
Chapter21: The Guild Master's Gifts

Inside the Guild, I'm standing in front of Diana-san. Many eyes are watching both of us which makes me feel really uncomfortable.

[ s-so... how did you spend your money...? ] asked Diana-san.

Diana-san is clearly feeling nervous and scared, and I know the reason why.

It turns out I got famous in just one day after what happened yesterday. And now I'm the talk in the Guild. Other adventurers are now inviting me to join their parties and there are even others who are trying to pay me to join them.

and that's because Diana-san told the other receptionists about how I hunted the monsters yesterday so easily and so efficiently, and now, those receptionist also spread those informations which now made me famous.

I turn around again.

Yep, those eyes are definitely dangerous.

It's a good thing I didn't tell her about Alice's knowledge of all the monsters near this city.

[ I'm-I'm so sorry! ] Diana-san didn't try to hide her guilt anymore and apologized to us.

[ no, no, I know that it's just your job. I won't get angry. ]

[ yes... but now your life is in danger... even Alice-chan's. ] Diana-san said as she turned her head down.

[ haah... that's okay, I don't think anyone will try to threaten us, considering we have Katherine-san's protection. ]

[ oh... if it's about Katherine-san... she will not be back for at least a month... ] a month? just what kind of job Katherine-san has?

[ I wanted to thank her for what she did for me... looks like I need to wait again... ] I would not be able to become an adventurer if Katherine-san didn't use her authority to the Guild.

[ where are them by the way? ]

[ them? ]

[ I mean Yugo-san and Katherine-san? ]

[ oh... well, after they just finish their mission at the Guild, they immediately got called by the Loyal Knights and got hired by them, Katherine-san might have already left the knights but she always getting hired by them since she becomes an Adventurer, that also includes Yugo-san. ] wow... to get hired by the Loyal Knight...

I remember Katherine-san saying that she was from a famous family of Loyal Knights, I guess maybe that's also one of the reasons she got hired.

[ well... I guess I just need to wait for her again... can you give me something easy to hunt again? I honestly can't read anything... ]

[ yes, I already noticed, and I already prepared something for you, and I also have to give you something from the Guild Master. ] Diana-san said as she took out something below the table.

[ okay, first, the Guild master said that I should give you this. ] what was in front of me is a small golden pouch.

[ what is this? ]

[ It's a Portable Item storage. Adventurers use them to store their Items, weapons, and it's most useful for storing the bodies of the monsters you hunt. ] this is!?

[ and this one is also special, it can store hundreds of those Earth Board you hunted yesterday, and only Katherine-san, and now you have this kind of Item box. ]

[ what!? why is the Guild Master giving this to me then? ] If this is such an important item, then why is he giving it to me? I haven't even met him yet... and I also haven't done anything that will attract his attention...

[ Yuki-kun! please lower your voice...! if someone hears about this, they will surely try to steal it from you... worst... they might even try to kill you. ] Diana-san whispered to my ears. Her face is really close and I can feel her breath from my ears...

[ don't you think that this will put me in more danger...? ]

I can feel the Adventurers gazes behind me. I can sense their gazes even when they're behind me, it feels like they're stabbing my back with knives...

Diana-san then went back to her normal standing position and looked at the surroundings...

[ well, anyway... ] the second Diana-san said that, the adventurers gaze cooled down a little.

[ Katherine-san, requested it. It was supposed to be delivered to you yesterday but the Guild Master said that he will only consider giving it to you if you do well in your first task. ] what...? Katherine-san again?

Seriously? what did I do to her to receive all this kindness...

[ ...why do you think Diana-san gave this to me? ]

[ ... I don't know... hmm..., maybe because she likes you? Haruto-kun? ]

[ huh? please don't say that. that's like the last thing that could ever happen. ] there's no way that such a beautiful girl would ever like me.

[ well, maybe Katherine-san is just a really nice person. ]

[ yea... maybe... ] it's obvious that Diana-san is hesitating to agree...

I wonder what Katherine-san did to make the Adventurers so afraid of her?

[ well, anyway, here's the other one the Guild Master ordered me to give you. ] Alice gave me a large scroll.

[ what is this? and what am I suppose to do with it? ] is this one of those scrolls that gives magic to anyone who opens them?

[ I don't know why the Guild Master wrote it in such a thick paper... but that's actually a letter... and the Guild Master also said that you're supposed to only open it when you're alone. ] this is a letter? what could be written inside for him to write it in such a thick piece of paper? and why should I open it only when I'm alone?

[ well, I guess I'll read it when I'm back to the Inn. ]

[ well... that's about it. oh! I almost forgot! here's the task the Guild Master said I should give you. It's about hunting Iron Golems... well, I guess this one's kinda hard because their armor is thick, normal Iron swords only brokes when it hits them and some magic also can't damage them. Also, this task needs you to collect their bodies, they're made of metal so they're really heavy, but you already have that pouch, so I think it will be easy for you to collect them. ]

[ how about the reward? ] It must be really big because their bodies are made of metal.

[ The Guild will pay you for collecting their bodies, and there's also the payment for killing them. The price for their bodies is based on how pure and heavy the Iron in their bodies are. So you're really lucky if you get a big one. ]

[ hmm... I think I'll take it. ] I might need Alice's help again.

[ but are you really sure...? ]

[ umm... yes? ]

[ haah... then here. ] Diana-san then gave me a paper

[ what is this? ]

[ it's important, so please keep it with you when you go to that village. ] I can't actually read it, I wonder what is this for...

I decided to just keep it inside my bag.

I might get a large amount of money for this task. I just wish the Guild Master doesn't have any hidden motives behind all of this...