
Aelia's Journey To True Love

After being betrayed by the one she loved, she quickly turned her sadness into anger and wished to take revenge. To do so, she must get into a love contract with his grace, the Grand Duke. Will he accept? If yes, then what's in store for their journey ahead? If not, will she be beheaded for such a bold idea?

kiyoko_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Preparations and Second Thoughts




It had been weeks since the encounter with Javier. Surprisingly, Aelia did not coincidentally meet neither the man nor the woman after that. Soon, they left her thoughts as she became busy with preparations for the engagement ceremony. The past few days had been hectic enough but today was worse as the party would be held at night. Aelia let out a soft sigh as she let herself fall on her bed. She had just got a break from everything which had been going on for hours and hours. To her it seemed as though it had been an eternity and she wished for everything to be over already. As she remained on the bed, someone knocked.

Thinking that it was her maids who had come to help her into her dress, "Come in."

However, she was left surprised as it was not them. It was her brother. The eldest, Alex. "Hey."

"Uhh... is everything okay? Why are you here?"

"No reason, I was just reminiscing."

Aelia remained with a confused expression on her face as the man chuckled sadly.

"Look, Lia.. you are my younger sister. I've been with you since you were a baby. Now you're getting engaged, before me might I add, it's just strange... you don't seem any older than when you were five. You are my little sister and always will be. I guess, I am just a bit sad you have to go." Alex had his head down as he spoke.

Altair popped out from behind Alex and nodded furiously, "Even though, I know Ezekiel is a good person and he is the best you could ever have. It still seems bizarre. I really want to oppose this but I cannot. You are old enough to decide and if this is what you are happy with. We are happy too." When he spoke of the last sentence, he and Alex exchanged looks.

Aelia looked at them for a while before embracing the both in a big hug, "I love you guys too. And don't worry! I'm still here for the time being. We can make the most of it. Thank you, my dear older brothers."

The three siblings shared a moment before separating.

"Soo.. let's just never speak of this again." Altair scratched the back of his neck, looking embarrassed.

"Yea, I agree." Alex nodded.

"Nuh-uh, I'm telling everyone. Mom! Dad!" Aelia teasingly ran out of the door.

She was quickly pulled back in the room and shushed by her brothers. The two men soon left so that she could get ready. The maids entered and soon another session of torture was ensued on her. Aelia was scrubbed from head to toe then was soaked in rose water. After that, her body was wrapped up in cloth soon replaced with the light purple dress which had been gifted to her by the Grand Duke. Then, her hair was combed and brushed to silky perfection. The maids then adorned the lady with jewellery. The pieces were not too big. They looked simple but were intricately woven with the finest gold and silver. Her lips and cheeks were then tinted with a rose colour and her feet were slid into the most beautiful pair of crystal clear heels. The woman stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself. 'Is this really me?...' The maids then left as Aelia's family entered the room.

Marquess Perez had tears in his eyes as he looked at his daughter, "My, you look absolutely stunning my dear."

Marchioness dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief as she went in for a hug, "I have to agree with your father. Never have I seen such a beautiful lady."

"Yea, she is not bad looking now that she put on all that." Alex and Altair laughed, trying to ease their nerves by joking about.

Aelia looked smug and gave them a 'Really?' expression, "Haha. Very funny, who was just in my r-"

"Anyways!" Alex switched the subject not wanting Aelia to expose him and Altair. "When's my future brother-in-law coming?"

"I think Ezekiel is just about to arrive." Altair gave Alex a relieved expression, grateful to have the subject being changed.

The second-born's statement was soon proved to be correct as the butler rushed in, informing them about the Grand Duke's arrival. The Marquess and Marchioness first left the room, followed by the two brothers. Aelia was then left alone in her room once more. She gave another good look at herself in the mirror, deep in thought. 'Is this revenge plan really all worth it? I mean.. I have a loving family and a man who is willing to be here for me and love me very much. Should I really chase after vengeance?' As she thought this, Aelia got flashbacks of the times she had spent with Javier. The woman also remembered that fateful night where it all went to shambles as she saw the events unfold. Aelia would have never imagined that he was cheating on her. Or maybe well... he never liked her and it was all a ploy to get money out of her. She did remember him taking quite a portion of her monthly spendings, leaving her with barely anything. This was also what made her family suspicious of the man as he always took her out or came to her for money. Aelia, of course, being in love did not see the signs. Her resolve for retribution against Javier became stronger. She will take back each and every single penny back from him. Her palms had nail marks embedded into them as she, unknowingly, clenched her hands way too tight. Luckily, she noticed before the marks had started to bleed and stopped. Taking some ointment from the dresser next to the bed, she applied it on her palm with gentle fingers.

"Alright let's do this!" She said out loud to herself after placing the ointment back on the table and walked out of her room, confidently.


