fanfiction about Aerea Targaryen. Tr it our and tell me if its good. If its good then I am gonna try and more fanfics and maybe stories as well

Diamond_Trooper · Livros e literatura
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Aerea Targaryen

3rd Person POV


Under the moonlit skies, Princess Aerea Targaryen embarked on a perilous journey alongside her beloved dragon, Balerion. Their destination was the uncharted, mysterious continent of Sothoryos. Aerea's insatiable curiosity and the formidable power of Balerion were their only companions on this daring expedition.

Navigating through the thick, unexplored jungles of Sothoryos, they encountered strange creatures and unearthed legends of lost civilizations. Aerea's unyielding determination mirrored the Targaryen spirit that had driven her to Valyria.

As they delved deeper into the wilderness, an ominous presence began to haunt them. They felt the same malevolence that had once plagued Valyria. A colossal firewyrm, black as obsidian and wreathed in flames, emerged from the depths of Sothoryos. It was a creature of ancient and terrible power, its fiery breath a devastating force.

Balerion rose to the challenge, battling the monstrous firewyrm with all his might. However, in the midst of the conflict, a grave calamity struck. The firewyrm's fiery breath engulfed Aerea, infecting her with a malevolent disease that seemed to defy all reason. Balerion, too, suffered grievous injuries, his scales scorched and his wings damaged.

Their strength waning, Aerea and Balerion hastily retreated from Sothoryos, leaving the horrors of the jungle behind. They set a course for Old Valyria, seeking knowledge and power that might hold the key to their salvation.

Upon reaching the cursed land, they found themselves ensnared in a relentless web of danger. The ancient Valyrian ruins harbored dark and haunting secrets, and a sense of doom hung heavily in the air. Aerea's affliction had worsened, her once-pale skin now marred with fiery blisters, and her mind lost in a nightmarish maze of hallucinations.

With heavy hearts, Balerion carried Aerea back to Dragonstone, the ancestral home of House Targaryen. The realm's most skilled maesters and sorcerers were summoned, but none could offer a cure for Aerea's mysterious ailment.

In her final days, Aerea's suffering only intensified, and her mind descended into madness. She died in a feverish delirium, her once-lustrous silver-gold hair turned gray and brittle. Her passing was a grim reminder of the dangers lurking in the ancient, cursed lands of Valyria and Sothoryos, and of the enduring mysteries that shroud them in dread and doom.

The tragic tale of Aerea Targaryen serves as a somber lesson, a stark reminder of the price paid by those who dare to explore the secrets of these ancient, forbidden lands.

If you guys want me to create a short story on it, message me or email me on trustintheprocessdude@gmail.com

Diamond_Troopercreators' thoughts