
Aella (The Ravishing trouble)

Far from the human world in the realm of Mystica, there was a great warrior Aella, the most powerful among all her companions, the protector of 7 sacred stones, loyal to her companions and dedicated to her Kingdom. She never questioned her origins. She surely was different because of her ocean Blue Eyes that depicted her blue crystal which was in place of her heart. Things turned upside down when she was cursed by her own companion to fall in love again and again and be vulnerable to it and to feel the pain, she never felt in deadliest wars. Now, the question is how can a warrior with no heart fall in love again and again ? Who in the world can make her vulnerable when her heart does not even beat ? When human are the only creatures who always dared to accept the challenges no one could in the universe....

Arhama_Ali · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

The Spoiled princess and Cold General

The King of Menoran is known for his generosity and justice, unlike other kings, he never made differences between his sons and daughters.

On the birth of his 6th and last child when his fourth wife died, whom he loved the most. He declared in the kingdom there is not at all any older or younger in the line of throne for my next generation, among my children the one who is most worthy and intelligent shall get the Crown.

He never knew that his last daughter, the beautiful among all the princess is going to be the official royal brat. The princess with blue ocean eyes and extra ordinary intelligence. She was going to be known as the most notorious person ever in the royal palace.

Meanwhile, the leader of Black's Clan had twins identical, but opposite to each other. One was vicious while other was the cold, rude and quite. He hated people who interfered in his business.

The three of them were of same age. The three of them were famous for their intelligence all over the nation. No one could beat them in any competition whether it was literary, or martial they were unique in their own ways.

The little princess was favorite of king, yet she was 10 she desired the attention of her cold fellow, always pushing away his other twin who wanted to be benefited by getting close to her.

Her beauty and intelligence made the other wives of king jealous and insecure of this lonely princess without mother so they started to spoil her. She never wanted to hurt anyone but the way her cold fellow ignored her made her even more aggressive and lonely

It was the time when they turned 13, day by day she was known as the most disliked princess no one understood her. The jealousy of her sisters made her feel alone. Her only relief was staring him for hours while they practiced poem in pavilion.

She was happiest in her life for the first time. When she found that her cold admiration is going to be her bodyguard. This happiness was temporary as she heard him saying to his twin, "I dont like princess. She is the most annoying girl I can ever meet."

Her heart broke, in anger she set the pavilion on fire, crying silently she sat there. The queen who was always rude to her, found the chance to punish her. She was silent, when queen punished her to be flogged 30 times.

She widened her eyes when she saw him speaking for her for the first time. He kneeled on ground in front of queen and pleaded, "My queen I am her protector and I request you to punish me in place of her and forgive young princess."

That day a 13 year old boy was not being flogged alone, but with every strike it was making her fall for him head over heels in love. Every strike on his body made her cry the tears of blood. Every strike on him made her hate the royal queen even more.

She was locked in her mother's palace where she cried all night for him. On the other hand he was going to be sent to the borders of Menoran without informing her. When she found about it she sneaked out of the palace to meet him.

He was cold as usual. She tried to touch his hand but he stopped her and said, "Princess you are not supposed to be here." She looked at him in guilt and wanted to say something but was interrupted by him. When he coldly said, "It was my duty princess. Please don't expect anything from me. I am your bodyguard, I just can not disrespect you by neglecting your feelings, I dont like you. Don't make it hard for me."

She stood there in agony thinking to herself, "Why am I not worth him ?" Time flew and she turned 18. It was thought that time may change her, but she became even more problematic princess irritating everyone. Sometimes she would trouble the concubines of king. Sometime she would prank her brothers and sisters.

She would even enjoy scamming the ministers. She was like an eyesore to everyone. A time came when king summoned her to the royal court because of countless complains.

When her father interrogated her, she shamelessly kept quiet. No prince dared to marry her because of her chaotic personality. This made king even more worried that his most intelligent and beautiful daughter is such a trouble.

Suddenly her vicious fellow in greed of royalty came forward, but before he could speak she stroke his face with her Golden dagger swiftly creating a scar on his face. The whole royal court gasped in shock.

Rage was like fire visible in her eyes, when she spoke "Nobody shall interfere in my business, I have chosen the man of my life. The one who dares to come closer to me he shall rot in hell."

The king softly asked her about the man, when her expressions changed and she spoke, "The Great General Black" everyone was stunned at the name as they knew, he is the youngest yet coldest man of the Blacks.

The king without wasting anytime summoned General from the border and announced the royal marriage on the condition that princess shall not create any trouble again. Princess was shocked but was happy after a long time.

It was her wedding day the General in his red attire seemed angry and unhappy, she realized it but shrugged it off as long as she was happy. They took the vows together. As the royal priest guided them.

Her eyes widened when the last ritual was to be done. Things changed her heart, drowned in a moment when he came closer to her lips and whispered, "I told you that I dont like you." With that he moved away.

It was night she stood in the same pavilion in palace where she stared him for hours years ago. The couple's palace was under construction so they stayed in her palace for time being.

The General entered into the pavilion and rebuked her for she forced him in this marriage and said, "I will never love such a spoiled women." She whispered to herself when he walked away tears in her eyes, "But I will always love you my General."

He left to border without telling her, its been 4 years he never came back to her as she always wondered, "Will he ever fall for her ?"

Meiki took a long sigh as he huffed, "The story is still incomplete I hope Commander does not get angry at me for incomplete love story when she wakes up."