

Reigh hadn’t been able to help but stare a moment in appreciation as they’d arrived at Aides’ place, her eyes taking in the impressive piece of real estate that was placed right in the middle of the woods.

She realized the guesses she'd been making on the way here had been completely off. She’d expected something like a top-floor bachelor pad complete with an infinity pool, smack in the middle of the city, but this was more of a secluded bungalow in the middle of nowhere.

Black-stained panels rose up high to form walls that were interrupted only by large, spacious windows, and the entire place was shaped in a way that complemented the woods around it rather than abrupt them. It radiated quiet more than anything; cold and dark, yes, but also safe and private.

Safe and private was exactly what she needed right now.

“Sit, dear.”

A lovely old woman who had introduced herself as misses Wilkinson gestured towards a dark leather sofa, urging for Reigh to take place on it. In her hands she held a plate with a steaming hot cup of coffee and a bowl of cookies.

“Oh, no thank you”, Reigh shook her head at the offer of food, going straight for the cup instead. The smell of coffee had never managed to make her happier than it did now.

“Are you sure dear? Mister Hapanis has so few guests over, I hardly ever get to go offer anything to anyone. If you don’t eat them I’ll just have to devour them all by myself again.”

Again the woman shoved the bowl into Reigh’s face, and this time her pleading expression incited enough sympathy to force Reigh into accepting. Misses Wilkinson smiled warmly, stuffing a cookie in her own mouth as well before grabbing two for later.

“If you need anything else I’ll be in the kitchen, love. Just holler.”

The woman waved over her shoulder as she waddled off, the second cookie already disappearing between her lips.

Reigh was surprised to see such an old and sweet lady still working. She had to be at least 80 judging by the white hair and the laughter lines that were embedded deeply into her face. Shouldn’t she be enjoying a long and happy retirement by now, basking in the company of adorable grandchildren, rather than Aides's?

At the thought of Aides, Reigh could feel a cold nervousness manifesting itself in her bones. Absentmindedly she sipped at her coffee.

She couldn't deny the pang of guilt she felt at him getting hurt.

Granted, it hadn’t been her who’d shot the gun, but she had been the reason it was drawn in the first place. None of tonight's drama would have gone down without her. Aides had just had the bad luck of standing between a coke-crazed lunatic and his prey.

Reigh sighed aloud to no one but herself, her fingers toying with the small black stone that hung from her necklace. Even with the fireplace in front of her she felt cold. Above her she could see the treetops and the stars twinkle through an enormous sky light, reminding her of the dangers that would soon be lurking outside at every corner.

If she was going to be completely honest with herself, she’d known beforehand that things were likely going to end like this.

The chances of Thomas actually letting her go had been infinitely small from the very beginning. He just couldn’t risk it. There was a lot more to the Picard family than what was visible to the public, and as the - ex - fiancée of Thomas it had been impossible for her not to pick up on some of their less-than-legal activities.

She simply knew too much. Thomas would have accepted her as his wife, but now that she was a risk to everything he’d built he no doubt wanted her dead.

“Miss Harlow?”

A low humming voice reached her from somewhere behind, pulling her from her thoughts and almost causing her to spill her coffee. A little startled she looked over her shoulder.

Aides stood in the archway of the living room, one hand casually tucked into the pockets of his grey sweatpants while the other hung low at his side. A black t-shirt clung so tightly to his chest that it left little to the imagination.

“Maria is ready for you now, if you’d like a quick check up. And after that I’d like a moment to speak to you about Paul.”

There was an awkward silence between the two of them for a second, and Reigh would have been lying if she said she didn't have to fight to keep a blush from showing.

Seeing Aides Hasapis in a suit was one thing, but seeing him dressed in loungewear... Now that was a treat in its own right.

She probably ought to stop gawking at his arms, though.

“Right. Uhm-” she stuttered, diverting her attention to her hands for a second to clear her mind from an image it clung to just a bit too desperately, “I’m fine. We can talk now if you’d like.”

The second the words had left her mouth she realized she was probably expected to address him with boss or sir or something, but if Aides did mind he didn’t make it known. His eyes took her in with the same calm indifference they always seemed to hold.

“Are you sure?", he questioned. "I saw that man fly into you. He grasped your pretty hard. You won’t have to pay for anything, of course, seeing as this happened inside the club.”

Money hadn’t even been a concern of hers, but now that he mentioned it she was pretty certain her contract hadn’t made any mention of health insurance. Still, she didn’t need a check up. The only thing Paul had grasped ‘pretty hard’ was her boob, and she’d die before she’d whip that out for the doctor to inspect.

Aides face stood expectant, waiting for a more honest response. When none came his lips drew into a tight line.

“Very well, then. Follow me to my office please.”