
Aelia's Journey To True Love

After being betrayed by the one she loved, she quickly turned her sadness into anger and wished to take revenge. To do so, she must get into a love contract with his grace, the Grand Duke. Will he accept? If yes, then what's in store for their journey ahead? If not, will she be beheaded for such a bold idea?

kiyoko_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Engagement Ceremony




It had been hectic for Ezekiel as well but for all the different reasons than Aelia. He had to check the venue, to make sure it was perfect. The man then had to oversee the food, had to make sure that her favourite flowers were ready, had to recheck to see if he still had the ring. The Grand Duke was a nervous mess. And his subordinates were shocked as they had never seen the powerful, strong man be in such a dishevelled state.

"This lady must really be something to make his grace be reduced to such a state.."

"I agree, I cannot believe our Grand Duke is actually going to get engaged!"

"It often seemed like he was going to die alone so I am happy that he will have someone now."

They all meant well but their comments only irritated the man and so he glared at them to make them back off. Once they were out of sight, he let out a sigh as he sat on the edge of his bed turning a box, which had the ring, in his hand. He knew it would take some time before she fell for him but he was still nervous. The man did not want her to go to any other person for help, he wanted her to rely on him for this certain plan as it involved marriage. Ezekiel opened the box slightly and stared at the ring inside. 'I hope she likes it.' Soon, it was time for him to get ready as well. He was fitted into his suit and his hair was slicked back. Ezekiel looked at himself in the mirror once more, making sure he looked dashing. He, then, left in his carriage for the Perez Manor. Upon arriving, he was greeted by the Marquess and the Marchioness, then by her brothers. The man waited patiently for Aelia to come out and when she did, his heart beated at a much rapid pace. His eyes followed her completely, not once leaving her out of his sight as she came closer and closer.

Her sweet, gentle voice brought him back to consciousness, "So.. how do I look?"

"Absolutely gorgeous. You're breath-taking." The man blurted out just as he had done before but this time, did not try to play it off.

He gave her his hand and helped her up the carriage, his eyes never once leaving her.

Aelia seemed to have noticed as her cheeks became rosier than the tint which had been already applied. She mumbled under her breath, loud enough for him to hear, "You look.. handsome as well.." Then turned her face towards the other way.

The Grand Duke chuckled before getting in, "Why thank you, my dear lady."




The two were soon at the venue, they had decided to use the ballroom of the Royal Palace. The Grand Duke, being the grandson of the current Emperor, was easily able to receive permission for their event. Ezekiel and Aelia walked in hand-in-hand into the room filled with people. They first went to give their greetings to the Royal family and had small talk with them. The event had soon been commenced officially and the newly engaged couple made their way to the middle of the ballroom to have the first dance. The music started just as they had gotten in their positions and soon everyone's eyes remained on them, breathtaken at how smooth and elegant they moved and how perfectly the pair complemented each other. Soft whispers of 'oohs' and 'ahs' were heard as Aelia twirled in the Grand Duke's arms, ending the dance. The nobles gathered all began to clap to celebrate and join them in their happiness. Soon, the rest joined the couple and danced as well. However, Aelia and Ezekiel decided to go take a breather on the balcony.

"It's finally done, I'm never going to let you go." The man whispered as he gently embraced her small stature from behind.

Aelia was in shock due to the sudden physical touch but said nothing and let him hug her for a while in silence. The woman turned her attention towards the full moon in the sky with numerous stars surrounding it. She shut her eyes feeling a bit secure due to the hug and comforted by the calmness of the silence which shrouded the two. However, the moment shared by the two was interrupted by a knock on the door and Ezekiel had to leave, much to his sorrow, to discuss certain political issues. Aelia was left all by herself but she did not mind. She decided to leave the balcony to interact with other prominent noble figures as she will be the Grand Duchess after all and she must make connections.




The night was long yet fruitfull and soon they had departed the Royal Palace to go back to the Perez manor. The journey was one filled with silence but neither of them began to speak for they both were far too tired to even open their mouth. After Ezekiel had made sure that Aelia was back in her room safe and sound, he took his leave despite the multiple protests from her parents asking him to stay as it was far too late. But being the gentleman he is, he wishes not to trouble anyone and had decided to go back. Meanwhile, Aelia was in her room pondering about the events which she wanted to happen planned out in her mind, she decided to record them in a book and got out an old journal which she had kept since she was a child. However, only one or two pages were filled as she had stopped writing. Aelia begun to write enclosing all the details and the thoughts in her mind into the journal. She smiled wryly as she finally stopped writing and decided to go to sleep.


