"Dorne, sent by my uncle to protect me," Standing up I gently placed a kiss on the cheek of Kyra causing her to frown. In response I only chuckled, turning back to Daenerys. "She's done more than that, she's crossed not only a sea but a dessert for me. Now she will protect you, she will go everywhere you go, making sure you're safe not only from assassins. But from your brother and his people. You will treat her with respect, she isn't a servant, she isn't a slave, she's a friend, one that I trust not only with my life but with yours."
Daenerys nodded and I could feel the unease coming from her, "the next couple of days won't be pleasant for you but with her by your side at least you'll know you will survive. We begin our travels and horseback riding for hours on hours each day will take its toll on you."
"Aegon do you mind if I speak with you for a second, in private?"
Nodding I followed Kyra outside of the tent with a look of confusion on her face. "Why are you doing this to her?"
"Because the future will be dangerous and right now I need to know she has what it takes to survive. If she relies on you these next couple of days it'll prove how weak-hearted she truly is." Sadly I couldn't risk Daenerys turning into some egotistical monarch. She needed to suffer setback after setback it was the only way I would be able to trust her.
"Right now she's a liability, I can't always be at her side protecting her. She has to learn to be her own person, once we get settled into our travels I'll need you to begin training her." I would allow Daenerys to grow into someone not so easily broken.
"It will be done," Kyra was similar to me even if she wouldn't admit it. Everything she did was for a reason and I was confident she wouldn't allow Daenerys weakness to get in the way of her revenge.
"My Prince," A voice drew our attention. There stood a young female wearing Dothraki slave garbs. Just by the look in her eyes, I could tell she was one of Rabi's.
"These are for the princess," In her hands rested a pair of leather pants and a brown shirt. Daenerys would surely look amazing in them.
"Take them to her." I would allow her to get dressed, there was no need for me to be constantly looking over her shoulder. Today would be the worst, the path to the Dosh Khaleen was long and treacherous.
2 weeks had passed and the fire that burned in most of the Targaryens seemed to burn especially bright within Daenerys. Watching Daenerys experience the pain of saddle soreness day in and day out enlightened Aegon. Each day she would awake with determination in her eyes and the love she had once had for her horse seemed to be fading. It wasn't going away but she seemed to realize what a strenuous activity horse riding actually is. The Dothraki rode constantly with barely any breaks, Nethimi would soon give birth and making sure that birth took place in the Dosh Khaleen was the Khalasar's main priority. At night she would bathe in hot water as the soreness took place, Aegon's warmth seemed to help. But he wasn't the reason she was able to awaken the next day with no pain and ride again.
It wasn't included in the show but Daenerys was strong-willed, each night a flame so hot it would burn humans alive seemed to appear within her. Aegon hadn't noticed due to the heat having no effect on him but Daenerys was essentially healing herself. Her willpower as the dragon, as a Targaryen allowed her to use bits of magic to take away the soreness in her body. Each day she rode with new vigor for longer periods of time. He had a feeling that had he been able to see this while watching the shows things would have been different. This Daenerys would never allow her closest friend to die in the hands of the Cercei. This Daenerys who had gone through so much pain to become fit to rule would never go mad. She wouldn't care that she was in a place that didn't welcome her. What palace ever did, she would rise up as she had done from the very beginning to prove her existence as a dragon. As a Queen.
There was no love between them yet but he could feel the care she showed him, even as the pain threatened to take her whole. Their conversations at night were something Aegon found himself looking forward to. Kyra was cool and all but she wasn't exactly the talkative type. Whereas talking to Daenerys seemed so natural, Aegon didn't mind talking but he had spent most of his years alone with few people to talk to. He was accustomed to long periods of silence.
He watched as Daenerys descended from her horse dubbed the silver. Its silver hair almost matches that of her own. Seeing the sweat on her face he felt a bit of pride, she was doing better than even he had expected.
She flashed him a small smile before taking a deep breath, they had been riding for hours and she was fatigued. One of the blood riders had already gone ahead with the slaves to make the tents. They usually sat out the same way, Drogo's tent directly in the center and not too far away. Getting to Drogo's tent would still take a while considering he would be forced to walk through the groups of tents between theirs. Not to mention the fact that the Dothraki were known to party throughout the nights.
Walking to his tent he found a tub of hot water already awaiting him, he didn't exactly like slavery but he had to admit they were good at making sure everything was set out perfectly. It wasn't too long before Daenerys entered right after him, they rested in the hot water for a while before laying down amongst the plethora of pillows. Sleep came fast especially for those who were fatigued.
Cyberpunk 2077 is out...
If you'd like to read ahead.